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Posts posted by SOTG402

  1.  soothing ya crs i need to turn off my auto correct. ph in neo card tank 6.8. I've been reading neos like it a bit higher but they seem to be molting and bullying my cards during feeding. do you think. i will have problems in my pinto tank if they ever had babies i would move them just with 5 shrimp i didn't think they needed a bigger tank. sotg means student of the game. so please correct or suggest anything i want whats best for the shrimp( i just really love my nano tank haha)

  2. i don't have any of that on hand and we are in a blizzard right now(go figure). i have a few different mosses in there mineral rock  cholla wood. two 30% water changes with ro water. even tried using some prime nothings working. its a 20g with 15 or so blue pandas and 25 bb. i dont think its them that causing the problem.

  3. I'm new to this site and I'm new to the shrimp scene too. I have a few tanks  20g long with BB, blue shadow pandas. i have a 3.5g with 4 black belly pintos and 1 zebra pinto, and 2 10g tanks with cos and blue velvets and the other fancy tigers and royal blue with orange eyes, and a few yellow neo, all are young tanks (less than a month old).  Im very excited to see what the future holds with these tanks. 

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