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Everything posted by Rivergardennursery

  1. I use the same racks with 40g breeder tanks for all my goldfish. You can also stack them 3 high. I have 5 sets stacked 3 high I just ordered some dividers from Swiss tropical and will soon start to convert some to shrimp and plant tanks.
  2. For live anything (Goldfish, Koi, Plants, Shrimp). I print the label at home then drive to USPS, stand in line and have them scan and give me a recept
  3. 12 days now. I had the opportunity to leave the lights on over the weekend and look at the tank now. Ammonia looks to be still moving up, but I bet it starts heading in the correct direction very soon. The green is starting to grow.
  4. One device is in the water, that requires the slides to get the readings. The "Home" version gives the basic readings, the "Reef" version gives the same readings but adds the light meter.The deceive is plugged into the another device outside the water that connects to the Internet. You have two options for the connect to the Internet. 1. Plug the outside of the water divice into a PC via a USB cable and your done. This is fine if you have an extra PC and you can keep it on next to your tank. 2. Plug the outside of the water device to another product they sell for wifi. I chose the second option. It cost a lot more but I did not have an old computer laying around I could keep it hooked up to. The device inside the water has a cable that runs to the device outside the tank. The outside tank device has a plug to an outlet, and the wifi needs power as well, so just an FYI, you will need access for two more plugs. This is with the optional wifi device This picture shows both options
  5. I did for the first few days, but I have had to turn them off at night. They will go back to full on after this week
  6. Actually sounds very good. I think you are lucky to have a place that sells ADA anything, and seems to know what they are doing. I have started a journey using this method if you are interested, read through till the second page to see the cycle starting to take shape. http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/4796-river-garden-nursery-new-display-and-rack-setup/
  7. I had not seen that one... That is great and now makes me want one even more
  8. Nice topic. I used to do reef tanks about 18 years ago. I think I might do one again. I love the newer designer clown fish and would love to have a tank with some of them and some hint for them to swim and play in
  9. Let me know, I can get them Also thought it was cool that it sends me an email when something is out of line. I did talk to them today and they are working on a lower PH slide as well, for planted tanks.
  10. Day 4 readings, ammonia still raising, hope the tank cycles in about 3 weeks, also having to try lights off durning the night, so not sure how what that might do to the cycle
  11. Day 3 My PH is holding at 7.22 Ammonia has gone from is still on the up swing from 0.058 to 0.066 And NH4 is at 110 from 104 TDS is 43 I will play with the sponges later today and see if I can get the O2 up a little
  12. So cool, thanks. I did not know this. For all the goldfish I use the Hydro Sponge filters, but wanted to try these for the shrimp. I will check these later today, great infomation and video
  13. I thought it was interesting that the value had changed. I am also interested to watch this stat and see any changes. I was surprised the value was a lot lower than I had anticipated
  14. 24 hours later..... My PH is holding at 7.23 Ammonia has gone from 0 to 0.058 And NH4 is at 104 TDS is 43
  15. Now, I will leave the lights on for 3 weeks or until cycled. I added the Seneye Reef to watch the cycle. I added the WIFI option
  16. Once filled added 2 sponge filters and 5 Mil of Blood Dimond.....
  17. On another topic, looks like I will have to relocate in another 3 month the big rack and the new one I have been hunting for will have to wait a bit longer. I still have the first one down in VA, but it has been taken other with Goldfish. I decided to start another 20 Gallon Long using the same method as MK Breed uses, but this time I am using my last bag of Control Soil, a bitter sweet. I also added a Seneye Reef monitor, so we can all see the cycle
  18. update on the tank. I only had time to check the TDS, and it was at 49. I added an Otto to the tank and will be ready for some very special shrimp next week. I decided to keep the lights going, and removed the plants. Planty of biofilm . Next week before the shrimp arrive I will confirm all the readings, setup the timmer for normal light cycles and do a 50% water change and, use the MK products to adjust as needed
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