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  1. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from gillznglass in Dogs   
    Unless you used some sort of anti tick or flea substance you should be fine just rinse your hands with clean warm water. But i repeat if you use ANY FLEA OR TICK KILLER THIS WILL SWIFTLY KILL YOUR SHRIMP. From personal experience 
  2. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from Jaykidding in WTB Black Panda Shrimp & Shadow Panda Shrimp   
    Welcome! I'm pretty new to this community as well, Joe's Aqua or Han Aquatics are 2 people I've worked with and have had great service and quality. There are many many more people on here though that have excellent stock as well. I would also recommend joining the Shrimps and Plants Auction -USA group on facebook, tons of great shimp going for great prices all the time. You can check down at the bottom of the forum categories and all those people and names are great places to check as well.
  3. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from Duff0712 in WTB Black Panda Shrimp & Shadow Panda Shrimp   
    Welcome! I'm pretty new to this community as well, Joe's Aqua or Han Aquatics are 2 people I've worked with and have had great service and quality. There are many many more people on here though that have excellent stock as well. I would also recommend joining the Shrimps and Plants Auction -USA group on facebook, tons of great shimp going for great prices all the time. You can check down at the bottom of the forum categories and all those people and names are great places to check as well.
  4. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from Lexinverts in Sulawesi Shrimps!   
    STOP!! hahaha I promise once I get moved into some where a little more permanent I'll put the tank on a stand that day and send you a quote request!
  5. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from trinacw16 in Drip acclimation WTF! LOL   
    Um is this a common concern because I'm currently drip acclimating one of my blue jellys to the tank I've been getting ready to have him be the test dummy and see how he does for a few days. I look in the pitcher he was in and was gone. No way he could escape until i saw this.... LOL

  6. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from airriick in Drip acclimation WTF! LOL   
    Um is this a common concern because I'm currently drip acclimating one of my blue jellys to the tank I've been getting ready to have him be the test dummy and see how he does for a few days. I look in the pitcher he was in and was gone. No way he could escape until i saw this.... LOL

  7. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from svetilda in Drip acclimation WTF! LOL   
    Um is this a common concern because I'm currently drip acclimating one of my blue jellys to the tank I've been getting ready to have him be the test dummy and see how he does for a few days. I look in the pitcher he was in and was gone. No way he could escape until i saw this.... LOL

  8. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from Citycode01 in Massive shrimps death, 300+ shrimps dying in the minutes (SCARY VIDEO)   
    I'm really really glad things are coming around and turned out to not be so bad. My RCS were dead, tunred that pink/orange and were very dead lol, glad yours were just stunnned
  9. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from pratiksawai47 in Drip acclimation WTF! LOL   
    lol if you see in the picture my flow valve is half way up the tube, I use it as like a 90 degree elbow but I need to either suspend it over the water level or put the valve at the end so they cant crawl up it.
    To get her out I plugged the end she crawled up from and disconnected the flow valve which she was very close to, put that end back into the pitcher and let my finger off the end of the hose then gently blew into the tube because she didnt come out with water pressure alone, tricky but wasnt bad, I didnt want to take the hose out hastily because it would have filled with air and made it real hard to get her out. 
  10. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from sarah in Drip acclimation WTF! LOL   
    Um is this a common concern because I'm currently drip acclimating one of my blue jellys to the tank I've been getting ready to have him be the test dummy and see how he does for a few days. I look in the pitcher he was in and was gone. No way he could escape until i saw this.... LOL

  11. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from dr0p in Drip acclimation WTF! LOL   
    Um is this a common concern because I'm currently drip acclimating one of my blue jellys to the tank I've been getting ready to have him be the test dummy and see how he does for a few days. I look in the pitcher he was in and was gone. No way he could escape until i saw this.... LOL

  12. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from Lyana in Drip acclimation WTF! LOL   
    Um is this a common concern because I'm currently drip acclimating one of my blue jellys to the tank I've been getting ready to have him be the test dummy and see how he does for a few days. I look in the pitcher he was in and was gone. No way he could escape until i saw this.... LOL

