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Everything posted by SOTG402

  1. SOTG402


    My pictures are getting better..i think haha.
  2. I got some black fancy tigers froms joe aqua
  3. mayphly took care of me very excited to add to my pinto tank
  4. ya its been running for 5 years or so and awesome ill put some drift wood in there check on it.
  5. Nice looking tanks and welcome
  6. sorry my pictures are sooo bad
  7. Im looking for red pinto not picky on the pattern, and looking for extreme rkk. just wanted to see what you guys had. just reply or PM me thanks.
  8. lol ya i know i believe you guys call it shrimp fever. and i got it bad lol. As long as petco does have another 1 per gallon sale i should be ok.
  9. i try to take pictures with my galaxy and my cannon coolpix i can't get a good one yet haha. truly an art form.
  10. ok thanks i usually always do but when i did the first one didn't do anything. i figured i try it without remineralize it. do you think i should place them in a different tank until i can stabilize it again?
  11. soothing ya crs i need to turn off my auto correct. ph in neo card tank 6.8. I've been reading neos like it a bit higher but they seem to be molting and bullying my cards during feeding. do you think. i will have problems in my pinto tank if they ever had babies i would move them just with 5 shrimp i didn't think they needed a bigger tank. sotg means student of the game. so please correct or suggest anything i want whats best for the shrimp( i just really love my nano tank haha)
  12. i really hope i don't lose 9 tanks either!!!! if thats the case i need to sell these and do cheap rcs lol
  13. tds is 220 i can't get it under200 for some reason didn't have to worry about it as much when breeding fish
  14. no co2, the first change i used replenish from my lfs. waited a day and a half and no real improvment and did the second one and i didn't remineralize it.
  15. and yeah Soothing i siphon water in and out when adding i do it 3 different intervals to avoid stress idk it that even helps.
  16. i cycled all tanks for two weeks prior to adding all other tanks are perfect even my 55g community tank that i don't keep a eye on I've been caring for fish for 10plus years. shrimps month or so. no3-0 no2-1.5-2 gh 5 kh2 ph 6.4-6.8
  17. i don't have any of that on hand and we are in a blizzard right now(go figure). i have a few different mosses in there mineral rock cholla wood. two 30% water changes with ro water. even tried using some prime nothings working. its a 20g with 15 or so blue pandas and 25 bb. i dont think its them that causing the problem.
  18. Ive had a nitrate (no2) in my tank. Ive done two separate water changes with no avail.ive lost on extreme bb and 2 shadow pandas smh. Should i move all shrimp out of tank?
  19. Thanks guys i have alot of reading to do.
  20. I'm new to this site and I'm new to the shrimp scene too. I have a few tanks 20g long with BB, blue shadow pandas. i have a 3.5g with 4 black belly pintos and 1 zebra pinto, and 2 10g tanks with cos and blue velvets and the other fancy tigers and royal blue with orange eyes, and a few yellow neo, all are young tanks (less than a month old). Im very excited to see what the future holds with these tanks.
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