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  1. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from svetilda in A shout out to our shrimp brothers across the pond.   
    Last night I ordered a Dennerle Scapers Flow filter for my new ADA tank from Pro Shrimp in the UK and spaced out about different voltage and plug. Sebastian from Pro Shrimp emailed back to inform me the filter will not work in the US. He was more than glad to cancel my order and let me know he contacted Dennerle to see if this issue can be remedied. I think its great that someone who is 4000+ miles away would take the time and help another person out . Even though I am disappointed about canceling my order I was very pleased with Sebastian from Pro Shrimp.
    You shrimpers across the pond are fortunate to have a company like Pro Shrimp.   
  2. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from Aennedry in Best filter for shrimp?   
    I use these over my intake on my eheims. I squeeze the sponges out in a bucket of tank water once every two weeks.
  3. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from Kikojaharo in Xmas roak- Free Taiwan bees   
    I dont mind adding my name 15 more times
  4. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from Fishprinceofca in Xmas roak- Free Taiwan bees   
    I dont mind adding my name 15 more times
  5. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from Duff0712 in Xmas roak- Free Taiwan bees   
    I dont mind adding my name 15 more times
  6. Like
    Vpier reacted to mayphly in Mayphly's Pinto Journal   
    Taitibee second generation

  7. Like
    Vpier reacted to mayphly in Blue Crown Christmas Germany Shipment Pre-Order!!   
    they do good in caridina parameters
  8. Like
    Vpier reacted to Rivergardennursery in River Garden Nursery new Display and Rack Setup   
    Update time..... Since I started my tank rack, and got everything all set, I now have a new job and had to move to Indianapolis. I am streamlining my Koi and Goldfish, and starting my shrimp tanks over. Here are a few pics of Tank number one in Indianapolis

  9. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from Rivergardennursery in River Garden Nursery new Display and Rack Setup   
    I hope I don't come across as knowing more than you but be cautious about drilling tanks more than 15 gallons. No matter how expensive of a bit you use, it cause's micro fractures (not visible to the eye) in the glass and with pressure of the water it can cause the tank to leak down the road.  I have been in the fish business and hobby for 39 years and have seen so many drilled tanks eventually leak were its been drilled.  Now acrylic tanks wont fracture.
    By the way, nice setup.
  10. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from Rivergardennursery in River Garden Nursery new Display and Rack Setup   
    Never mind of my post. I just realized you are not drilling the bottoms of the tanks.
  11. Like
    Vpier reacted to Shrimp lady in Please see this amazing picture album...   
    Type in a Google as I can't find the direct link and is posted on this board www.aquapetz.com 
    Its titled;       "biggest pet shop of the world with Chris Lukhaup"
    You will see, aquapetz.com/viewtopic.php
    just below this search result. This place is located in Duisburg, Germany
    It's a long and very amazing photo gallery with all sorts of aquatics including very cool Sulawesi shrimps and amazing close-ups of Rabbit snails that look like prehistoric elephants!
    Lots of other pics as well including an outdoor sancuary for Monkey's birds and other critter-like things!
  12. Like
    Vpier reacted to airriick in EzShrimpin   
    Just a tiny review I'd like to keep in my journal.
    OK! I got some shrimp from Joe during the black Friday sale..
    This is my first time ordering from him..
    The feels: I was pretty excited about this order. One of the more expensive ones.
    Communications was OK.. Replies within 1-24 hours.
    Was a bit skeptical about paying through Venmo, but I still received my package.
    Packaging was pretty impressive.

    Survived the wrath of my 1 year old daughter. Heh
    2 Red belly pinto
    6 Black belly pinto
    4 Black zebra pinto

    So this was in the box also.. But I dont know what it is since its not labeled. I'm assuming it's shrimp food. (Free)

    I would rate this a 7
    The packing was good everything arrived alive. I'm not sure if there is a grading for pintos yet but I'm assuming some of these are lower grade.. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. The zebras lines are not very clear and separated.. One of them looks like a hino tb lol.. The belly pintos.. Half look like spotted heads and half have the belly pinto mark. This was the best deal I have found on pinto shrimp.. So hopefully the babies will have better genes.
    Would I buy it again? If it's around the same price range. I would stop by next time though (1.5 hr drive)
    Will post more pictures later, they're still acclimating.
    Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
  13. Like
    Vpier reacted to airriick in EzShrimpin   
    Small update.
    Ive been losing 2-3 TB in my main tank.. so ive decided to pick some of my favorites and move them to my fluval.
    Some blue jelly bkk/panda. Regular bkk/pandas. One rkk dragon and hino

    Probably the darkest dragon i have!

