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    mosspearl got a reaction from Desireenfh in Could that really be a white neo in my tank?!?   
    And here, we see the elusive yet beautiful white neo shrimp. They are extremely rare, so we are very lucky this one has graced us with a public presence today. Look at those elegant white legs. 
    Alas, the white shrimp has gone back into hiding. Who knows when it will make another appearance? It is said they only come out once every blue moon, to bask in the lunar beams. Like bird watchers, shrimp watchers must be ever diligent, as they never know when that rarest of the rare will put in an appearance. 
    Seriously, that is a lovely shrimp. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
  2. Like
    mosspearl reacted to High5's in Super bowl shoes   
    Lets see if Richard Sherman gets these from me this year.

  3. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in What is that strange sound coming from the tank? Just a funny   
    They're a lot harder to get off the glass than the other snails I've had, so I guess I'm not surprised they could hang on there. Too funny!
  4. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from Pika in Could that really be a white neo in my tank?!?   
    And here, we see the elusive yet beautiful white neo shrimp. They are extremely rare, so we are very lucky this one has graced us with a public presence today. Look at those elegant white legs. 
    Alas, the white shrimp has gone back into hiding. Who knows when it will make another appearance? It is said they only come out once every blue moon, to bask in the lunar beams. Like bird watchers, shrimp watchers must be ever diligent, as they never know when that rarest of the rare will put in an appearance. 
    Seriously, that is a lovely shrimp. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
  5. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Could that really be a white neo in my tank?!?   
    LOL Thanks! Every so often I get to do something fun.
  6. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Crazyfishlady in What is that strange sound coming from the tank? Just a funny   
    Just for chuckles -
    I walked into my living room and heard a strange sound coming from the snowball tank. I walked over to investigate, bent down... squinted and looked at the dual sponge filter.
    What the heck? Instead of a steady stream of bubbles, there was just one coming out with a 'burp' a pause and then another. I hadn't messed with the flow so I tried to move closer, (yes.. I bumped into the glass).
    Then I grabbed my magnifying glass and this is what I found... little bugger must have had a serious grip to not be pushed out of there... ha ha

  7. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from Jadenlea in Could that really be a white neo in my tank?!?   
    And here, we see the elusive yet beautiful white neo shrimp. They are extremely rare, so we are very lucky this one has graced us with a public presence today. Look at those elegant white legs. 
    Alas, the white shrimp has gone back into hiding. Who knows when it will make another appearance? It is said they only come out once every blue moon, to bask in the lunar beams. Like bird watchers, shrimp watchers must be ever diligent, as they never know when that rarest of the rare will put in an appearance. 
    Seriously, that is a lovely shrimp. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
  8. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Could that really be a white neo in my tank?!?   
    Moss, that was some great writing!
  9. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from chibikaie in Could that really be a white neo in my tank?!?   
    And here, we see the elusive yet beautiful white neo shrimp. They are extremely rare, so we are very lucky this one has graced us with a public presence today. Look at those elegant white legs. 
    Alas, the white shrimp has gone back into hiding. Who knows when it will make another appearance? It is said they only come out once every blue moon, to bask in the lunar beams. Like bird watchers, shrimp watchers must be ever diligent, as they never know when that rarest of the rare will put in an appearance. 
    Seriously, that is a lovely shrimp. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
  10. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Could that really be a white neo in my tank?!?   
    Trying to not get too excited here.  White neos have been a holy grail sought after by the most diligent breeders...
    I *think* I see a white neo with a little orange on it in one of my tanks.
    Trying to calm down and think rationally-  It's not clear, and it looks like pigment and definitely not infection.  It also doesn't look so far like a thickening of the shell, but if something seems too good to be true...
    Things running through my mind right now...could the orange color have been mutated somehow with a dilution gene?  Is this reproducible or a one off?  Is this a true mutation?
    Is this really what I think I'm seeing?  I mean....really???
    Dangit!  Batteries are dead in my one camera, but I grabbed another one and was able to get this pic.


