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Posts posted by SOTG402

  1. idk if they are needed but i was looking for supplements like bt-9 stuff along those lines, also what is some good foods you guys use  i have a few custom few ones ( S&C aquatics, joe aqua) Shirakura ebb dama  soft hard and breed and some   hikari pellets and leaves.  Is this a good  enough diet or do i need to add/remove anything?

  2. Has any one ever had any problems with flip aquatics? waiting on some BTOE, ordered over a week ago and it says processing still. Tried to contact them but no answer, not to pleased.

  3. I have never tried soil before, seems like a lot of you guys and gals are knowledgeable on the subject. So i would like to know. Positives and negs of it, whats its purpose, good kinds to start off with. i want to do a nice planted tank that can survive without  a co2 and all that (not ready for that). Last just things i need to know how long does it last what happens when its no good.

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