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wicca32 last won the day on July 15 2014

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About wicca32

  • Birthday 10/14/1981

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    bartlesville ok
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    all kinds of shrimp

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  1. ive only had it about a year but not sure when i will need it again.
  2. i wont be needing my ro unit for quite a while and i was wondering how i would go about storing it without messing up the membrain in it
  3. can ada amazonia be dried and stored? its still holding strong but i think i have lost my last tb and have no need for it right now. i was wondering if i could dry it in the oven?
  4. its not hard really. kinda like fish i think some shrimp grow to their environment. had had some shrimp in a breeder box with angel babies to help clean extra food. a few got out thought he gate in the out flow. when i was breaking down said tank to move i found several that really were a couple inches long. put all the other shrimp to shame. the ones i had in the breeder box stayed an inch or under and ones in the tank were huge. it does happen
  5. for sure get something to put down and if your worried about looks spray paint it black to match the stand. even if i was going to put a 29 on it i would get some ply or osb and spray it with black enamel pant to help seal the wood before i put a tank on a stand with open spots, i had a 10 on a 10gal stand one of the iron ones and hubby hit it hard enough it moved and fell though the opening. didnt break but sure scared the crap out of me as hard as it hit the bottom of the stand. still not really sure how it didnt shatter
  6. i have heard of it being done however those who have said it can be done also said the off spring were sterile or never carried eggs full term.
  7. congrats sir. i have about givin up on tb. i have had mine for just under a year down to 2 out of 7 and never breed. so i totally get how you feel. cant wait to see pics of mom and babies in a month
  8. this is where i have always gotten mine and all my fish and shrimp love it http://www.kensfish.com/aquarium-supplies/fish-food-feeders/kens-premium-spirulina-sticks.html
  9. go spirulina algae. its a great plant basted protein so it does not cause molt issues like meat protein
  10. well here is one of my light colored dark eyes babies chilling with its albino siblings. not sure what color it is but this came from the green dragon male and abn long fin female
  11. well i have 3 colors out of this batch of babies. i have greens, albinos, and some that when on glass loohk almost albino light color but have black eyes and get darker in color at times.
  12. got my first 2 babies out of the bamboo today both albino. dad is soooo not happy lol. cant wait to see them all out and about
  13. brown color can come from mixing blacks and reds. i think the red waters down the black. i would say it kinda depends on the genes in the bb. if it came from a bkk line then i could kinda see it making more of a brown baby. i would put them in a holding tank till they get older might end up as a low grade bkk. ive hears some black king kongs have more of a brown tint where as the high grades are more of a blue tint. the bkk i had were the blue. you would only see it if the light hit them just right though
  14. either glue it to suction cups so you can move it or us silicon in an empty tank. super glue wont hold.
  15. at the 24 hour mark some were getting darker. more are starting to get darker as well. still mostly albino so far but we shall see in a week or 2
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