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Posts posted by Vshrimp

  1. Update on this, they are pretty much 3/4 the size of the adults now and still seem to be keeping the orange eyes. I finally got a decentish picture of one of them today as it was getting ready to molt, you can see that where his tail and abdomen meet there is a clear ring, all of the others have this as well but all the rest of the white stayed white. Now I have a generation of some that are about a month and a half old that all have white eyes.. the one  with all white tail I call  mime because he has a white smilie face and white eyes.
    Just looks like a BKK. No OE. Again OE shrimp has no white and yours has white on them.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

  2. If I am not mistaking. Many females will get a back-stripe. My Aura Blue females have them. However; the males do not. It is possible for you to breed them with the "racing stripe". I do not know how this works. Or the genetics of it. The way yours look on that female. It could pass onto other Shrimp including males. If so, You could try making a fishbone pattern.
    Hope to have given you some insight.
    Yes AB females will have a racing stripe but that doesn't always apply to other female caridinas.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

    I think I’ll either cross with BKK Stripe or WRKK Panda, although I have a ton of SS Grade Blue Bolt Mosura, wonder how that would turn out...
    You'll get taitibees and some pintos. Steels are harder to get when you mix too many genes together. Easiest way to get them is to breed (TTxTB)xTB. Mixing too many genes from crystals, TB, and TT/AB will complicate things and take longer to get.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

  4. I have a question .
    I get taiwans pintos , total 14 shrimps, and put them in one tank for start.
    I add 4 female crs , to get some f1 hybrids.
    My crs never throw cbs, i have them years.
    I dont know if i done any mistake on choosing female crs. [emoji4]
    I have 2 of them berried now.
    i read somewhere that they throw black crs hybrids?
    What are your result in f1 hybrids?
    How else can i know that those are hybrids and no crs?
    More tranpsarent?
    Will get a mix of taitibee and some pintos

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

  5. let me start by saying I am very new to the shrimp hobby and have had very small success with breeding shrimp. but I work at a local fish store, and a lady came in today looking to donate 6 gallon size zip lock bags of java moss. she said it was just half of what she had and she needed to get rid of it because it was growing too fast. she also commented on how fast her shrimp were breeding. she told me she had green jades, blue dreams, cherries, yellows and oranges in different "grades"  all breeding in the same 90 gallon tank with gold fish. I asked her what the babies look like (assuming they would be cross breeding and breeding out the color) and she told me they were breeding pure and she has around 5000 total shrimp. I asked her how long she had been breeding that group and she said that the tank has only been set up for about a year, and she started with 4 shrimp. I immediately asked her what she was doing special with her tank to make her shrimp breed that quickly, but she refused to tell me, saying it was a secret. All i could get out of her is that she uses a human grade water filter that has carbon ceramic and silver to ionize the water. do you guys think shes full of it? or is there some magic way to get shrimp to reproduce that quickly that I haven't caught on to yet.
    I don't believe it. Gold fish would decimate all the shrimps

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

  6. I'm planning on crossing Wild-type tiger (like Super Tiger but not as large) with Red Tiger. 


    I would expect that the Black and Red genes are on the same allele, with Black being dominant over red. So it should work like this;


    Expression - Black Striped x Red Striped

    Genes - Black/Black x red/red


    Offspring should be;

    50% Black/red - expressing as Black Striped

    50% red/Black - expressing as Black Striped


    Then one of those back to Red parents;


    Black/red x red/red


    Giving offspring;

    50% Black/red - expressing as Black Striped

    50% red/red - expressing as Red Striped. 


    The same works for Orange eye, which is recessive. So Orange eye would be present but hidden in all of the first cross. depends what you do next on the cross back.


    Now... what about Blue..... how does blue work? Is it the flesh or the shell that is affected? I don't know this answer.   I am expecting blue is recessive and that it is probably 2 or 3 genes combined producing different shades of blue.


    Anyone got thoughts?


    I agree with you on the OE as my cross of F1 (TTxRBT) x RBT off springs appeared to have OE. Some have normal eyes but most have OE. Now for color. I'm getting OE clear shrimplets, OE blue shrimplets, and blue shrimplets. Don't have any pics of them yet cause they're pretty small and newborns. Pertaining to colors on the blue shrimplets. They are more translucent than opaque like OEBT. My guess is shrimps with OE tend to not have opaque colors or and no whites as you can see on others variants of OE shrimps that are popping up in the market.


    On the color of stripes. If it follows the same laws as the Mendel's Law of inheritance then yes. From my experience with my own breeding projects it never works out that way.


    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk




  7. Is it proven that orange eyes literally can't have white on them, or just speculated? Because these little ones all are showing orange eyes and every single one has white stripes so far. There's even a few that look like they will be snow whites with orange eyes. =/
    Shrimps with OE can not have opaque whites. If you look at all OE shrimps including tigers with OE they are all translucent. None have white on them. Breeding for OE comes with the draw backs of the "ghost" coloring.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

  8. That's definitely one of the better threads I've read in regards to cross breeding. I'd personally say take the advice in that thread, then maybe do some crosses that other people wouldn't normally do. Me personally, I bought shrimp off of 6 different respected breeders then started messing around with them. My first real "breeding project" ended up with orange eye black king kongs by accident. 
    Could always just buy a 10 pack of all of your favorite types of shrimp, throw them in a tank together then pull out the babies you like and selective breed all your favorites. I'll probably catch heat for saying that, but why not experiment..? You can always cull out tanks and separate them if you end up with the monkey/frog hybrids like in the movie beerfest lol..
    Problem with this is....theres too many variables since your mixing more than 2 shrimps. You might make a desirable shrimp randomly but can you make more? The reasons why the big breeders are who they are is because they understand how genetics works and understand proper breeding techniques.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

  9. Wow! Those are amazing! So are they blue bolts x red wines? Or what? How hard are they to keep alive and breed? They look like they might be pretty fragile 
    No. Just like what Det said. They are a byproduct of wine reds. Think of it as a mutation that happens randomly when you selective breed wine reds. The care is the same as any Taiwan bee.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

  10. Using a specific type of tiger will yield different offsprings later on in the project. For instance using TT/AB, which are both Caridina Serrata, will give you fishbones and steelheads in later generations if crossed correctly. It really all depends on your goal in what you are trying to achieve. 


    Now with tiger x tiger hybrids. That something a few ppl has done but you never hear what they crossed them with afterwards. I myself have crossed TTxRBT and offsprings came out looking like wild tigers but a bit greenish orange probably due to the TT color. 




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