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Posts posted by Vshrimp

  1. Stardust imo grows slower than pinto and is much smaller. With pinto I've notice if grown in med-hi light will throw out white leaves vs low light. As the leaves age the white leaves tend to fade away turning green. Some with specks of white and some full green. Heres a pic of my pinto.


    Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

  2. Well, pfr or BM, it sure looks like you did a nice job with your breeding! :)

    Yeah. I think with breeding BM theres still a very little understanding of whats a BM vs PFR even though they have been around a few years now. Even when breeding the darker ones all they throw out are all BMs. All shrimplets grow up with that jelly red colored.

    When i had FRs I compared the reds to the BM and theres little gold specks to their shell vs BM. Oh. Below is a pic of my FR shrimp and btw thanks :D


  3. No these are BMs that i breed myself and i understand where your coming from seeing that they look like PFRs. As always I get the usual BMs that you see but as they grow older they tend to change colors to that dark blood look. Not all my BM do this as some will stay that transparent red color. When i first started out i started out with dark BMs from Bluecrown. Which were pretty nice. From there Ive been line breeding them little more than a year.


  4. Beautiful BM! Especially your project stock.

    Thanks. Its going to be a long project trying to get these shrimps to breed true. What im surprise is there isnt really a grading scale on BM like how there is for PFR/FR/sakura
  5. I've heard and been told 2 different things about red bolts. From 2 ppl that ive talked to they said they used a SW/golden x red tb. One of them being Shrimpscales which these are his RB:



    The other person being Sean Litrakis. He says RB/uncolored bolts occur in a specialized tb tank over time. All red tb or BB only tanks with some SW looking shrimps that will only produce only TB and no mischlings. Heres a pics of his bolt shrimps:


    Heres one which he calls RB


    All the so call "RB" from sources that I've talked to look different in a way. I honestly dont even know what to call them.

  6. i only asked for 5 bloody mary, when i paid him he said he put 2 extra. i am pretty naive for a 56 yr old. just assumed he meant 2 extra BM.

    got home and realized they looked kinda clear compared to the rest, then checked his ad and saw the "blue pearl" listed.

    they look sweet. just wasn't planning another tank and want to keep just the BM in the one.

    I would had assumed the same thing that they were BM. It would had been nice if he wpuld had said he gave u blue pearls
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