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    mosspearl got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in My acting stuff   
    Ooh, gotta watch out for those cable soaps. They're kind of like some of the books I edit. heehee
  2. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Soothing Shrimp's Silly Shrimping   
    Wicca, I don't know which died first, but I put the other with a plethora of opposite gender shrimp (I think it was BV) and it never bred either.  Then it died off.  Unfortunately, nature sometimes makes some shrimp mutations just attractive fish food.
    Pika, I'll try to get some pics of the Sapphires, today. For some reason the camera washes out the blue to a lighter color.  I'm guessing wavelength or something?

    To keep my own brain straight, and to any curious out there that may be mildly interested in my projects, here's what I have going right now:

    BBRR- Blue Bodied Red Rili.  I made up that label so as not to confuse the coloration with blue rili- which often does not have any red on it at all.  I've neglected that tank for awhile trying to increase numbers in there.  Perhaps it is due for a sell off to reduce numbers soon...

    Blue Chocolate- Just moved these 3 juvies over yesterday to a 1 gallon tank.  They were thrown by my Schoko strain.  Scuttlebutt as it that carbons come from chocolates, which makes sense.  Several years ago I bought Black Rilis from someone as a curiosity mutation that had shown up in their chocolate tank.  Looks an awful lot like carbons, but phenotypes can fool.  Anyway, have no real plans for them other than to just breed them for a short while and see what happens.  Maybe they'll be a hardy strain of BD, or maybe just another strain of carbon look alikes.  Maybe I'll just sell them off later.  Who knows?

    Nessie- I've been working with my unique strain forever it seems like.  After the tragedy earlier that almost wiped them all out, they are finally breeding again.  YAY!  I have a 20g and a 10g for redundancy on these in case something happens again.  I see berries, but not very many painteds right now.  The Painteds were pretty much wiped out except for maybe 3-4.  The majority are cherry type greens, but every strain has to start from somewhere.  And as in almost every strain, the fem has the most color, while the males are pretty blah.  I did get an orange thrown that looks like a tangerine tiger, heh  And seperated that one to it's own tank, but it has no tankmates right now.

    BV- Yeah yeah, I used to call these DBV.  In fact, I was the first to come out with the name DBV.  And then less than a month later after I offered them to the public for the first time- others not only stole my strain name, but stole my crappy pics to sell them as counterfeits.  Now, I just call them BV.  (The original BV strain with the light sky blue see-through I call Classic BV.)  A little bitterness reality pill I had to learn when I released these, that's for sure.  Selectively breeding is a thankless job.  The most satisfaction you will have is knowing that YOU were the first to do anything, because nobody else will know it or remember it.  Then, people don't care how long it takes or the work involved- they just want a lower price.  Perhaps one day I'll call them DBV again... naaaaaahhhhh

    Christmas Rili- First time you've heard of that one, huh? heh  Green tissue coloration with some red pattern.  One of my favorites thus far, but only have a couple thrown from my BBRR project.  I just set up a tank for them last night, and plan to move them over today...VERY nervous as I don't want to lose this mutation due to something stupid on my part...

    Inkwell- All black cherry.  I tried breeding an all black a couple years ago, but it went nowhere.  Now, I'm using carbons to try to get to the same objective.  Slowly getting there...

    Cellophane- All clear cherry.  Yeah yeah yeah, I know there's snowballs already (Neo palmata), but somehow a clear cherry has been on my bucket list for years though.  It's fascinating to me.  Maybe because I work with cherries already?

    Zombie- LOL  This has recently popped up in my Orange lines.  A pale orange with a blue tissue.  Only have one or two, so I'm interested to see if I can propogate it.  Right now they are still small juvies, so coloration may not pan out- and the strain may be busted before ever beginning.  But I'm following closely.

    Sunshine- The goal is a PFY with color intensity.  Working with these for so many years, I was interested in comparing to another yellow strain.  So I recently bought some yellows to keep separately.  I was *hoping* that perhaps my yellow would be a bit bolder and brighter, however what I saw blew me away.  Mine was incredibly bolder and brighter than the strain I received in.  Already 2 of the new strain died after dripping, so sensitivity may be an issue, too- or maybe I goofed somehow.  Regardless, I'm thankful I was able to buy the strain from a really nice person(not sure what I'll do with them yet), but I definitely know I'm going in the correct direction with my Sunshines.

