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Everything posted by MrShrimpo

  1. I have a project I've been thinking about since I got into aquariums and no one I know cares, so I thought I would share my ideas and plans for this with other shrimp enthusiasts. I've been granted access, wife said so, to a corner near the entry way of my house to build this thing and I'm doing it! Wish me luck... My wife and kid are visiting family in China for a month this summer and to occupy myself in their absence I plan on building a big bad ass automated aquarium cabinet to replace the cheap tacky 2x4 rack I use currently. I am a cabinetmaker by trade, an electrical engineer by education and computer programmer by hobby so this shouldn't be too difficult for me (hahahahahaha), but it will take a lot of time planning/building and probably won't be cheap. I will be using cabinet grade materials for this and finishing it just like I would for a client. It will look nice, per requirements of my wife. So far I've come up with a rough layout of my design for the cabinet (pic attached) and haven't starting designing the electronic control circuits yet. I've been wanting to build an "automated" aquarium for quite a long time and have slowly acquired more than enough components to make this work. I would like to eventually plumb it into my water system and make it fully automated, but for now water changes will still be a thing. It will have two reservoirs for RODI water and waste water until I decide to tear open walls and run supply and drain lines into it. My plan is to have a touch screen LCD display water parameters, control lighting, display messages, and basically control any other function I think of building into the system. It will be connected to my wireless network, send text messages in the event of catastrophic failures (electrical, leakage, structural, etc.) and reminders to empty or fill reservoirs. The feeding of shrimp and cleaning of the front glass will be automated as will the maintenance of user set water parameters. PH will be controlled automatically by a Co2 system with a custom PH feedback controller, GH and TDS will be controlled automatically by adding calculated amounts of RODI water or a concentrated solution of mineralizer, temp is controlled by inline water heaters and a DIY chiller, the doors will have electronic locks so my two year old doesn't get into my shit, and the whole thing will be connected to my wireless network and have a custom blue tooth app so I can have mood lighting with the RGB LED strips I'm not really concerned with monitoring KH, Ammonia, Nitrates, or Nitrites as those have never been an issue with a fully cycled filter, but could add it in the future when a cheap hackable sensor hits the market. The whole system will consist of three 20 gallon longs as display tanks and two "breeder drawers" I designed to maximize space in breeding projects. Tanks will be drilled and plumbed together for a single 70-80 gallon volume of water. WTF is a breeder drawer? I'm not quite sure yet, but I was staring at my wall of little storage bins I keep my electronic components in and thought, "what if I could build a similar setup to breed shrimp and separate traits, lines, and generations without having to maintain a billion tanks, that would be cool?." So, I designed a thing to house many tiny tanks in one unit all connected together with lots of tubes and valves and the breeder drawer was alive, patent pending. Each unit would house around 40 partitions in a cubic foot of space, only question is how much space does a shrimp need to chill out and breed? I'm building a smaller prototype to test this idea, if it doesn't work or is a pain I will find another use for the two spaces in my cabinet. That is all for now, I know I forgot some stuff but it's late and I've written enough to include a TLDR... TLDR Guy wants to build an over complicated aquarium setup so he can merge all his passions into one and have a glorious shrimp rack that is controlled by artificial intelligence, bought and paid for by the Chinese government. Rough cabinet design. It will look real nice, I promise. Very rough breeder drawer design. It's much cooler in my head, I swear.
  2. Nice avatar, wish I would've thought of doing something like that...
  3. Blue Bolts, Tan Tiger, BKK, Wine Red, Tibee, Pinto, anything really. I just want a nice blend of caridinas in there.
  4. Not personally, but I've bought from him in the past. He's a breeder out of NY with quality stock. His best prices are on aquabid if you can catch them
  5. https://www.soshrimp.com SoShrimp has nice Blue Bolts
  6. Good to hear your hobby is doing well! I do have like 15-20 tibee shrimp, BTOE female x BKK male. Want to trade?
  7. Re-homing in progress... that was quick.
  8. Not really back in business, just have so many black tigers now and I want a balanced blend of genetics in my community tank. How are your Tigers doing?
  9. I have a neglected tank of Neos I want to re-home. I bought them as carbon rilis, but they are all over the place for coloring. Some are rili like, others are solid blue/black or almost clear blue. Really just a random bunch of blue shrimp. I have been consolidating my tanks from 20+ down to 4 and I only want to maintain 3... so these are next to go. I will get an approximate quantity and some pics tomorrow once I move them to a clean tank and can see them all. Probably 20 or so shrimp of various ages, maybe more maybe less. If you want them they are yours for the cost of shipping. Priority or express, your choice. Shipped on Mondays and Tuesday from Colorado.
  10. $80 for 12 $40 for 6 Willing to trade for other Caridina types! Priority shipping included with purchase, Express upgrade available at cost. Shipped on Mondays and Tuesdays. DOA - Contact me same day with pics and I can send a prorated refund or resend DOA amount. Approximately 120 shrimp available. Coloration varies from solid black to dark blue stripes and some have light eyes while most have orange. Very hardy shrimp and a prolific breeder. These shrimp are in a tank with Black King Kongs, Blue Bolts, Wine Reds, and Fancy Tigers so no guarantee on pure OEBT genes. Although 95%+ are Black Tigers.
  11. Check out aquabid for cherry shrimp
  12. 1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you) 2.fishprinceofca 3. 240ric 4 avonsurfernc 5. shrimpaholich 6. Mr. F 7. Sarah 8. Eloodaku 9. Serenityfate 10. Tyler44 11. NeMox69x 12. corbie 13. ManedWolf 14. Hersheyb 15. francisf 16. SeñorShrimpster 17.MHSY 18. svetilda 19. Adrand 20. ShrimpP 21. MrShrimpo
  13. Thanks Vpier, I found that journal after I posted here. Been reading through it and now I'm going to Petco today to buy more tanks before the sale ends... lol!
  14. I would love to see pics of your tanks. You must have a sweet setup...
  15. Limnobium laevigatumAmazon frogbit is an easy to care for floating plant that spreads fast when established. Juvenile plants grow in rosettes of floating leaves that have spongy tissue on the underside of the leaf allowing it to float. These plants grow very long roots, each with many small hairs branching off which shrimp love to climb and graze upon. 12+ plants per order, 3-6 leaves per plant.Shipping$4.00 - USPS First Class$8.00 - USPS PriorityItem will be shipped in a breather bag and well insulated box.I will ship only to the continental USA.PaymentEmail me with shipping preference and an invoice will be sent to you via paypal.Payment is due within 72 hours of invoice being sent.Live Arrival GuaranteeIf plants are dead on arrival, please contact me asap with photos and a refund will be issued for the final price minus shipping, or I can resend the order at no cost.
  16. Bought a reverse mounting macro ring for my Canon DSLR today, been playing... More to come, just have to get my tripod and lights from storage. Baby RW/CRS Mischling hanging out CRS CRS berries
  17. MrShrimpo