  11. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Roborep1 in Multiple Accounts   
    I thought a lot about this recently. There will always be those that cheat. If there is a way to check through IP that's good. Perhaps at this small size of the forum it's not an issue, one day it will be though. Random acts are just that. Once you start calculating and evaluating who deserves its not really random. I have been very inspired by the ROAKs and tried to apply them to things in my life outside of this forum. Goes along with thinking daily about what your thankful for. These two things can help beat down cynicism.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Shrimple minded in Multiple Accounts   
    I'm new here, just been doing a ton of lurking and research as part of project planning.  I've had a few private conversations with a couple forum members but no public posts to date.......just thought I would drop a note and chime in as this is a topic I have thought about before.
    Being new, I've felt it important to only sign up for RAOKs for stuffs I could actually benefit from in an educated manner (mosses, culls).......I would hope others would do the same.  
    It is a special thing (this forum) where we can interact with some of the giants in the hobby.......I owe you all a ton of thanks already.
    Just thought I would chip in with my 2 cents, and say hello 
  13. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Comedy web series writer wanted. :)   
    Crazyfishlady... don't be shy about your writing. If you don't talk about it, no one will know about it so they can read it. I work with lots of writers, and that's one thing I've learned...you have to put yourself out there.
    :::waiting on the edge of my seat for Soothing's video series:::
  14. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from Pika in RAOK -- Soap! WINNERS!   
    Oooh, Pika... the soap just arrived! Can't wait to try it! Thank you ever so much! 
  15. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Crazyfishlady in Comedy web series writer wanted. :)   
    I have always wanted to try but .... it's only been the constant threat of friends and a small band of 'pre-readers' that has even made me say out loud that I write. lol  Working on getting a series epublished though.
    I do love to write humor and drama but I don't think I would be doing you any favors and I have never written a 'screen play'.
    You want unhistorical fantasy fiction drama I might be willing to help, but again.. never done the 'enter stage left' kinda thing. lol
    Find someone amazing, in that genre, with those skills and I promise to be a subscriber and a BIG FAN!
  16. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Rodan76 in i have a snail in my tank safe or not   
    that is truth right there haha.  i like them too, but they are the ones that should be called rabbit snails if ya know what i'm saying hahah
  17. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Soothing Shrimp's Silly Shrimping   
    We're all here to help each other.
    The fems do carry the color in neos.  A good colored fem can at some point throw a good colored male.  Keep that one for more breeding.  You can improve male color once you start breeding the better males to the best females.
    Improving the color coverage of cherries is a classic project that never gets old.  I'd love to follow your journal as you experiment and learn.
  18. Like
    mosspearl reacted to mayphly in Soothing Shrimp's Silly Shrimping   
    Soothing, I finaly have baby Malawa everywhere.
  19. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Soothing Shrimp's Silly Shrimping   
    Aloha oy, aloha oy...
  20. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Archie1208 in Another package   
    Just received another great package from HAN. It really is like Christmas when I get is boxes. Always really nice and useful extras.
    For anyone new to the area - have no fear with HAN. If you're not sure he is great with questions. Don't take my word - just ask around
    Just be careful - his stuff is addictive.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Like
    mosspearl reacted to chibikaie in Names and faces   
    C'mon, at least you can breed shrimp and trade/sell offspring. They're quiet, odorless, nondestructive, and they even stay where you put them (mostly). They come in all kinds of colors, there are no vet bills involved, they're basically totally awesome.
    I do rabbit rescue. I can shut down anyone looking to set me up with someone by pointing out that the other person would have to live with a room full of rabbits - one of whom is a geriatric fellow who never quite grasped the concept of a litter box even when he could hop easily into one. Oh, and I usually have at least one foster animal, and that means permanent poop and pee wars as they fight over territory. No one's even tried to get me to go on a date in years. Best anti-dating weapon ever.
  22. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Names and faces   
    If your significant other has learned to accept it, he's ahead of many of our partners.
  23. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Soothing Shrimp's Silly Shrimping   
    Finally managed to do the last of my wc today to drop my Malawa Shrimp down from:
    TDS 723
    GH 34
    TDS 184
    Gh  7
    Honestly don't know how they feel about it, but I'm happier with it. LOL  Took about 2 weeks.
  24. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from aquariumlover10 in your plant experiments   
    I've got a bunch of plants growing emersed in a large fish bowl. I'll try to take pics tomorrow when there's more light. There's some chain sword, some bacopa australis, and a bunch of stuff I can't see right now. No light on that shelf. Also contains some pellia (hasn't done much), and some fuzzy looking stuff I can't think of the name at the moment. Dang meds. It's about time to rearrange things, as the chain sword has made a ring around the bowl and the bacopa is getting too tall for it.

  25. Like
    mosspearl reacted to manticore in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    anchor, brazil, cameroon, china, creeping, fissidesn fox, giant, mini java, mini rosa jungermannia, Plagiochilla 610

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