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    Vpier reacted to Aquarium Creation in Excited to be here!   
    Hi shrimp spot,
    I wanted to introduce myself and my company, Aquarium Creation!
    My name is Jose, I've been into shrimp keeping for better part of my life now. Like most, I started with red cherry shrimp in planted tanks and that quickly turned into more delicate shrimp, and from there its been a slippery slope. We're based out of Southern California and I officially opened(online only) in June of this year. We carry a variety of shrimp foods, accessories, rare plants, rimless tanks and other items.
    We haven't setup a sponsor section yet, but hopefully that will happen soon. In the meantime I'm looking forward to talking to you all, and if you're attending the Aquatic Experience Shrimp Competition it would be great to meet some fellow shrimpers out there too!
    If you're on social media check us out and send us a message!
    Reddit - our reddit snoo http://imgur.com/a/ROkTm
    Enough of my rambling and on to some shrimpy shrimp pictures!


  2. Like
    Vpier reacted to Tannin Aquatics in On deaf ears,,,?   
    It happened again...
    I was chatting with a brand spankin’ new aquarist at a couple of days ago on a random fish forum...I mean- brand new, “untainted-by-the-message-boards-and-super-trendy-fish-gossip” new. Like, “didn’t-have-any-opinion-on-which-LED-lighting-system-is-the-best-new”... 

    Yeah. That new.
    And I’m being generous when I use “aquarist” to describer her, ‘cause she wasn’t!
    She was asking me for some advice on what botanicals and fish she should be keeping in her new tank. Uh-oh...advice. That made me think a bit...Well, a lot, actually. In my hobby and professional career, I have given lots of advice to new hobbyist as many of you have, I'm sure,…
    But not to someone this new and well- "detached", I guess you could call it.. 
    I mean, what a responsibility! She had absolutely no clue on a lot of stuff, not a single clue. Never kept fish before. She just wanted a great-looking tank and kind of thought it was like throwing together a scrapbook: You just toss a few things together and it’s ready to impress everyone. (click to read more)
  3. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from fernselvis in Caridina sulawesi var. bandit for sale   
    Yes. I bookmarked this page and will try to remember to give updates on my progress.  Got a mixture of mature and young shrimp but I did receive two berried females and hopefully the shipping didnt stress them to point of dropping the eggs.
  4. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from Mr. F in Caridina sulawesi var. bandit for sale   
    Just received my batch and they look much better in person. I will continue this line and hopefully have some for sale in the next 6-8 months.
  5. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from TheGardenofEder in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
  6. Like
    Vpier reacted to zodiac in 15+ Snowball   
    ● Item: 15 Snowball shrimp (i'll add a few extra)
    ● Closing Date/Time: Friday 9/23/2016 7PM ET/4PM PT
    ● Gender: mixed
    ● Size: mixed
    ● Parameters: GH 8 KH 4
    ● Starting Bid: $1.00
    ● Minimum Bid Increment: $1.00
    ● Shipping: $10.00
    ● DOA Policy: contact me if they arrive dead.
    Ships Monday after end of auction.

  7. Like
    Vpier reacted to Soothing Shrimp in 15+ Snowball   
  8. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from ShrimpP in Caridina sulawesi var. bandit for sale   
    Just received my batch and they look much better in person. I will continue this line and hopefully have some for sale in the next 6-8 months.
  9. Like
    Vpier reacted to CJones in Caridina sulawesi var. bandit for sale   
    Sounds promising!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from ShrimpP in Caridina sulawesi var. bandit for sale   
    Yes. I bookmarked this page and will try to remember to give updates on my progress.  Got a mixture of mature and young shrimp but I did receive two berried females and hopefully the shipping didnt stress them to point of dropping the eggs.
  11. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from svetilda in Caridina sulawesi var. bandit for sale   
    Just received my batch and they look much better in person. I will continue this line and hopefully have some for sale in the next 6-8 months.
  12. Like
    Vpier reacted to TheGardenofEder in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    What an honor

  13. Like
    Vpier reacted to EricM in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    Congrats Grant!!!! 
  14. Like
    Vpier reacted to TheGardenofEder in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    Added some plants to the blue bolts tank and the pinto tank.

  15. Like
    Vpier reacted to EricM in Should I Keep it or Return it?   
    I think you are asking how to keep PH stable without any KH correct?  this is where buffering soils like SL-Aqua Nature soil or similar options come into play. These soils help keep the PH stable without KH.
  16. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from CJones in Caridina sulawesi var. bandit for sale   
    Just received my batch and they look much better in person. I will continue this line and hopefully have some for sale in the next 6-8 months.
  17. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Caridina sulawesi var. bandit for sale   
    Just received my batch and they look much better in person. I will continue this line and hopefully have some for sale in the next 6-8 months.
  18. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from EricM in Caridina sulawesi var. bandit for sale   
    Just received my batch and they look much better in person. I will continue this line and hopefully have some for sale in the next 6-8 months.
  19. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from sarah in Repashy super green   
    I have tried using the product as directed and my snails and shrimps would not touch it.  I saw a post about shrimps skewers and bostoneric (aka www.DiscoBee.com) explained how you can use Rapashy to make these. Once I did that my shrimps and snails go crazy for it. The explanation is on page two.
     I use Morning Wood and after I dip the skewers and they harden up, I lay them on a cookie sheet with parchment paper and dry them out in my oven at 170 degrees. Takes about a half hour sometimes less depending on how thick it coats the skewer.

  20. Like
    Vpier reacted to plamski in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    WR No-Entry

  21. Like
    Vpier reacted to Euryth in API pH & High Range pH Testing?   
    I'm honestly not surprised lol, if it seems too good to be true that's because it usually is. I'll save these links and bookmark them so I'll be able to come back when I'm able to afford them. I'm trying to pace myself, as this hobby can become expensive very quickly lol. 
  22. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from Euryth in API pH & High Range pH Testing?   
    Hate to be the bearer of bad news but these cheap PH pens do not work well and can be very inconsistent. You will have to constantly test them, re-calibrate and store them properly in storage solution and even with all this they will still be inconsistent. I use the Hanna PH pens but they also run near the $100 range. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hanna-Instruments-pHep-5-pH-Temperature-Tester-/112110142050?hash=item1a1a490262:g:9tAAAOSwFc5XwLGN
  23. Like
    Vpier reacted to Euryth in API pH & High Range pH Testing?   
    @Greenteam thanks for the response! I just ordered a digital pH meter that should arrive by tomorrow so I can be a bit more confident in the readings I'm getting. 
    This is the meter I ended up going with: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01JOHTMEO/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. Hopefully I can expect good things from using it! 
  24. Like
    Vpier reacted to EricM in Should I Keep it or Return it?   
    BB dont require KH, 0-1 is where you want to be... GH+ is the right choice for Taiwan bees/caridina.
  25. Like
    Vpier got a reaction from TomCruise in CO2 and daily pH fluctuations/cycles   
    Ph swings happen in nature during the course of the day and this also happens in an aquarium with no CO2.
    Your KH is a little high for my taste and I am very familiar with water that comes from the mountains since I grew up in Boulder County. Caridina's a far more adaptable then most people make them out to be. The Germans successfully raise and bred Caridina in tap water that we here in the states  consider hard for bee shrimps.. If your shrimps are thriving and breeding then I wouldn't change anything. Keeping things consistent is key when it comes to keeping shrimps and fish.
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