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Crackhead Johny

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Crackhead Johny last won the day on January 8 2019

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    55gal with bloody marys. some yellow neos. some CRS. And 2 oversized Amanos.

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  1. I did fly tying in 4th grade. IIRC they live for 24 hours once they emerge. So not much you can do.
  2. It seems that albino checkerboard Haplos hate you when they are nest building. I put big boy and and big girl in my breeding tank and big boy attacks me any time I'm close to the tank, more specifically in it. So much slapitude. I bred Malawian Cichlids for years with hate issues but nothing like this. My sausages are so adorably hateful. Such tiny mouths so they use their fins in some sort of spinning pokemon attack. Holy crap. My forearm is covered in lines like I got whipped ... How did the attacks from my adorably derpy sausage do that? I tried to make peace with frozen blood worms. More red lines, those Odonts and that rage.. hate city. EDIT: 1 day later there are scabs. he is so angry. He used to love eating worm cubes from my fingers, now he wants me dead. Update: I now have a breeder tank full of baby albino Haplos. LFS is chomping at the bit to get them.
  3. I got an orange tiger oto. It unfortunately died within 36 hours in the tank I put it in 😢. Last one at the shop. I have never seen one before so hopefully he gets more in.
  4. I'm not trying out six ray/false corys. These are smaller than dwarf corys. They are also adorable. I will have to shake the moss to see if all the shrimp are now hiding or if there are issues.
  5. Well, throwing Corydorus Haestus (dwarf corys) in my shrimp tank may not have worked out. They seem timid and are smaller than the shrimp but I had ~30-50 visible shrimp when the corys went in and now have ~5 visible. I figured I'd do a test run for everyone here. Looks like "Oto" is still the only acceptable answer.
  6. LFS had a dying pleco. Inverted and gasping. I pointed it out and he said I could have it for free since it was toast and apparently I work miracles.. So I brought the poor thing home and stuffed it in my grow out promising to bring it back if I could save it (he said keep it which I do not think will work long term in my grow out I expect albino checkerboard haplos in there in the next 2 months) So what is the best guess to L# ? For scale the rhino behind the filter is ~9" long. Though I guess the swords would also be a clue. It may be dead by dawn though it is already looking MUCH better. UPDATE: Fish didn't make it. It looks to have been starved to death.
  7. I live by the rule "Overkill is its own reward". 1" acrylic 10g tank? Count me in! If over engineering means a 9 comes through my front window and stops dead when it hits my 550. I call that a win/win. At least after that those angel fish will listen to me. Note to self: build 550.
  8. What is your budget? What kind is the one you have? Aside from it craving more of its kind, if you have a tiny dwarf a herd of Bronchis would probably not make it more comfortable.
  9. Oto of the day. Not sure if these otos are "shrimp safe" These are Giant Otos which apparently get to be 4-6" long
  10. Could you link the Aqueon HOB? Does it have a round intake or a square/rectangular intake? I run a lot of big penguins and have to put hand made prefilters on them. Those get made out of https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B015SL341M/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 My Fluval %$#@!!! canisters also run handmade prefilters from the same stuff. I did hook one of them to a corner filter but discovered my tiny fish would spot the tiny separation between the filter and the glass, swim in, and die. The end of a fluval canister can be stuffed into all large foam filters. I'd link the corner filter but its price is now 4x what I bought it at. My small HOBs run https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002567N2/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Bought them years ago. I just keep cleaning them. Their price also seems to have gone through the roof. I have also used https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B008SOH602/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 with some of the foam sheet stuffed in the end to plug it. As it is these are temp while the normal prefilters get cleaned. Originally I got them as canister difusers that would break up the flow returning to the tank because some fish and shrimp do not like heavy flow. So with some of the sheet foam you can plug the end of anything. Of course with something like https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0051XIN78/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 you can just stack them up int a monster long prefilter from the bottom to the top of your tank. I may consider doing that in the future for the Fluval 406. Or just assemble the monster foam column and stuff a maxijet 1200 in the end. To me the foam filters are all the same so I buy the cheapest I can find on Amazon.
  11. In know in MN there is a Craigslister who sells them in the spring in 1 (5?) gal pails for ~20$ so you can salt your ponds with them to attract ducks. Interesting that this is something you can get accidentally. People have said that daphnia show up in tanks because water companies cannot filter out the eggs, so I wondered if scuds worked the same way.
  12. How did you get them? I have looked at ads on craigslist and have a few tanks I'd like them in (not shrimp tanks). I think they and the albino hoplo cats would be great friends.
  13. How nice is the cholla? I have wanted to change one of my big tanks to cholla and shrimp. https://www.etsy.com/listing/218329336/huge-29-inch-tall-cholla-cactus-skeleton (seems to no longer link to the amazing piece https://www.save-on-crafts.com/cholla.html
  14. In the wild they naturally feed on garbage men so that one is probably hunting.
  15. what is "dragon stone"? it isn't something like lava rock that may leach toxins and metals into the tank is it?
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