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Everything posted by Rivergardennursery

  1. Okay, send me a message, and I will be over, anytime after 5:00
  2. Very cool. I am reading more about them now. Thanks
  3. I have no real idea how an affiliate program would work, but I am willing to give it a try. I am moving a lot of stuff I sell locally online, and soon will have a ton of plants and live shrimp. Right now online is mainly goldfish and shrimp hardgoods, along with fluval products. I am still researching best shipping methods for plants and shrimp. I am very familiar with large koi shipping internationally and domestically along with goldfish, but just starting plants and shrimp shipping
  4. Any cool shops to check out? Plants and or Shrimp? I will be in Pleasanton for the week, and want to see some neat place
  5. Sounds great, I would be happy to trade. As for size and price.... They easily get to 1K price range very fast. I played I. That market for awhile, but now stay in the 75.00 - 200.00 range for nice ranchus I will send you a message
  6. I love the new Ash vs Evil show on stars
  7. Thanks, I do have a few on the Facebook page for this weeks auctions. I have a lot more for auctions in the furture. I have been importing them direct from Thailand. I do get some calicoes still from China, but must of my stock is now sourced from Thailand
  8. You can see a demo here. https://www.seneye.com/devices/dashboard Short answer is yes
  9. Thanks, I love them. I use the reef one on my planted shrimp tanks, and the pond one for the pond(s). I have not used the home one, but it is the same thing but monitors less. I use the wifi add on, to keep the tracking. One point you should know is it will not track down to PH below 6.4 My other wish item, is that I can only track one tank per unit. I could use something that I could get a few probes, and then keep all the reading together
  10. Happy Thanksgiving. Sale going on stating now 25% all items online. Use Turkey2015 at checkout www.rivergardennursery.com
  11. If James is out, I have some http://rivergardennursery.com/freshwater-shrimp-food-and-dry-goods/
  12. Just want to echo the cheap PH pens. I have gone through 3 different ones, and none worked well at all. I saved my money and ended up with seneye reef monitoring system. I am happy with that system. In the short term, us the API low PH test kits
  13. Great advice, I did make sure to include the middle supports and the tanks are on a pice of playwood, I cut to size. I placed the wood over the wire grills
  14. I am going with Fluval LED Plant lights on each set of the 10 gallons and Fluval Led lights on the 40's Daylight and night light test
  15. The bottom shelf will have two 40 Gallon breeder tanks to use a sumps Second Shelf will have six 10 Gallon tanks I still have to drill the rest of the Ten gallon tanks, but wanted to check my height measurements
  16. Hello all, I am moving from my personal shrimp keeping to my store shrimp setup and Display. I wanted the display and for sale shrimp to be setup from scratch, so I can help more customers learn a better way from the start. I know my personal shrimp tanks have had plenty of ups and downs I am working on more of a photo journey. I hope I have the time to keep this journal up with lots of pictures and details as I move along First, the stand.... http://www.homedepot.com/p/Husky-77-in-W-x-78-in-H-x-24-in-D-Steel-Shelving-Unit-ERZ782478W-4/202251082
  17. Hello all, I am a retailer and importer of Koi, Goldfish and aquatic plants. I travel to Koi and Goldfish shows throughout the year, and we have a a Koi/Goldfish/Aquatic plant farm on 50 acres in rural Virgina. We also own and run a bed and breakfast. A couple of years ago one of my Japanese friends and Koi breeder, starting trying to get me to, start playing with these shrimp. I agreed to take a few and have been having so much fun. I have been keeping shrimp and learning as much as I can. I have had my ups and downs with the imports, but have recently started to really become better at keeping shrim I have recently starting selling shrimp, and shrimp related Hardgoods. I also carry a lot of plants, that I have from the Goldfish and planted tanks. I carry Fluval products, ADA soils, and now I am starting with some MK-Breed products. Intrested in anything or have any pond, goldfish koi, or water garden questions please visit my website or email me. www.rivergardennursery.com I also started a new facebook page just for my shrimp intrest. http://www.facebook.com/Rivergardennurseryshrimp Thank You, Scott
  18. Thank You, new to the selling side of shrimp and shrimp products, but have been keeping them personally for awhile. I just found the shrimp to be a blast, and a nice change of pace from Koi and Goldfish. Some of my Japanese friends and Koi breeders introduced them to me
  19. Also just an FYI, I have sent an email to them as well. Might just be something wrong with the website? I will let you know what I hear. I just received a big order last week, so I hope it is just a glitch. I really like the soil, and for me, it is a lot easier to get a hold of then ADA. Although I use and carry the ADA soil, the Amazon is just hard to get regular stock supply.
  20. Correct, I can do flat rate, they are 12.00 each for shipping. The silly calculator for the website will not let me do flats rate, or add things together. Let me know if you are interested, and I can send you something separate.
  21. FYI, if needed I have a few bags in stock. Shipping is crazy expensive.. Anyone in the area, please swing over, or I am looking into USPS flat rate shipping for 12.00 http://rivergardennursery.com/freshwater-shrimp-food-and-dry-goods/ Thanks and enjoy - Scott
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