  13. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from Citycode01 in Massive shrimps death, 300+ shrimps dying in the minutes (SCARY VIDEO)   
    Citycode I am so sorry for your loss.. I cant even watch that video because I lived it once. Came home and roughed up my dogs, didnt know my mom put front line on them, noticed my tanks needed top offs so I did it pretty casually and must have touched the inside of the pitcher or something and get some Frontline in the tank and instantly about 150 RCS started flicking around and dying. I freaked out. Took me about a week of research and pondering to come to that conclusion and you pretty much just solidified it for me that I nailed it.
    Only a few RCS lived and I was never able to repopulate that thank unit I moved the shrimp, broke it down and then moved them back in. Cant tell you why that happened but I just wasnt getting any babies for months
  14. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in WTB Blue Ramshorn Snails   
    Yup that's what mine look like, not very many mature adults tho I feed them to my puffer
  15. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from Amyers22 in 10 gal Wine Red Panda and Shadow Panda tank   
    Almost there!

  16. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from svetilda in Crystal blues?   
    hit reply before the photo loaded lol

  17. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from Shrimple minded in Crystal blues?   
    hit reply before the photo loaded lol

  18. Like
    jledermann reacted to jledermann in Bacter AE: how much?   
    Not sure. I put liter of ro in a pitcher, tested pH for control then added bacter as mixed and tested and no change was noted
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    jledermann got a reaction from gillznglass in 10 gal Wine Red Panda and Shadow Panda tank   
    Tank is up and running, tried to keep it real simple, not crazy about the color of the sponge filter but its crazy quite because it has an adapter that makes it output fine bubbles like a bubble stone

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    jledermann got a reaction from sarah in 10 gal Wine Red Panda and Shadow Panda tank   
    Yea being an Engineer and Product Designer I took these and tried to apply them to a mini sponge filter I already had and barring some major overhaul and adapters I wasn't able to apply it in my 5 minute attempt. I can take a look if you give me a sponge filter model and try and come up with some modifications since I get it in my hands
  21. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from trinacw16 in HELP Continuous Shrimp Deaths   
    Curious.... I have been feeding Borneo Wild Multipara for a few days now in small amounts injunction to other things to try and get some extra vitamins in their system and today has been the first day with zero deaths in about 3 weeks, granted the shrimp there were dying are down about 80% from the original so it could just be the healthy resilant ones left
  22. Like
    jledermann reacted to Elo500 in “Mount Sulawesi” Tank   
    looks good! what kind of sulawesi shrimp?  You'll need to add Co2 when mixing the salty 8.5 to get it to disolve completely.
  23. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from Duff0712 in Which Neo should I choose?   
    As soon as I saw this thread Soothings Nessies popped into my head because I'm trying to get my hands on those! I currently have Bloddy Marrys and OEBT together in a small 8 gal planted tank and I like the colors a lot. I want those Nessies though!!! hahaha
  24. Like
    jledermann got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in What happened to controsoil   
    Thanks for the research soothing! That guy's picture reminds me of the "sham wow" guy of aquarium supplies
  25. Like
    jledermann reacted to etcamire04 in Shipping illness theory   
    Personally, I think this is part of the answer. When I was beginning, I remember reading an article about new shrimp acclimatations. It was telling that you should avoid mixing new shrimp to your actual one because of difference in the bacteria population. If I remember right, it was advising to mix water from one tank to another one or switch some decorations between the two population. Doing so, you could bring low number of bacteria to the other population. This way, shrimps could get use to those new bacteria.
    Basically, it's the same principle as vaccine. It's quite painful but it may be worth it.
    Most of my shrimps comes from the same guy so I don't really bother with this and never tried it.
    An interesting option could be of cultivating good bacteria population. This way, you control what's growing in your. Those bacteria will compete with the bad one to establish and drastically reduce the number of bad bacteria.
    That's what the biologist that I am say. technically, a little hard to put in practice. But, there are already a good amount of bacteria products available from companies. It may be worth to give it a shot.
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