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    Shrimpie123 got a reaction from Kat in Pink Ramshorn Snail   
    I never thought I would have fish tanks. I have one. I never thought I'd have a planted shrimp tank. I now have two. And I NEVER thought I would EVER be interested in snails. I'm fascinated. 
    I've been mesmerized at how my pink ramshorn snails will jump off a leaf or piece of moss. They just float to the next thing. So carefree.
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    Shrimpie123 got a reaction from fernselvis in Pink Ramshorn Snail   
    Very cool picture!
  3. Like
    Shrimpie123 reacted to mayphly in Auratai Shrimp   
    It's been a while since I posted here. Here are some updated pics

  4. Like
    Shrimpie123 reacted to jumpsmasher in GlasGarten Products   
    This is the first i heard of this - do you have a source or more details? Can't see what type of liability there would be with shrimp food though... and if there is some sort of liability issue, I would imagine it would affect other imported shrimp food as well.
    I will check with my GlasGarten rep and report and what he says
  5. Like
    Shrimpie123 reacted to fernselvis in Pink Ramshorn Snail   
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    Shrimpie123 got a reaction from Ianhamm in Small breeding tanks   
    As a small tank keeper (3G JBJ Picotope), I have to be diligent with testing, water levels and maintenance. I have no experience with large tanks, but what I have are three nano's and they require a good amount of TLC. I enjoy it. When our children get older, we will do larger tanks out in the house. So for now, nano. 
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    Shrimpie123 got a reaction from fernselvis in Auto feeding for 2 weeks?   
    I do not have near the advanced tank as yours and I'm going on a week long trip and was wondering what to do. Good to know all is well. Part of my evaporation problem is my cat likes to drink out of our tanks. Luckily, they won't be here while we are gone. 
  8. Like
    Shrimpie123 reacted to Maurice in New 10Gal CRS tank   
    Hello SS
    Thought I should do an little update
    Not the best but some cell pics
    CRS tank doing awesome, counted 130+


  9. Like
    Shrimpie123 reacted to Densha in Densha's Taiwan Bee Tank   
    Thanks Shrimpie123!
    I just made a gallon of remineralized RO/DI water using Lowkeys GH. .75ml of remineralizer gave me gH5 using the API test kit. 87 TDS.
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    Shrimpie123 got a reaction from Densha in Densha's Taiwan Bee Tank   
    Good to know. I did a large water change tonight and I added less LK's GHMB and my TDS is now 134. I have another tank and I like them meticulously clean so the algae and diatoms are driving me crazy. I'm forcing myself not to mess with it and wait for the shrimp and snails to clean it up. Mine will be a Taiwan Bee tank. 
    I've really enjoyed your journal and have learned a lot. I've got two 3 gallon JBJ Picotopes (shrimp tanks) and a 5 gallon Fluval Chi (my son's little community tank). I want to get a large tank for our family room once the kids are a little older. Keep sharing your progress. 
    Thanks for your response. 
  11. Like
    Shrimpie123 reacted to Densha in Densha's Taiwan Bee Tank   
    I did have the diatoms before adding the shrimp. I noticed them starting just before the cycle was finished. However, they really bloomed after I added the shrimp. I don't think they minded and everything went well. I did brush some of the diatoms off the wood but left it on the glass.I saw shrimp graze on it every now and then.
    When I was using MK-Breed, it was around 130, and after the first water change with Lowkeys it bumped up to 140. I didn't start with Lowkeys so my TDS will no doubt be a bit skewed compared to yours. Two water changes of 10% later it's sitting at 147.
    I usually never measure the TDS of my new water, but I'll make some now and test.
  12. Like
    Shrimpie123 reacted to jem_xxiii in Help: Aquaclear 30 filter with low flow   
    Is there anything inside the filter that is clogging it up? Such as something that is stuck to the impeller, or is the prefilter clogged?
  13. Like
    Shrimpie123 reacted to 35ppt in Help: Aquaclear 30 filter with low flow   
    Isolate each phase. Run it with no media (I think you can do that?) and add each item back in one at a time.
    You may need to replace the sponges if they are too clogged.
  14. Like
    Shrimpie123 reacted to Vpier in ramshorns not living long in my community tank   
    I have seen amano's eat baby pond snails.
  15. Like
    Shrimpie123 reacted to h4n in MK-Breed Life Balls vs Benibachi Crimson Bee Balls?   
    Once a year or more
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk
  16. Like
    Shrimpie123 reacted to christinenha in Royal Blue Tiger How-To   
    I no longer use Mosura TDS+. I just upped the GH to 8-9, which has put me at about 230 TDS, and they are breeding like crazy. They bred best at GH 10 for me, actually, but I feared the GH getting too high so I dropped it a bit. =)

    Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
    Edit: Hadn't realized this post was back when I was using SS GH+. I switched to liquid remineralizer which put my GH at about 6-7 for a TDS of 170. So I increased it, and they've been good since. =)
  17. Like
    Shrimpie123 got a reaction from Kurobom in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    I'm kind of taken by their eyes and leg joints. Unreal photos
  18. Like
    Shrimpie123 got a reaction from Seanmb89 in Round/flat worms   
    When I first started keeping shrimp, I had them. I was feeding too much. I had small planaria and detritus worms. I would get the detritus worms out with tongs and the planaria I left. Ultimately, I was over feeding. I dialed in my feedings and I don't see planaria anymore, but now and again do see 1-3 detritus worms. I don't mind them too much because they clean up detritus which isn't a bad thing.
  19. Like
    Shrimpie123 reacted to gillznglass in Purigen   
    May I suggest using Seachem alkaline buffer and acid buffer to finalize the recharge process?  These are both non phosphate based buffers unlike neutral regulator.  I don't have trouble with PH swings with regenerated purigen at all.
    Seachem acid and alkaline buffer
    All of the steps below are much easier if you use one of the reusable coffee maker filter screens the biggest size you can find.  This makes it so easy to rinse well and prepare for storage.  See this one, and the handle on top of it is even better.
    Coffee Filter
    1) Soak in regular household bleach with no scent additives or any other additives of any kind.  This is very important.  Soak for 24 hours, but stir the solotion of bleach and Purigen periodically when you can.
    2) Rinse very well in RO water.  If you use tap with chlorine, add some prime to the next step 3.
    3) Add the ratio of acid buffer to alkaline buffer that matches the aquariums ph you intend to use it in.  Instructions for this ratio are on the back of both bottles.  I use 1 teaspoon as a starting point so there is a powerful mix of buffer to infuse into the Purigen.  Soak for at least 24 hours. Stir the mix periodically.
    4)  You may rinse this mix in RO water, which is best. If not, put the purigen into the filter, reactor, or whatever you use for purigen right away, or store it in the original bottle drained of excess water.  If you use tap water for this step add prime to the aquarium directly, or make a bowl of tap and prime water to rinse it before you store it.
    Never let purigen dry out!  Never use slime coat additives as it will foul the purigen.
    Hope this helps.
  20. Like
    Shrimpie123 reacted to Mr. F in Rare Floater "Salvinia Cucullata" and red root floater Price Cut $7 for 1, $12 for 2   
    I got some for my 3g marineland a while back. It looks nice and came in healthy.

  21. Like
    Shrimpie123 got a reaction from shrimpybuisness in Shrimp Changing Colors?   
    I have Royal Blue Tigers and one of the guys I purchased from said you will see the females do this when they are ready to breed or berried. I have a female that looks like this. 
  22. Like
    Shrimpie123 got a reaction from PlantDude in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Gorgeous blue bolt!
  23. Like
    Shrimpie123 reacted to DETAquarium in Hurricane Season Power Outage Prep : How to....???   
    APC has a chart that tells you how many watts it can hold for approx. how long. That is what I based it on prior to purchasing, after your purchase your APC Backups will tell you how many minutes it can hold with the amount of watts it has plugged into it.
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    Shrimpie123 reacted to jifstone in Hurricane Season Power Outage Prep : How to....???   
    If you start sponge filter ASAP then you should have enough bacteria colonized in it to prevent a mini-cycle.
  25. Like
    Shrimpie123 reacted to EricM in Hurricane Season Power Outage Prep : How to....???   
    battery powered air pumps are handy to have.  
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