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jledermann last won the day on October 31 2015

jledermann had the most liked content!

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  • Inverts You Keep
    Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimp, Red Cherry/Bloody Mary, Orange Eye Blue Tiger, Red Crystal Shrimp, 3 Spot Pinto, Taiwan Bee, Super Princess Bee Shrimp

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. you've got a lot going on here... first I see no mention of KH GH which are important. Are we talking tap or RO? are you reminerilzing? You're pH is too low for neos. .6 and .3 for your nitrate and ammonia, how are you testing to that resolution? What is you temperature in your tank? if you have crushed coral in your filter your gh and kh are probably through the roof.
  2. i also received infected bloody marys from him and it crashed my super princess bee tank. Fortunately it led me to meet a lot of cool people in my search to find a cure lol. They had that green parasite on the underside of their tail. It was nasty I got rid of the shrimp immediately
  3. I randomly "found a guy" many years ago and I was able to get them through him for a few consecutive years just by randomly emailing him. I'll try it again lol
  4. uhhhhhh I'm feeding it to them right now... HOPE NOT lol, I can tell you they're a lot more blue then a few days ago when I got them though
  5. Yea Vinn, check in with me in a few months a.d maybe we exchange. At least compare notes lol
  6. got the Auras today. Looking awesome, gave me 15 so it all ended up evening out, with the food, shipping and extras it really broke down to about $17 a shrimp which is actually pretty good! Excited to start this new project! I recommend the HTN Inverts organic food too! The shrimp seem to like it a lot! Buy those Aura Blues from Joe I'm sure you won't be disappointed
  7. You're correct the USA has all different water in different regions but just along the lines of that thought, think of how much different across the whole world would be. The flight definitely contributes but I really think it comes down to just water standards in different countries. But I don't study water chemistry, can't prove it if that's what you're looking for but its pretty well accepted. Ever go to another country and drink the tap water, what does it do to you?
  8. Vinn to answer your question. There is no difference in shrimp but a supposed difference in their tolerance. Who knows the exact water chemistry in a different continent so its always a concern of breeders when importing how they will acclimate to waters in your area. Since the shrimp were USA breed its always a plus for me knowing they have at least been bred in water from this continent lol. Never had a problem with any of Joe's shrimp either so for me its win win. I had talked to Joe and knew he was getting them soon as well so I was really excited at the opportunity to gain 2 different breeding stocks to start my own. That's usually my recipe to starting a succesful colony, get them from 2-3 different breeders to diversify the gene pool
  9. I won the auction, and got some from Joe, at $20 a piece from Joe and free shipping is a deal!! But as far as the auction goes its supply and demand my friend, for the last 6 months no one could get any unless you got some of the limited amount from blue crown for $40 a piece from germany. Had to jump on the opportunity, plus now I have some solid USA breed ones to mix with the imports to fortify my stock.
  10. I carved a foam background out and painted it with quick crete, it was really hard to get the ph of the water to go down since theres so much lime in quick crete and eventually the epoxy i used gave out and the background came off
  11. not sure how you'd classify the member shrimpscales, not familiar with his operation, but he has them in his stock list and I can tell you his shrimp are excellent quality!
  12. I'm heavily considering however your ph is a 5.3 mine is 6.4, that worries me a bit
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