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Posts posted by Vshrimp

  1. a while back I mixed some red pintos with my most red taitibee and I got a lot of different patterns including some f1 red steel. The first pic is f1 red steel. The second pic is the best looking one I have at the moment. I recently got some babies that look like they have potential. The last 2 pics shows what all came from the crossing









    I was thinking about using one of the red bolt taitibee that i breed from your red pintos to cross back to see what can come out of the mix. I'm assuming the out come will be similar. BTW nice shrimps :)


  2. Awesome blues.
    I did the same 2 years ago. TT with RB coming from WR. No any luck even in F3 .I crossed F1  tangtais female with male RB the same with F2  tangtais.
    End of last year i did some changes. i crossed F2 and F3 female  tangtais with  RB  BUT coming from German red pintos instead of WR.  Got F4  2 months ago. Color variation of the of springs is enormous . Red fancy,black fancy all kind of ghosts, blue bolts with very nice smooth deep color, red and black like a zebra pinto but only 2-3 very tiny  white stripes next to the tail. Shrimplets are around 1/4" . Will try to take some pictures this weekend. Hopefully will find time to do it.

    Your F4's sound just about right with what I'm getting currently. Everything you got except I'm getting jelly colored zebra pintos. May possibly turn black later since we all know they don't stay that color long.


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