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Shrimp lady

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  1. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from Ron Kalman in Amano Shrimp Larva   
    Do you have any of these available? I too have spawned a batch but only lasted 6 days. After reading your success you should do a breeding write-up for all to read!
    I have read first foods should be Yeast!
  2. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from rwong2k in Sulawesi shrimp varieties!   
    Anyone else? I will close offer on 9-13-18 by 8P.M. PDT
    Choices as of now as alot are NOW spoken for:
    Mini blue
    Red line 
    White sock
    Yellow poso snails
    Just send me a P.M.
  3. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from rwong2k in Sulawesi shrimp varieties!   
    Is ANYONE wanting to try these out? Its not that difficult to house/maintain them. Just need higher P.H. 8.0 to. 8.5 ,,, TDS 160 or better. (can do this with additives).
    I have a source in Indonesia for 6 types,,, Blue legged, Yellow cheek, Harliquin, Cardinal, and such... These are RARE indeed!
    Chime in for your interests...
  4. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from AdvancedAquaculture in A "goofy" shrimp tank!   
    Soo I thought I'd share on whats going on in the house-hold of shrimps-N-Fish!
    I have a 10 gallon tank on my stereo cabinet which houses;
    Amano shrimp, 2 Betta Rubra's, 1 Betta Albimarginata, Maylaysian trumpet snails, and a wild caught brown pleco from Hawaiian streams on Oahu.
    Well now the Hurricane hit most are washed down the drain!
    Pics are coming...
    All get along very well!
  5. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from HumanArtRebel1020 in Sulawesi Bandit   
    NO!!!! You would be feeding them at least a 15.oo dinner! per shrimp!
  6. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from ILikeAsianBooty in I LOVE this board!   
    Folks here are SOO informative, friendly, & just pure friendly!
    Keep it up!! We are soo soaked up with BAD news all across OUR County daily, just keep our hobby going, PLEASE!
    I, me live OUT in the the country,, where things are WAY more quiet, but one NEVER knows, Got Ruger sighted in,,, power goes out at random, must be prepared for shrimps well<,,}<,being
    and so on... God bless you ALL
  7. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from Shrimporama in I LOVE this board!   
    Folks here are SOO informative, friendly, & just pure friendly!
    Keep it up!! We are soo soaked up with BAD news all across OUR County daily, just keep our hobby going, PLEASE!
    I, me live OUT in the the country,, where things are WAY more quiet, but one NEVER knows, Got Ruger sighted in,,, power goes out at random, must be prepared for shrimps well<,,}<,being
    and so on... God bless you ALL
  8. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from Aquatic Athlete in I LOVE this board!   
    Folks here are SOO informative, friendly, & just pure friendly!
    Keep it up!! We are soo soaked up with BAD news all across OUR County daily, just keep our hobby going, PLEASE!
    I, me live OUT in the the country,, where things are WAY more quiet, but one NEVER knows, Got Ruger sighted in,,, power goes out at random, must be prepared for shrimps well<,,}<,being
    and so on... God bless you ALL
  9. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from ClownPlanted in I LOVE this board!   
    Folks here are SOO informative, friendly, & just pure friendly!
    Keep it up!! We are soo soaked up with BAD news all across OUR County daily, just keep our hobby going, PLEASE!
    I, me live OUT in the the country,, where things are WAY more quiet, but one NEVER knows, Got Ruger sighted in,,, power goes out at random, must be prepared for shrimps well<,,}<,being
    and so on... God bless you ALL
  10. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from Shrimporama in Grocery store foods   
    I have tried "french style (split, long ways) green beans. Now ingredients says;
    Green beans, salt water.
    I rinse them thoroughly in my sink water (from my well) then use these for my live worm cultures every 2 weeks for (white worms, grindel worms, etc.) for years now.
    So I did a test dummy on a few of my new wild Hawaiiin feral neos' and WOW they sucked them up! No deaths either. These are great to test with as they have been established in the streams for decades now.... They thrive off of natural occuring Algae as they came from a rocky stream, (no plants) with only roots from emersed plant roots that lived on the edges. (see pic) Pauoua stream Honolulu, Hi.