    Sometimes breeding new colors works, and sometimes it doesn't.  I have a long list of cultivars that didn't pan out for me- but you never ever know until you try. And sometimes...you succeed.
  3. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Soothing Shrimp's Silly Shrimping   
    Here's my best painted Sunshine Shrimp thus far.
    Note that you can't even see the saddle.  The dark spot is the "guts."

  4. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Art by Stef* in Soothing Shrimp's Silly Shrimping   
    "Catch yourself a couple more shrimp, son, and you might get a cocktail!"
    Unless you are breeding cattle or something, you can never make grand money on breeding animals.
    You may get lucky, like happen to have the "flavor of the month" in stock, but it will be short lived, especially
    on such a touchy critter to upkeep. If the experts/breeders are having a hard time with them, then the 
    general hobby person who just wants them as pets and find them not so hardy, get a bad taste in their mouth
    at shelling out $6 and up a piece, they perish, and are hesitant to try more.
    I used to show persian cats. Sold some of my kittens for over $1,000 each, depending on the quality/litter/parents.
    People would think I was rolling in dough. Who pays over a grand for a cat? You can get one for free!  When you figure it out, adding in all show fees, gas,
    vet bills, food, grooming, but most of all TIME, I didn't even break even. Persians have very few kittens in a litter, and the show
    quality ones have big heads, which, like bulldogs, means C-section a lot of times. Expensive.
    Same with dogs. If you have the "breed of the year" or the current designer dog, goldendoodles or something, you may do well
    on a few litters, but to make it a business, I wouldn't bet on it. And people paying big bucks for dogs and horses usually have
    a large pocketbook to begin with for their hobby.
    And a piece of advice I got from a vet friend years ago proved valuable to me.
    When I was breeding persians, it seemed like their was always some kitten sick or dying after a while.
    I was at the vets once a week. I had a CFA "Cattery of Excellence", which means the vet comes to your house and
    inspects on pop visits. (Didn't matter anyway, I was friends with a few vets, a vet tech, and some would come over once a week for
    dinner) My bloodlines were excellent, the parent cats health excellent, what the hell is going on?
    Her words: "Stef, did you ever see a family that has a few kids, 4 or more? There's always going to be
    one with a snotty nose. The more you have, the more are going to get sick, no matter what good care you give them."
    You should breed only if you are totally into the animal, whether it's shrimp or shih tzu, not expecting to make
    big bucks, but having it on hand because you will need it, and if you break even, or make some pocket change
    delight in it!
    Soothing, you are right with the big breeders. They are comparable to puppy mills in the fact of supply and demand.
    Breed as many as possible, get them out as fast as possible. If they perish en route, they have plenty of back up
    to pacify you, on your shipping fee nickel. If they perish a month later, well, it must be something the new owner did wrong.
    So sorry. Same thing with fish at pet chain stores. Neon tetras are first that comes to mind.
    I am repeating myself by saying I always wanted CRS. Not to breed, just like looking at them.
    I refuse to even attempt them at the high prices they cost. When hobbists can breed consistent hardy
    strains, and they are more affordable to me, then I will attempt.
    But, looking at my neo pumpkins shining like amber in my little tank has been satisfying me just the same, methinks
  5. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Merth in Soothing Shrimp's Silly Shrimping   
    In my limited experience I would agree cherries are like cockroaches hard to kill and hard to stop reproducing. My blue velvets are just getting established but seem to be equally as hardy. After 3 months and a couple different sources I have my first berried yellow. I have lost at least half if not more of the yellows during this time (mind you all params are the same in these tanks). My chocolates are in crs params and although I lost most in the big crash some have survived. They seem to be very hardy tho its definitely true the conditions ideal for crs were not condusive for the neos to thrive. They are getting their own tank and time will tell.
  6. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Soothing Shrimp's Silly Shrimping   
    Water, now you know why I use moss. LOL  I have 30+ tanks (40+?  I lose count) atm.
    Reds are pretty hardy now, no matter how intense.  I'm not sure about the Bloody Mary yet since it is still new on teh market and time will tell.
    Most sensative cherries in my experience are definately Blue Diamonds and Yellows.  I was SO frustrated with yellows I developed my own strain so they would be hardy.  I ended up working with BD to increase hardiness, but ultimately I ended up selling them so I could focus on other projects.
    The various strains of Blues (Blue Velvets, Carbons, my Sapphires) and Pumpkins all are pretty hardy as well.  IN fact, most other colors of Cherries do pretty well.
