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    Mystery Snails

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  1. Wyzazz has got some great, high-quality, shrimp. He's also very good at communication. I recommend him to everyone.
  2. Thank you! And what size are the bowls? I want to make sure I get the right ones
  3. So I saw @ClownPlanted idea with the bowls and I have some fluval stratum. About how much would I need to use to buffer the ph down to 6.4ish for a 10 gallon tank? Or a 20L? I use RO water. Thanks for any help
  4. Dang, if you ship anything, I'd be all over it. Especially those lights and filters.
  5. I know I can buy one of these online, I just wanted to check if someone had some extra they were selling for less. I just set up my neo tank, so I'm trying to save some money wherever I can setting up my caridina tank.
  6. Currently acclimating my new tigers and cherries. One of the cherries came in berried! Big thanks to wyzazz and all his help
  7. How’s it different in convenience? And is it true you can store the water treated with salty shrimp for long periods of time?
  8. That's what I currently use for my neo tank. However, I was gifted some fluval stratum, so I'm trying to start a caridina tank.
  9. Is anyone here selling sl aqua for less than it is on the discobee site?
  10. I had an an airline tube with knots in it to slow the flow to 1 drop per second. As of now I’ve had no deaths, and seen at least 5 molts. My weekly eater change is tomorrow
  11. I had no clue they worked for dripping! And that would be a lifesaver! Thank you. Quick Update: Cherries are moving all over the tank and foraging. However they seem to be most attracted the corners of the tank. I assume it's because of the algae growth where the two sides meet.
  12. Here’s my acclimation system if anyone was interested
  13. Little bit of a mishap. I messed up a bit while ordering the shrimp. The cherries are in, however through a mistake of mine, the tigers will be here next week. I’ll send pics once the cherries are done acclimating!
  14. It is a bit on the bigger side, but it seems to be working well. I'm not really sure how to check if it's working without jeopardizing my shrimp.
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