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Everything posted by Rivergardennursery

  1. After 24 - 48hrs then fill the rest of the tank with RO and turn on sponge filters or other filters, add heater set to 86F during cycling only. I have filled up and started the Seneye monitoring. The PH is incorrect on the Seneye, as it will not read very low. The correct PH per my pinpoint pen is 6.54. You can see a very small amount of NH3 and the NH4 is looking good. I will start to post more of the readings form the Seneye now
  2. Yes, just not sure what yet. I have some nice Java on Mat I might try
  3. Okay I added the SL-Aqua Magic powder and some water and the purify
  4. Thanks, that is what I was trying, but have not tried before
  5. Thanks, I will have some moss ground cover for them to play in I also wanted to be sure I could see them
  6. The flow or astics of the look. I will be adding ground cover. I just wanted to get feedback on if it flowed or was distracting, or lacking to others
  7. Thanks, when I bought it, they called it dragon stone
  8. I welcome any imput, before I add the SL-Aqua powder and start to cycle. This is my 6 gallon desktop, I am trying out for work I am not sure what shrimps I will keep yet. Maybe something flashy but simply, so people at work might get intrested
  9. 4. Wait 24 - 48hrs for the Purify and Magic Powder to seed the substrate with healthy bacteria.
  10. 2. Fill with just enough RO water to just cover the substrate only. 3. Add SL-Aqua Purify over the Magic Powder and substrate. ~20ml per gallon of water added in step #2.
  11. 1. Lightly sprinkle SL-Aqua Magic Powder evenly across the surface of your substrate.
  12. I received my SL-Aqua soil and products. I want to start carrying these products for my retail side but I need to test them out first. My MK-Breed products have been doing well, but I thought it would help to carry more products, and I was curious about the soil, so...... I will be setting this up in a 20g Long with all SL-Aqua products and I will use the Seneye Reef monitoring to watch the cycle. I will use RO/DI water Steps to Follow 1. Lightly sprinkle SL-Aqua Magic Powder evenly across the surface of your substrate. 2. Fill with just enough RO water to just cover the substrate only. 3. Add SL-Aqua Purify over the Magic Powder and substrate. ~20ml per gallon of water added in step #2. 4. Wait 24 - 48hrs for the Purify and Magic Powder to seed the substrate with healthy bacteria. 5. After 24 - 48hrs then fill the rest of the tank with RO and turn on sponge filters or other filters, add heater set to 86F during cycling only. 6. In about a week or so you will start to see a nice layer of bacteria everywhere, especially on the substrate. 7. After 10-15 days dose an additional amount of Purify, 10ml per gallon of water. 8. Around approximately day 30 or so the bacteria layer may start to clear up and the water will begin to become nice and clear. It's ok for some of the bacteria to remain present, the shrimp will feast on it! 9. Perform a 50% RO water change and adjust GH using SL-Aqua Blue Wizard to desired GH range. Acclimatize and add your beautiful shrimp. 10. Dose with SL-Aqua TM-1 to ensure trace elements, shrimp immunity, increases spawning, greater growth, stronger color, and also increases the ability of plants to absorb nutrients
  13. I got backed up and did not order yet . I will try yours, and I owe you an email for the other stuff
  14. My .02 I Import, grow, breed a lot of very fancy Goldfish and now shrimp. I have gone through every type of filter system you can imagine. After 12+ years, I am back to sponge and HMF filters. I have a lot of tanks running at a time and the electricity cost of an air pump for a lot of tanks or single tank is minimal. Also power outage as mentioned above, you can run off backup systems. They do look ugly and take up more space, but I still use them in almost all my tanks. They also are easy to maintain and isolate if need be Now if you want to talk about Koi..... well my filters and pumps are more in the 10K range for each pond, but the Koi are in the 2k range each
  15. I just ordered one, so I will start trying it out and let everyone know. I am going to use it from my Pure Line MK-Breed shrimp tank. The shrimp are costly, and I agree this is a little expense however,I think it will help me with piece of mind when I have that much invested in the shrimp
  16. Welcome, and nice find on that tank. Where did you get the low iron 12 gallon long? Good luck and please keep this updated
  17. A filter pad cut to have a tank with 1/2 bare bottom and 1/2 gravel
  18. I used a filter pad, from my koi ponds, to make a half bare bottom tank. No fish in this one, just red Rili in this tank, it looks like another shrimp
  19. Was sitting by one of my tanks, and snapped some pictures This is one of my tanks, I keep my forsake plants in, with killifish
  20. I prefer to use boxes. If you ship USPS, boxes are free. I also ship in small plastic "Containers" in side the box, just to be safe
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