    Orange rilis I'm up in the air about.  I just don't know on how sensative they are.  It could be that they were just not in great health by the time they got to me in cold weather.  So are they sensative?  Honestly I don't know.  If someone else could chime and and tell us both, it would be nice. heh
  7. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Soothing Shrimp's Silly Shrimping   
    OKay, so I figured I'd start a journal here to be added to infrequently, I'm sure. heh
    I've recently seen a couple new strains hobbyists are working on and I'm very excited more people are trying/experiemnting with selective breeding. 
    If you read this journal, chances are you'll here me talking about the "trinity" quite a bit.  I'm not talking about religion, (although I do believe deeply what I believe), however in this case I'm talking about 3 main principles that are necessary for selective breeding- more necessary for me perhaps since I tend to have gone a bit overboard.
    Trinity= 1) Space, 2) Time, 3) Money
    1) The space pretty much refers to how much space you have devoted to your project.  It may be a nano tank, or a whole room of tanks.  Let's not forget additional space such as any products that take up shelving, storage, cords, walking room, etc.
    2) Time is referred to for length between shrimplet to berries, developing a true breeding strain, feeding, tank maintenance, shopping (yes even that), learning new information on forums, searching out new techniques, rearranging, netting, actively studying the tanks (important for finding shrimp health, hydra, problems, selecting best quality, etc.) and so on.
    3) This is often the most important.  Money.  Why money?  Upgrading equipment, foods and suppliments, remineralization products, electricity, etc.  The more space you use, the more money is involved.
    So, this is why I tend to laugh when people tell me "You must make a lot of money doing this." or "I want to do an aquatics business for a full time job."  Is it possible?  If you have a farm and turn it into a machine that cranks out aquatics, maybe.  But honestly, you get into selective breeding for the love of the challenge to create the best possible product you are able- and HOPE you break even.
    LOTS(!!!) of sweat, tears, and sometimes blood follows. heh  But, to me it's all worth it.
    New vars are ALWAYS a gamble.  Neo colors are my main interest. 
    I bought around $400 orange rilis this year.  They were shipped and died on me all in about 2 weeks.  Don't know if it was bad luck, water too different or what.  At some point I'd like to try again.
    I'm currently very frustrated with the quality coming from big breeders.  Not enough work put into the shrimp strain before releasing them, methinks. 
    If a hobbyist releases a new strain, I automatically expect to have to work with them to get to a desired goal- let's face it- hobbyists don't have the big budget, staff of people and space to work with that the big breeders do.  Often we have less than a few tanks to work with and many do not want to dedicate selecting and culling from a strain that may be unending for years and years.  I understand that.  I do.
    Big breeders, however, IMHO at this momant in time care more about being the first to put out a strain than the quality or health of it.  Strains that don't breed true, health issues, too sensative, etc. unfortunately are becoming the norm now it seems like.
    Lets hope more hobbyists decide to get involved and take matters into their own hands.
  8. Like
    mosspearl reacted to chibikaie in I miss having fish.   
    Thanks everyone. It's been such a weird month for me. I really want to get back into shrimp, but I'm just afraid that my ill luck with invertebrates will be their doom.
    Well, I have a lot of time to daydream about tanks before I'll be able to get anything up and running, so I suppose committing to anything now would be silly anyway.
  9. Like
    mosspearl reacted to aquariumlover10 in I miss having fish.   
    I honestly like both, if you want you could do a shrimp and fish tank,if you upgrade to a 10g you could get a ottocinclus after algae builds up, and a few lest killifish, but make sure its heavily plants with moss and other plants.
  10. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Crazyfishlady in I miss having fish.   
    I have 3 bettas and a first shrimp tank. I do adore my bettas, they are like dog/fish in their personalities I had a 20 gallon community tank that I was so excited about and it was nothing but a constant headache. I wanted to branch out from my bettas and won't be doing it with fish again. 
    I got home from a rough day today, went and said 'hi' to the bettas (and the cat) and then ended up sitting in front of the snowball tank watching them in their little world. Before I knew it I was smiling and 20 mins were gone.
    So.. I'm sticking to a couple of bettas and ... already planning my next shrimp tank
    But it's you and up to you so good luck either way!
  11. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Crazyfishlady in how many eggs can a snowball hold? sheesh!   
    Wow - momma was out and about in the tank today. I couldn't get a real good pic, but WOW on the amount of eggs she is carrying!

