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    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from Shrimp Life in Stocking my shrimp rack   
    Thanks for the reply. I've done a ton of reading on keeping Caridina and have all the stuff to keep them. I'm pretty confident that I can keep them successfully. I'm just a little confused as far as breeding them. Like with tibees, titaibees, crystals. I guess I was just looking for a simple algorithm for getting what I want, but like you said it's not A plus B you always get C.
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    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from eozen81 in Sandos shrimp rack journal   
    So installed the hmf filter in the 20longs. Two of the tanks are divided and share water so I'm able to keep desired water parameters easier. And the third tank just has one hmf in the corner. I used a piece of glass to divide the two tanks but didn't let it go all the way across.
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  3. Like
    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from Shrimple minded in Sandos shrimp rack journal   
    So installed the hmf filter in the 20longs. Two of the tanks are divided and share water so I'm able to keep desired water parameters easier. And the third tank just has one hmf in the corner. I used a piece of glass to divide the two tanks but didn't let it go all the way across.
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  4. Like
    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from eozen81 in Sandos shrimp rack journal   
    Just received my HMF filters for my shrimp rack. Thanks Swiss tropical.

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    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Sandos shrimp rack journal   
    Just received my HMF filters for my shrimp rack. Thanks Swiss tropical.

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    Sandovalsbco reacted to Shrimp Life in Sandos shrimp rack journal   
    Nice Tank Rack! Very good job.
  7. Like
    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from eozen81 in Sandos shrimp rack journal   
    Hello all I'm finally getting around to building my shrimp rack. I finally had the courage to ask my wife if I could add more tanks to my collection and she said ya sure haha. So the plan is to set up 3 20longs two of them divided but sharing common water. The third tank just being an open full 20long. I'm making one divided and the full tank Caradina tanks with the second divided one being for high grade RCS and yellows. I haven't made the final decision on what shrimp I want in the Caradina tanks but I'm leaning forward blue bolts and CRS but I need help with a third so open to suggestions. I'll update pictures as I go.

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  8. Like
    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Sandos shrimp rack journal   
    Hello all I'm finally getting around to building my shrimp rack. I finally had the courage to ask my wife if I could add more tanks to my collection and she said ya sure haha. So the plan is to set up 3 20longs two of them divided but sharing common water. The third tank just being an open full 20long. I'm making one divided and the full tank Caradina tanks with the second divided one being for high grade RCS and yellows. I haven't made the final decision on what shrimp I want in the Caradina tanks but I'm leaning forward blue bolts and CRS but I need help with a third so open to suggestions. I'll update pictures as I go.

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    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from h4n in Sandos shrimp rack journal   
    Hello all I'm finally getting around to building my shrimp rack. I finally had the courage to ask my wife if I could add more tanks to my collection and she said ya sure haha. So the plan is to set up 3 20longs two of them divided but sharing common water. The third tank just being an open full 20long. I'm making one divided and the full tank Caradina tanks with the second divided one being for high grade RCS and yellows. I haven't made the final decision on what shrimp I want in the Caradina tanks but I'm leaning forward blue bolts and CRS but I need help with a third so open to suggestions. I'll update pictures as I go.

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  10. Like
    Sandovalsbco reacted to Pokeshrimp in Need Help Cyclying   
    What kind of ammonia are you using? If it contains surfactants it will drastically lower ph which the bacteria don't like.
  11. Like
    Sandovalsbco reacted to jimjim9001 in My Neo shrimp tank   
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    Sandovalsbco reacted to Lyana in Affiliate Programs   
    Hi guys, sorry if this isn't allowed, but I didn't see anywhere it says it's not.
    I'm starting a website about shrimp and planted tanks, heavy on the shrimp right now lol.
    So I'm wanting to promote a few products for shrimp I like and a good place to buy shrimp because we all know how much it sucks to buy from a bad seller, and I've purchased from a lot of people so know a thing or two, anyway I was wondering if any of you sponsors have an affiliate program or if anyway knows a good place that does?
    Mainly looking for live shrimp and good shrimp products, but if anyone knows any good planted tank places that would be great too, thanks guys!
    P.S. Here's my site if anyone wants to see http://bigonshrimp.com/
  13. Like
    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in My first tank   
    I agree with jaykidding. I just started this hobby and I started out with blue dreams and haven't lost one yet. They are thriving and I'm learning more and more about this hobby with this forum. I'm honestly kinda sad that that many shrimp died because you wanted to try it out to see if it works. One thing I learned in the aquarium hobby is you need to have patience and trust me it's definitely hard for me. Good luck and look forward to seeing updates on your journal.
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  14. Like
    Sandovalsbco reacted to Wygglz in The Waĺl O' Water   
    Just wanted to post some crystal shots.  Hopefully you'll get an idea even with my photography.
    This was a tank for my office just to give the kids something interesting to check out and to help them learn to appreciate nature and animals.