    MrShrimpo's Gallery

    Just a gallery of things in my tanks.
  18. 1.) Eloodaku - Also make potted succulent arrangements 2.) Dluxeshrimps - I have a weird obsession with finding different type of glass jars, and also looking for food challenges in restaurants 3.) Hersheyb - Reef tanks, fast cars! 4.) Jynn - I paint and do aquascaping, I also make fancy light displays for music festivals. 5.) 9thdragon - video games. food. making drinks. 6.) Pandaboy093 - power and Olympic lifting 7.) Shrimpo.us - Programming, Electrical Engineering, and driving my wife crazy with my "projects"
  19. Still plenty available. PM me if interested.
  20. Phyllanthus fluitans Red root floaters are a great little plant to add some color to your aquarium, provide a place for shrimp to hide in and graze on, and offer shade to the tank. When grown under high light and nutrient rich conditions the leaves and roots will turn a dark red and mature plants will even develop small white flowers. Red root floaters grow very fast under the right conditions, and as it grows each plant will form a long chain like structure before it breaks off into separate plants. It is a wonderful little plant for removing excess nutrients and is much easier to manage than some of the other smaller floating plants such as duckweed, fairy moss, and salvinia. 24+ plants per order, 4-6 leaves per plant. - $11.99 + shipping 12+ plants per order, 4-6 leaves per plant. - $5.99 + shipping Shipping tracking # included $4.00 - USPS First Class $8.00 - USPS Priority $30.00 - USPS Priority Express Item will be shipped in a breather bag and well insulated box. I will ship only to the continental USA. Payment Email me with shipping preference and an invoice will be sent to you via paypal. Payment is due within 72 hours of invoice being sent. Live Arrival Guarantee If plants are dead on arrival, please contact me asap with photos and a refund will be issued for the final price minus shipping, or I can resend the order at no cost.
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