    I think she might be the one that had the huge saddle
    So glad I am not a shrimp, lol
  12. Like
    mosspearl reacted to EbiBunBun in Something I havn't seemed mentioned.   
    I use oak leaves (either water oak or live oak) they are really small and tough and seem to last a long time.
    Jadenlea - I LOVE your purple sand!
  13. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Roborep1 in Something I havn't seemed mentioned.   
    Yes maple, Oak, and fruit like cherry are great. I personally use oak. I have some huge oak leaves, last a long time and power pH.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Triton in fish forum suggestions?   
    me and a few buddies are actually starting a new fish based forum. So I'm involved with 2 new ones
  15. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from EbiBunBun in Merry Christmas! :)   
    Just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday season.

  16. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Merry Christmas! :)   
    Just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday season.

  17. Like
    mosspearl reacted to mayphly in Most Wanted Shrimp   
    White crystal shrimp. I should have these coming soon

  18. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in You know you're addicted to shrimp when...   
    Your shrimp eat better than you do!
  19. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from metageologist in Just wanted to say hi   
    Love my white clouds, chibi... these were all hatched out here. They seem a lot less skittish than their parents were.
    Got the TARDIS on eBay, Meta... look for Doctor Who aquarium decorations. They also have a Cyberman head.
    Nice to see you again, Merth!
    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome back. I'm still trying to catch up on all I missed.
  20. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Safe Products to Wash Hands with Before Entering the Tank   
    So Ebi or Pika, would you consider making and selling your soap for shrimping?  I'd rather support the members here.
    I'd prefer liquid, but can't be picky.
  21. Like
    mosspearl reacted to Pika in Safe Products to Wash Hands with Before Entering the Tank   
    Another soapmaker?? I do cold process soaping!I'll admit, though, I just reach for my commercial dish soap to wash up before putting hands in the tank. :blush: I probably should keep a bar of my castile out for this purpose.
    Some essential oils would probably make me nervous going in the tank, but I agree, the stuff added to a bronner's soap, which you mostly wash down the drain anyway, probably wouldn't make a bit of difference.
  22. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from Rodan76 in Christmas RAOK~!!!   
    Congratulations to the winner

  23. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Just wanted to say hi   
    My bowfront:   You can sort of see one of the chilis way in the background. They're still adapting, so they're a bit pale.
    My Evolve8:   No fish, just snails at this time.
    10 gallon:   White clouds.
    I hope these pics come through. I haven't posed pics on a forum in a long time. Sorry for the poor cell phone pics.
  24. Like
    mosspearl got a reaction from Pika in Just wanted to say hi   
    My bowfront:   You can sort of see one of the chilis way in the background. They're still adapting, so they're a bit pale.
    My Evolve8:   No fish, just snails at this time.
    10 gallon:   White clouds.
    I hope these pics come through. I haven't posed pics on a forum in a long time. Sorry for the poor cell phone pics.
  25. Like
    mosspearl reacted to manticore in Hello from Transylvania (Romania, Europe)   
    putting it shortly i am a biologist alwazs loving fish, shrimps, plants and mosses. Been in Germany at a specialised petshop for 5 years. now i am back in transylvania, doing my best to specialise (as a hobbist) in mosses. Hopefully i will get to show here some more nice things in the months and years to come. Nano, shrimps, aquascaping, paludariums, saltwater, plants in vitro propagation (about 17 years ago), fish disease and treatment, imports of fish would be the main things i have done in this domain.

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