    Here is one of the inhabitants of that tank on one of the crystals.

    this is the seasonal tank for my betta with some black quartz and agate slice

    Buried agate slice

    Will be playing in the tanks today and will try to get some more crystal pics.
  15. Like
    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from Louie in UGH The Coepods!   
    I bought my RODI system off amazon it's the aqua life buddy and it works great so far. My shrimp have become more active and they seem happier since I changed to it. I also use the salty shrimp gh/kh to remineralize it.
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  16. Like
    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from kaydoubleyou in UGH The Coepods!   
    I bought my RODI system off amazon it's the aqua life buddy and it works great so far. My shrimp have become more active and they seem happier since I changed to it. I also use the salty shrimp gh/kh to remineralize it.
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  17. Like
    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Changing whole tank to RO DI   
    I did a 100% water change on my tank that was tap. all my blue dreams are doing great they look happier compared to tap water and I had 4 molts in the first day. My water parameters are great as well no spikes in anything.
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  18. Like
    Sandovalsbco reacted to Shrimpo in Copepods?   
    They are part of the food chain in your aquarium.
  19. Like
    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from Jaykidding in My first tank   
    I agree with jaykidding. I just started this hobby and I started out with blue dreams and haven't lost one yet. They are thriving and I'm learning more and more about this hobby with this forum. I'm honestly kinda sad that that many shrimp died because you wanted to try it out to see if it works. One thing I learned in the aquarium hobby is you need to have patience and trust me it's definitely hard for me. Good luck and look forward to seeing updates on your journal.
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  20. Like
    Sandovalsbco reacted to Jaykidding in My first tank   
    Something is not right :/ alright I speak the truth lol. I honestly think you should try neos, yeah I know they don't excite you but some really do have nice colors depending on how you raise them. Such as painted fire reds, blue dreams, or you can even try tigers as they are good for people going into taiwan bees such as orange eye blue tiger or even royal blue tigers. It's my opinion and I want to help you, it's important right now to think whether the shrimps lives and your money are important right now, or how much a shrimp excites you and they just die. Just try some species that you can easily raise and start a colony as you are a beginner in the hobby. Then once you have that RO unit boom you can just go right into the caridinia again.
  21. Like
    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from gillznglass in Changing whole tank to RO DI   
    I did a 100% water change on my tank that was tap. all my blue dreams are doing great they look happier compared to tap water and I had 4 molts in the first day. My water parameters are great as well no spikes in anything.
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  22. Like
    Sandovalsbco reacted to WDIK in GH: 21 KH: 13 - Neocaridina   
    Cherry Shrimp - Neocaridina
    API liquid test kit.  Shook the bejeebus out of the tube between each drop.  Did the GH test twice on the tank water.  Tap water GH tested at 23.  First time doing a GH and KH test.
    10 Gallon planted tank.
    Temp:  75
    PH:  7.8
    Amonia: 0
    Nitrites: 0
    Nitrates:  ~5
    My shrimp are doing OK as far as not having any deaths for a few weeks, but I noticed some are starting to develope a white band.  Some research claims this is a molting issue.  Worried that I'm going to start finding dead shrimp soon because some of the shrimp in my first ever stocking had the white band and died shortly after.
    20% water change each week using tap water treated with Prime.
    Any suggestions on what I can do to get the GH and KH down to "acceptable" levels?  Not sure I can do RO water. 
    I posted this on another forum also.
  23. Like
    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from Louie in Shrimp tank Stand?   
    This is the first thing that I ever built out of wood I'm not skilled lol but thank you. I searched online and looked at a lot of builds online and just started my own. I did make about 7 trips to lowes to exchange things and buy stuff.
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  24. Like
    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Shrimp tank Stand?   
    Yes I can do one but I don't have all the step by step pictures. I can make a diagram of the step by step that I took. I'm going to hopefully be making a shrimp rack soon that I'll post a DIY as well.
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  25. Like
    Sandovalsbco got a reaction from jem_xxiii in Shrimp tank Stand?   
    I built mine! It's fun to do all I used was a hand circular saw and a drill.

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