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Everything posted by Rivergardennursery

  1. I love the looks of Discus. I come from a loooong history with very high end Fancy Goldfish. Every time I think of converting one of my tanks to try Discus, I have to remind myself of all the work the Goldfish required. It seems Discus are at least as demanding, if not more so demanding, then high end Goldfish. Some of the things I like about shrimp, is that they are relatively easy to take care of and just plain old fun for small setups. No 30% water changes twice a week, no feeding 4-5 times a day, no huge waste removal (Goldfish are very dirty and nasty). I am always afraid of getting stuck in that heavy maintenance cycle with Discus. I also enjoy all the plants and setups I can do with shrimp. I will say for larger tanks, you would need a lot of shrimp to get the same enjoyment out of them, but multiple smaller tanks (28 at this time) are a blast. One other fun thing I have been doing latley in my bigger tanks is large number of smaller schooling fish. In my 60g cube, I have 70 fancy tail guppies (all male) with a ton of plants and I am rally enjoying that look as well
  2. On of the Black Friday specials on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01AYY85JY/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  3. Just playing with a new macro lense and my iPhone. Also got some shrimp crack on a stick, and they seem to enjoy
  4. I add straight Distilled for topping off. If you want to lower your TDS, first make sure the water your adding is lower than the water you are replacing. Test the water you are going to replace with the pen and do a small water change and see what your new value is. What kind of shrimp are you keeping?
  5. Okay the bag says 50g but they blacked it out on some of the bags. Just to be safe I am going to say they are 30g. I do not want to miss lead anyone
  6. That is the amount I have on hand right now. I have 3 of the Black Diamond Food on hand. Sorry for the confusion
  7. Hello All, I have been super busy but wanted to share with this with you guys first. All MK-Breed (in stock) products are 25% off, all Plants are $10.00 each, 3 for $25.00 Free shipping after $50.00 and you can mix and match as much as you want. All shipments will go out after Thanksgiving Week. Please let me know any questions and enjoy. I added a Video just for Fun Please contact me directly through this site or rivergardennursery@yahoo.com Website will not give discounts and or figure out shipping correctly MK - Breed in Stock MK-BREED Z-Silver Powder x 2 (22.00) - $16.50 MK-BREED Golden Powder x 3 (18.00) - $13.50 MK-BREED Red Diamond food x 3 (22.00) - $16.50 MK-BREED Black Diamond food x 1 (17.00) - $12.75 MK-BREED White Crystal food x 1 (15.00) - $11.25 MK-BREED Cheeseburger food x 2 (22.00) - $16.50 MK-BREED Shrimp Baby Food x 2 (18.00) - $13.50 New shipment of Tropica 1-2-Grow plants http://tropica.com/en/plants/1-2-grow/ Helanthium 'Quadricostatus' x 4 Helanthium tenellum 'Green' x 4 Heteranthera zosterifolia x 2 Hygrophila 'Siamensis 53B' x 4 Taxiphyllum 'Spiky' x 3 Taxiphyllum barbieri x 3 Rotala 'Bonsai' x 2 Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini' x 2 Echinodorus 'Reni' x 2 Didiplis diandra x 3 Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan' x 2 Lilaeopsis brasiliensis x 2 Staurogyne repens x 2 Cryptocoryne crispatula x 2 Bacopa caroliniana x 4 Java Moss mat x 3 Aqvainnova Lina Zero - http://www.aqvainnova.com/linea-zero/ Bucephalandra motleyana "deep Purple" x 8 Alternanthera Reineckii Variegated x 8 Lagenandra Meeboldii Red x 8 Hygrophila Corymbosa "Siamensis" x 8 Cryptocoryne Wendtii Tropica x 25 Ludwigia repens 'Rubin' x 8 Lobelia Cardinalis x 18 Anubias Petite x 8 Anubias Barteri "nana" x 15 Echinodorus Bleheri x 8 Echinodorus Ozelot Green x 8 Microsorum Pteropus Narrow x 8 Cryptocoryne Undulata x 17 Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae x 8 Microsorum Pteropus x 8 Linea in Vitro aquarium plants - http://www.aqvainnova.com/linea-in-vitro/ Eleocharis Parvula x 29
  8. I was invited to be a Vendor, but not sure I can swing it... I am looking at options. I am definitely going to attend
  9. Thank You and very good point for everyone. I do use RO water and add minerals for the cherries. The soil in this tank is "old" no longer buffers and the water stays around 7.5
  10. Week 6 Update Six weeks now with the twinstar shrimp. I am not seeing any babies and still had some shrimp that have passed away. I went on vacation and filled the water to the top. I came back to find 4 of my shrimp decided to crawl out and Die on my desk I do still have a few with eggs, so I am keeping my figures crossed. Algae is still at bay and I see eggs, but no babies yet
  11. Thought I would show off a few of my favorites
  12. Wow, three weeks already. Update.... 1. I did have 3 Shrimp deaths I believe that the Twinstar did a good job of killing the string algae, and I did not do a large enough water change to combat all the newly dead algae. My TDS rose and I "think" that might be what happened. Very sad, as the 3 where all Older, larger ones. The Juvi's are all fine. 2. Who knows why but I do have 2 bearded shrimp. It could be it was time anyhow, but I do know I have 2 with eggs. 3. The Green hair algae is staying away, even with the long lighting cycle That is all for now. See the latest video and let me know what you think
  13. Thank You for asking. Short answer is no, but..... Do to this being my work tank, I leave the lights on too long (about 9-10 hours a day). I have added a few floaters to reduce the intensity but the growth was too much for the spot treatments. On the plus side, I did not loose any shrimp and the plants all seemed fine. I believe if I had a good balance between lights and amount of time the lights are on, this would have worked. I decided to buy Twinstar Shrimp and that is working like a charm for the algae. See my thread over here -->http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/6839-my-twinstar-shrimp-log/#comment-82957
  14. Nice setup and good price. I wish you luck. The scape reminds me of Yodas home
  15. So an update.... I can 100% confirm that the Twinstar Shrimp product will get people's blood boiling, upset people and open discussions on the value of money and convenience. Mine happens to help with string algae also. Still not sure about the shrimp, but I do have 2 berried. Could be the full moon or just coincidence, who knows
  16. Almost everything can be done cheaper as a DYI. All glass tank, is way cheaper to buy the glass and silicone it together yourself. Most people want something that looks nice and you can just buy and have it work. The DYI Twinstar looks like it would work great. I am not sure how many people want a battery with wire leads hanging in and out of a display tank though. The twinstar is setup to work on and off without any human intervention, to the correct amounts. Again i am not saying the twinstar is great or it is not. Just showing what it looks like in my tank, and pointing out that a lot of people are willing to pay for convenience and looks.
  17. I kinda hope the product is not all that great. I am currently running 8 20gl Longs and my little desktop unit of pure shrimp tanks. That would put a hit in the wallet, if the product was stellar
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