    Waiting for aquatop to get in their 7gallon so I can divide everything up.
    Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk
  14. Like
    Vpier reacted to Wygglz in new USA based Shrimps and Plants Auction Group on Facebook   
    I'll be right there with you.
  15. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from Wygglz in new USA based Shrimps and Plants Auction Group on Facebook   
    I hate facebook. I'm probably missing some nice shrimp but I will just stick with doing business with the members and sponsors on this site
  16. Like
    Vpier reacted to Wygglz in new USA based Shrimps and Plants Auction Group on Facebook   
    I learned when I worked overseas for a time how facebook can be used and why to avoid it. But it is a bit frustrating at times since many young businesses have gone to using it.
  17. Like
    Vpier reacted to DETAquarium in Shrimp Macro Photography   
    First DSLR Macro Shot with the 100mm F2.8 Lens. I know I need to work on lighting, but this was free hand, no tripod.
    Tell me what you think.

  18. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from h4n in Is Guava and Mulberry leaves poisonous to humans?   
    Its been over an hour and Im not dead or sick . I read about guava and good to hear about mulberry. I love the smell of guava leaves and the tea tasted like the smell.
  19. Like
    Vpier reacted to EricM in Decent price on Amazonia Soil   
    its a great topic!!  
    I agree in part about everybody saw the price of shrimp and lots of farms popped up. Same thing is happening in the USA now, more and more importers, more and more sellers. Nic for sure got out at the right time, but he also partly started the undercutting. Nicky was the first large scale successful seller (we all know what happened there), then Nic took over and had the run of the market for a while till other importers started and thus began the QUICK slide down of the prices. BKK went from $150 - $20 within a year!
    Since getting back from my Taiwan Breeder visit and seeing the prices the big farms offer, it cant be touched by any USA breeders. We (USA) have no full time breeders doing it for a living.  Without giving away too much info... the largest name brand breeders source from basically the same few farms, and if those farms cant supply at that moment they call one of their friends farms.  The co-operation was eye opening.  
    MAP is "suggested" now, sorta enforced, but its a slippery slope. just like with shrimp/etc prices, sellers undercutting each other for a quick buck and in the long run hurts everybody when they cant make enough $ to stay in business with minimal markup, then want cheaper from their supplier.... .snowball.
    one of the biggest reasons why USA doesnt many of these high end nice shrimp is because prices dropped so fast, importers cant afford to get the nice shrimp, usa buyers wont pay what they are really worth.  I keep going back to my example about japanese shrimp buyers.  A recent single PRL from Crimson Japan went for like $1800+.  
    great topic. hope we can keep chatting about it. 
  20. Like
    Vpier reacted to Lyana in Decent price on Amazonia Soil   
    So I'm thinking of restarting my prl tank because I'm having too much problems with it and I'm thinking of doing Amazonia (in a new 20 gallon) and moving them over because I'm not sure about controsoil anymore haha.
    So it this a decent price?
  21. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from Lyana in Decent price on Amazonia Soil   
    I use to be the third largest paintball dealer on the internet. There was one paintball gun manufacture that tried to enforce MAP pricing. The largest dealer went to court over this and won. Judge had declared it was a form of price fixing. That was 15 years ago.  Not sure how the courts view it now.  Number two dealer wanted to be number one so they offered me a deal I couldn't refuse.  Fastest way to hate what you love is making it into a business.
  22. Like
    Vpier reacted to dr0p in Is Guava and Mulberry leaves poisonous to humans?   
    Mulberry leaf tea has powerful antioxidant properties and has been found to lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and reduce inflammation.
    Guava leaf tea also has many great health benefits similar to Mulberry.
    I drink teas with both often - You should be just fine  
  23. Like
    Vpier reacted to ctaylor3737 in Heater vs No Heater & Air Pump Questions   
    Sponge filters on a central air line.
  24. Like
    Vpier reacted to shrimpytrade in Shrimps & their Trace Elements Requirement   
    True Viper, I also accept your point of view that in the small niche only there are some many product range that it makes a user more confused. What I feel, that normal fish keeping market is saturated and hobbyist are looking for newer things, that is one of the prime reason you can see so many old manufacturers and new manufacturer are coming into this shrimp keeping market sensing business opportunity and noticeable growth opportunity. 

    Regarding what I follow - I still do things same old school way and the generally don't try out multiple products at a same time.
    For example if one of my tank is running through SL Aqua way, I dont mix any other product in that. And if one tank is running on mosura I keep just mosura products there.

  25. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from Wygglz in Shrimps & their Trace Elements Requirement   
    Are there products, foods, techniques, methods, tips on how we can get these elements to our shrimp without negatively affecting water quality and shrimp health. Way to many products on the market all claiming to to be the cure all and all these products are expensive.  I have been keeping fish for almost 40 years never seen so many different foods and products flooding a market for such a small niche.
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