  11. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from Shrimporama in Be gentle. It's my first time (checking water parameters.)   
    What type of shrimp do U have??? some like higher PH and gH
    Playing Chemist is cool uhh?? I bet your son like it and now has something to bring to Science class
  12. Confused
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from Shrimple minded in Newcomer needs HELP please.   
    Quit with the Akronims most do not know what they mean...
  13. Confused
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from Shrimple minded in TB terms   
  14. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from royal_magic in Cheap Fire Reds for sale   
    WOW for Cherries these aren't bad in the least bit! The darker the red, the more they're worth though...
  15. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from ohmiko in Shipping to Hawaii   
    Yes this is true, Import vs. Export laws
    I know 2 hobby breeders there, 1 does F.W.S. & the other Tropical fresh water fishes.
    Import laws  there are VERY strict one must obtain a permit for receiving & shipping out "live plants & animals" for a lousy $50.00 per year) and if the receiver on their end gets caught, there are big fines and could give off red flags to what they're up to on their end as well. I had my Hawiaian fish friend visit here in Seattle, I brought him a few things to take home with them, his girlfriend put 2 kordon breather bags of babies wild-type live bearers in her bra! She was on the smaller side to begin with so they fit just perfect! LOL
    You can take your chances but do not label the box in any way, but still they could most likely get seized by a dogs sharp nose at customs anyways.
    Update: I just looked up the permit costs for Hawaii and it HAS changed since I had this up looked a year ago, I DO NOT see any Neo's or Cardia's on the restricted list  but most Goodeids! bummer as I raise these too, but one should do a though check anyways...
  16. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from Kat in Green Neo ID.   
    My Jades sport a tiny bit of blue pigment blotches near the tail on the last 3 segments of their bodies but still an intense jade coloration on the males.
    I like your too Soothing? any available???
  17. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Next Dollar per gallon sale?   
    Their basic sale is for 10G., 20H G., 40H G. This should have NOT happened!
    The 5.5G. is not included &  is the 15G. either. It is $38.99 retail as I bought one last year here on the west coast. So what did U get the 16B for??? Its a nice tank indeed...
  18. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from SOTG402 in Breeder Box??   
    I raised a batch of 12 Super red cherries in a medium Marina breeder box for 2 months with great success,,, other than 2 got sucked into the main tank! As others said make sure the out-flow (back into the tank) is outfitted with a piece of filter sponge cut to the exact size so the shrimplets don't get sucked out in the main tank! It will need to be cleaned once a week as it builds up debris and will raise the water level with-in the box and will cause over-flow back into the main tank!
    Another thing I found out is using the proper pumps size (PSI) for each size (volume) of breeder box/type. One has to play with different pump volumes to get it just right. An air valve adjuster helps with a pump that has greater PSI output as well.  

  19. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Looking for Zebra Nerite Snails   
    O.K. all members I'll invest some $$$ and depending on request & post them on here in the "Marketpalce Ads" in late February, theses are full grown specimens especially the zebra, spotted & tire track nerite type's,,,, this store I'm getting them from is in the process of a relocation in February so it will take a little bit to get these. I will charge $2.75 per snail {for my investment & time/gas + actual shipping cost per postal zip-code zone} whether it be Horned {3 types, black, stripped, etc.}, Zebra {3 types, tire track, spotted, zebra} or solid Olive's {the lateral can tolerate brackish water up to 1.008 S.G. for breeding} other's they may sell as well. Don't know til' I visit... 
    Got to "Denny's Pet World" Washington state, "Google it" please as they have been family owned in the Pet industry business for well over 37+ years!!! This is a significant move for them as they've rented this space for this amount of time but their space will now be demolished due to progress (Chinese investor in this mall area) they will move to warehouse type building {looks like a single warehouse type metal-framed building, will post pics too!}
    So please put in a request for amount and type so I know how many to purchase and what's wanted.
    Ohhh BTW where is the original poster who want these first as he takes percidense....
  20. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from Mr. F in Looking for Zebra Nerite Snails   
    Zebra, horned (black & striped), Olive and spotted for a buck forty 9 per snail.
    Now I'm trying to breed the "Olives" as well.
  21. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Looking for Zebra Nerite Snails   
    At my fish clubs' sponsored LFS + 10% off
  22. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from rwong2k in HI from vancouver   
    MY club's Auctioneer (Phil) comes up your way once a year and does your local clubs' aquatic auction as well!
    He wears a "Kilt" like your club guy does... L.O.L. Great shrimp I'd love to get ahold of some Cardinals as well... My well water here is just perfect for them too , I love your plants as well but don't do Co2 either...
    Great Flickr page too
  23. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from rwong2k in HI from vancouver   
    Your tanks look like something like what a German Aquarist would have in a office or zoo. Spectacular indeed!!! Which Vancouver are you from???
  24. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from ShrimplyDez in Wild type neos and culls for sale!   
    Come on guys he's trying to sell these, not cook them...
  25. Like
    Shrimp lady got a reaction from Louie in Rilis stopped breeding   
    I see the GH and TDS is TOO high & hard for these!!! alawa shrimp wpould LOVE these readings by not Neo's for the most part.
    Get your number down...slowly. Even thought they were breeding from the start, they were trying to "save themselves"!!!!Like a Lemming syndrome.
    I have Red Rili's from Hawaii and mine breed year around, Temperature, sudden water parameter changes, and  to large of tank size will stop their breeding in a heart-beat! I know this very well, I blew a heater and saw NO-one was feeding for two days straight til' I put my finger in their water then checked the T-stat and man it was cold in there (down to 64o) they acted like slow bugs. I replaced their heater to a 25w that same day and everyone was back to the normal feeding schedule within 30hrs. and only feed every other day.
    Check all of this and report back soon. I have mastered these Rili's and have upwards of 150+ at any given time from 8 starters 2.5 years back in an 2.8 gallon Fluval spec II.
    It's now time to sell some more!!!!
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