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  1. Like
    mosspearl reacted to metageologist in So I want lavender sand...   
    If you can find a industrial supply company you may be able to get some garnet sand it's used in hydro blasting.
  2. Like
    mosspearl reacted to metageologist in So I want lavender sand...   
    I use red turface in my tanks. I have also thought about using garnet sand.
  3. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Anyone want to write some articles about Srhimp in exchange for Shrimp Products?   
    And here I thought you were testing me with a topic like that! Heehee
  4. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Anyone want to write some articles about Srhimp in exchange for Shrimp Products?   
    Sure thang, Moss.  How about The metabolism of beta-carotene and other carotenoids in Neocaridina and Caridina shrimp?
  5. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Well, that's interesting...   
  6. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Well, that's interesting...   
    Well, that's interesting...
    It looks as though I may have a male yellow shrimp in my yellow tank turning out to be a true yellow rili. 
  7. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Almost embarrassed to ask but...   
    You are correct.  Almost no culls with snowballs.  Technically it is the lack of color that causes their look.

    Snowballs are actually White Pearl Shrimp.  Blue Pearl Shrimp is another color that has been bred out from Neocaridina Palmata.

    In Europe they bred for another rare color- Amber.  I think it is beautiful, however I have not seen it offered in the USA yet.  Here's a pic of it from Russia.  This is a color variety that may be lost forever soon due to the popularity of Neo Davidi.  I hope some importer soon is able to offer some before the strain is totally gone.

  8. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Crazyfishlady in Almost embarrassed to ask but...   
    ha ha - yellow snow
    Ok, I was just wondering if there was a certain 'color' per say that were looked at for snowballs. Then I looked in the tank (all four still berried hurray!) and can't really see any visual trait that differs.
    That striped one is cool.
    One of my yellows has that neon yellow stripe down her back and I can spot her in the tank easily because of it. I'm aging myself but since it's a 'racing stripe' I have dubbed her Penelope pitstop
  9. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Elo500 in Almost embarrassed to ask but...   
    HTN Inverts is working with snowballs to look like this... called them CoCo shrimp

  10. Like
    mosspearl reacted to mayphly in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    New life forming from a single dead frond (Fissidens Plannicaulis)

  11. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from Merth in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    My massive ball of pellia. It takes up a whole corner in my 10 gallon. The ball is sitting on a rock in the back corner. It's larger than both my fists put together. This stuff grows like crazy for me. That's a white cloud in the last picture for size reference.



  12. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from miwu in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    My massive ball of pellia. It takes up a whole corner in my 10 gallon. The ball is sitting on a rock in the back corner. It's larger than both my fists put together. This stuff grows like crazy for me. That's a white cloud in the last picture for size reference.



  13. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from Shrimpie in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    My massive ball of pellia. It takes up a whole corner in my 10 gallon. The ball is sitting on a rock in the back corner. It's larger than both my fists put together. This stuff grows like crazy for me. That's a white cloud in the last picture for size reference.



  14. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    My massive ball of pellia. It takes up a whole corner in my 10 gallon. The ball is sitting on a rock in the back corner. It's larger than both my fists put together. This stuff grows like crazy for me. That's a white cloud in the last picture for size reference.



  15. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Lowest ph moss?   
    LOL  I think I'm going to.  I found out that the moss I am growing at 6.3 or so has no hair algae, while the moss right next tank over at 7+ has massive amounts. 
    I started to get black beard, but when I dropped the ph a bit under 6.3 it too went away.
    I'm getting tired of throwing away moss due to hair algae infestation, and am thinking if i can put the moss in a ph of 5 or under, perhaps it will kill the hair algae and leave the moss still healthy.  Then just reuse it again. 
  16. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Elo500 in Wierd looking plants?   
    sulawesi plant
    millow moss
    Subwassertang is a good one
    How about that new red moss from Transylvania ?
  17. Like
    mosspearl reacted to manticore in Post Your Moss Pictures ~!!!   
    China moss, really happy to have it.. i received it from a colleague.. it is bushy, small (tiny) and has a nice consistency

  18. Like
    mosspearl reacted to chibikaie in KH and GH what exactly do they mean?   
    Parameters seem fine. Don't overthink it.
    Also. Yes. I hear you on the collectoritis. I have three or four kinds of shrimp on my want list, and own zero. Yep.
  19. Like
    mosspearl reacted to monty703 in Easiest way to divide a tank   
    LOL...well I did it and ended up with a whole new line of shrimp hybrids.  I divided my 20 gal long into 3 sections to hold my tiger shrimps.  In one I had Red Tigers, in another Black Tigers and in the last Tangerine Tigers.  I had the large black foam inserted from top to bottom (actually under the substrate) and above the water line by about 1/2 inch.  Figured no one would be daft enough to climb outside of the water or dig under the substrate.  
    WELL I watched them do it....especially the TT males they climbed the sponge, crawled outside of the water and down into the other sections and bred with my Red Tiger females.  By the time I realized how they were getting in there each morning even after I had fished them all back out and put them back into their own areas, I found them in there the next day again.
    I finally pulled the sponges out and took my black tigers out into a separate tank, and left the Reds/TT's together, and ended up with my Bengal shrimp population.  You can see them on the shrimps pictures posts.
    I never underestimate what shrimps can accomplish when they want something badly enough!  They will find a way to get it....
  20. Like
    mosspearl reacted to woopderson in New Shrimp Tank With IPOD/Phone dock/Speakers   
    Found this funny one in the related links

  21. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in New Shrimp Tank With IPOD/Phone dock/Speakers   
    Looks like different sizes are available:

  22. Like
    mosspearl reacted to metageologist in Amazing Malawa Params!   
    Well my water is from the fabled tug hill plateau. Where unicorns and albino moose roam free. Also my kh of 6 and gh 7. PH is always 7.4. From what I have read It should be good for OIBT
  23. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Amazing Malawa Params!   
    OKay, so you know how I've said that my Malawa- once to their destination- are about the most hardy shrimp I have found?
    Well, they do so well, I kinda have a hands off policy with that tank doing wc, etc.  Since they eat just about anything, they get flake, any fish that happen to die, cray molts/any crays that die, etc.  I have so many, if I don't feed protein, they go after each other so they are the ideal clean up crew for the circle of life.
    Today, just out of curiosity I checked my Malawa tank's TDS and GH...
    Ready for this?
    TDS 723
    GH 34
    Those readings made me drop my jaw!!! LMAO!!!  No wonder they are so hardy!!!  And what's more, they still breed like mad and have no problems with survival!
    Perhaps it's time for me to work my way back to an ideal param in that tank.  No? LOL
  24. Like
    mosspearl reacted to mayphly in Shrimp tube feeder (highly recommended)   
    I love this thing! I think the shrimp love it too! It's perfect for feeding powder food. I place just a tiny amount in the top of the tube and it falls down very slowly into the dish. It's amazing how much food is in a ""tiny" pinch. I caught several greedy shrimpies trying to swim up the tube to get the best pickings! Best of all I see most of the food getting eaten before it touches the substrate. I got mine on eaby for 8 bucks shipped. There are a few people beginning to make and sell these on the web. I highly recommend them!

  25. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Soothing Shrimp's Silly Shrimping   
    We all have to help each other.
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