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Everything posted by SOTG402

  1. I'm sure this is rare, once during feeding in one of my tanks an assassin snail latched on to a shrimp and would not let go so i had to save the shrimp.
  2. My next tank ill go your route try and replicate amazon habitat. Looking forward to next weeks topics!
  3. Once again thanks again for the good read. i look forward to your posts,thanks again.
  4. SOTG402


    Sounds like hes looking for $1 shrimp lol stop being so cheap then being rude on top of that.
  5. ok ill buy both I've read nothing but good things on the product.
  6. Can i use the gh kh+ for my cards i notice most people use it for their neos.
  7. looking for some new genes for my CRS tank looking for 10-25 pm with prices thanks
  8. thanks for all the input, does any one know if it enhances your survival rate or not?
  9. I have two of them when i use to breed angelfish. Just wondering what are the pros and cons when it comes to using them for shrimp?
  10. ok thanks ill let you know what i come up with.
  11. I want to try a planted tank what all do i need to get started?
  12. i agree but he's one of the more trusted importers though.
  13. lol i know right, plus he's negotiable on his price as well, I'm getting some of both for sure.
  14. I saw some people were looking for Aura Blue Tigers, Joe Aqua told me he's getting ABT (a&S grade) and some super red crystals (all red, one stripe, multi,crs pattern). Just sharing with you guys. Maybe tell him gage sent you if you buy some please
  15. any supplement input from any one? any ro remineralize?
  16. alright guess ill be getting some of csf thanks guys.
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