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Posts posted by SOTG402

  1. oh I've had had some mischling in the tank for a week and a half or so all doing well. Joe had 30 for $300.00 may go with that just checking the site first. Thank you Jade and Dluxeshrimps for the suggestions =)

  2. 8 minutes ago, Jadenlea said:

    You can go  http://www.amazon.com/AquaClear-30-Power-Filter-Listed/dp/B00020SVDG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1459981448&sr=8-1&keywords=aquaclear+30    with a cheap sponge filter  (5 bucks or so)   Or you can just go with the aquaclear 50 which is  $37 on amazon.  I have aquaclear on 2 of my 4 tanks.  They work great, are easy to clean and fairly inexpensive.  


    Thats the one i have. good to know it will get the job done. 


    25 minutes ago, PlantDude said:

    Is it a 20 long? If you're going with a high tech setup including co2 and ferts go with a lower PAR light to avoid any headaches. Filtration can be whatever you like honestly, but for a 10 or 20g you can go with a good HOB at around $45 maybe less if you find one used. Substrate options that will benefit your plants can be soil(low cost) or what I would recommend is eco-complete. Maybe get some root tabs for about $6.


    Bigger question, what plants do you have in mind?

    ok yeah i got a used HOB and it is a long what kind of lights do you suggest? i like crypts and buces i would to do some research on some others i i like.

  4. Thinking about getting  10G OR 20g tank and make it a heavily planted tank. medium to high light i want. Just would like to know what all I need to get started and what you recommend for lights filtration substrate etc. Only want to spend $200-300 for equipment.

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