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    Vpier got a reaction from Louie in Heater vs No Heater & Air Pump Questions   
    Its hard to describe how much flow. For me its observing the current in the tank and how the shrimp react. Some tanks can have more flow than others depending on what you have as in rocks, wood and plants that will give shrimp calmer areas and places to get out of the current.  In my tanks the flow is pretty good but my tanks are heavily planted and have big pieces of wood.
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    Vpier got a reaction from Wygglz in Shrimps & their Trace Elements Requirement   
    Are there products, foods, techniques, methods, tips on how we can get these elements to our shrimp without negatively affecting water quality and shrimp health. Way to many products on the market all claiming to to be the cure all and all these products are expensive.  I have been keeping fish for almost 40 years never seen so many different foods and products flooding a market for such a small niche.
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    Vpier got a reaction from Aennedry in Best filter for shrimp?   
    I use these over my intake on my eheims. I squeeze the sponges out in a bucket of tank water once every two weeks.
  4. Like
    Vpier reacted to shrimpytrade in Shrimps & their Trace Elements Requirement   
    Hi All,

    Have prepared a small write up regarding the requirement of trace elements for shrimps.

    Ulli Bauer have helped me a lot in finalizing it.

    Please go through the document once you have time.

    If any one have any valid points to add please let me know, I will add it into the document and acknowledgment will be given to you.

  5. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from BigXor in Best filter for shrimp?   
    I use these over my intake on my eheims. I squeeze the sponges out in a bucket of tank water once every two weeks.
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    Vpier reacted to etcamire04 in Fluval edge diy led upgrade   
    I just got a fabulous fluval edge for the big price of 0$ (some ladie having no more time and getting rid of it) so I'm planning a new tank.
    First thing I need to fix the lighting since the stock led is almost dead because of the humidity entering it (not a big loss).
    So I'm actually thinking about doing my own led setup. But, I know about nothing in this and I'm getting lost in the various topics.
    Any advice from person doing led in the past.
    For the moment, I'm not really planning to put difficult plant in there. Future population might be some wine Red or another Bee shrimp. I'll put ada amazonia in there.
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    Vpier reacted to EricM in Twinstar Shrimp 50   
    nope I dont sell them but they are priced nice on ebay.
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    Vpier got a reaction from EricM in Twinstar Shrimp 50   
    I bought the Chihiros version and been using it in my fish only tank for the past few days. So far the only thing I have noticed is the fish almost dying due to lack of oxygen and Im guessing that was the cause. I added more air to the tank and my fish started improving within 10-15 minutes. Have enough air when using it.
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    Vpier reacted to SoBlue98 in Fish less Cycle Problem   
    Haha I think if I got feeder guppies they may turn into fish food once they are done eating the worms due to my Dempsey tank

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    Vpier got a reaction from gillznglass in Fish less Cycle Problem   
    I still have those guppies but the few have turned into 100+.
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    Vpier reacted to Shrimp Life in High Grade RCS or Bloody Mary Neos? Breed more true? Better looking?   
    holy nice pfr!!! 
  12. Like
    Vpier reacted to Shrimpscales in Xmas roak- Free Taiwan bees   
    I decided to do a Christmas roak to thank everyone on The Shrimp Spot for all your support. This should be a good one. The winner will receive 12 Taiwan bee shrimp shipped for free USPS express with a heat pack to anywhere in the lower 48 states. I will send a mix including at least 2 wine reds, 2 shadow pandas, 2 blue bolts, 2 black pandas and 4 more of my choice. The winner may also choose a portion of moss to be sent with them. I have red moss, pellia, weeping moss, mini fissidens, or flame moss. I will also be adding a starter portion of bucephalandra or anubias stardust. The roak will end Sunday 12-13-15 at 6pm. Shipping will be Monday 12-14-16. Just start a list and I will choose the number with a random number generator. Good luck!
    If we make it to 100 entries I will give away two pinto shrimp as my picks!
    Because of mail delays I have decided to upgrade shipping to USPS Express.
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    Vpier got a reaction from h4n in double speed?   
    thanks Han
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    Vpier reacted to h4n in double speed?   
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    Vpier got a reaction from colorfan in lets talk air pumps   
    I dont know whats going on. I use to order $150+ a month in food and never had a problem. When you do get a hold of ken he acts like its not a big deal and doesn't even apologize for delays or not getting back in a timely manner. I use to love kens. I think after all these years he's still a one man show or doesnt have enough employees. But like I said its his lack of concern is what is troubling me.
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    Vpier got a reaction from Aennedry in Opae Ula tank   
    Dont you hate it when that happens.
  17. Like
    Vpier reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Amazing Tank!   
    Sand waterfall.  Basically uses a jet lift.
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    Vpier got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Amazing Tank!   
    I dont know but I have seen something like this diving on the other side of reef surrounding an island.
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    Vpier reacted to mayphly in Aura Pinto   
    I'm super excited to share with you guys some info about my latest project. I have managed to cross some of my nicest female aura bee with my German red pintos (from Germany) a few months back. I now have two batches of babies from two different females.
    The female aura carries the fishbone pattern. However, I don't see it in any of the offspring yet. I do see zebra and spotheads which are showing up in f1. It also appears that one set of babies shows blue as dominent and the other set of babies shows red. I can't wait to see where this project goes. So far there have been 3 batches of babies born since 8/21/15

  20. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from dhenry7711 in Eheim Suction Cups   
    I cut my intake pipes to the length I need it at. The curve of the pipe sittting on the rim is what holds it vertically and the suctions cups prevents from moving side to side.  I noticed on your vids, the intake pipes stick up above your tank. If you cut the pipe you can have it sitting flush plus you will get a little bit more flow because the decreased height will have less head pressure. I use a pvc pipe cutter and they are a few bucks at home depot.
  21. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from DETAquarium in Eheim Suction Cups   
    I cut my intake pipes to the length I need it at. The curve of the pipe sittting on the rim is what holds it vertically and the suctions cups prevents from moving side to side.  I noticed on your vids, the intake pipes stick up above your tank. If you cut the pipe you can have it sitting flush plus you will get a little bit more flow because the decreased height will have less head pressure. I use a pvc pipe cutter and they are a few bucks at home depot.
  22. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from Shrimple minded in Eheim Suction Cups   
    I cut my intake pipes to the length I need it at. The curve of the pipe sittting on the rim is what holds it vertically and the suctions cups prevents from moving side to side.  I noticed on your vids, the intake pipes stick up above your tank. If you cut the pipe you can have it sitting flush plus you will get a little bit more flow because the decreased height will have less head pressure. I use a pvc pipe cutter and they are a few bucks at home depot.
  23. Like
    Vpier reacted to mayphly in Mayphly's Pinto Journal   
    As of today I have spotted 5 pintos in my taitibee tank. I have 4 black ones all showing zebra (keyboard) patterns and one red one with keyboard pattern. I'm thinking there maybe belly and spothead patterns but since they're so small it's hard to confirm weather or not they are pinto yet.

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    Vpier reacted to mayphly in Mayphly's Pinto Journal   
    Directions: use small amount several times a day to increase growth rate.
    Those are the directions. I'm terrible at following directions! I feed a tiny amount once a day to this tank only because there is a ton of shrimp in there and I know it'll all be consumed in a matter of minutes.
  25. Like
    Vpier reacted to Louie in UGH The Coepods!   
    Wow that is a nice price for a system that works and you're happy with .
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