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Everything posted by heatherbee

  1. It's supposed to be one of the easiest fish ever like guppies- to the point of being a nuisance but I've had mine about 18 months and never seen any babies - it's gotta be cause of the guppies & possibly the turtle in the tank they have been in. My turtle in that tank leaves the shrimp and fish alone but he will eat snails and tiny detritus worms etc so I believe the eggs and any possible fry have just gotten eaten by him or the guppies. They're always showing out with the males chasing females. The pair I've moved into the tank has definitely been spawning so I should see babies really soon. It's easier for me to watch this tank so I'll let you know
  2. I noticed this thread was started a month ago but I'm going to add in case another person might search. I'm just talking painted fire cherry shrimp but I've moved dozens between tanks at different times during the eggs development and have only once had a first time mom drop about half of hers (but you know the 1st timers do this sometimes anyways). I had a large population by that time though so I wasn't overly concerned- just treated them like any other and acclimated them to the slight temp change. If it was another type that's known to be more sensitive, expensive, or you only have a few etc I'd most likely do anything I could to wait it out unless she was very freshly berried- I would lean towards right away or not at all.
  3. Well poo my dwarf frog was dead today. My tests are all the same as they have always been. Shrimp all seem ok and I put 2 of my gold white cloud minnows in the tank about 36 hours ago and they are looking fine and busy spawning.... Any more opinions?
  4. The mini cycle is a good point I didn't consider- everything looked okay after the first fish death and does now that I just checked it but it's possible I missed it if it was short!
  5. My shrimp did that to the big snails I added as well but it calms down- it's just new smelling stuff they seem to flock to. On a side note- how I got into shrimp was I got a few ghost shrimp for my (carnivorous) aquatic map turtle but he ignores them. Over time i added Amano and cherry shrimp to his tank and they are constantly on his shell taking care of algae on it I find this stuff funny. I think the snail will come out and the shrimp will be less interested once that "new smell" is gone!
  6. Soooo I did something really naive in one of my tanks (I only have 2 currently) with no quarantine (I know better but we are currently living in a small space with quite a few little critters and I hadn't added anything new for months so to have an extra empty tank running didn't seem sensible). To the point- I bought 10 neon tetras that seemed fine in the store. One died overnight the first night and I assumed it was just a loss from not acclimating well because it looked fine before bed and there was no signs of anything. Within 36 hours I could tell there was a couple more that were isolating themselves and looking bad. I am 99% sure this was the neon tetra disease. .http://www.fishchannel.com/fish-health/freshwater-conditions/neon-tetra-disease.aspx I did something I've never done before and euthanized them because I found it is typically 100% death rate (and they were clearly not going to last long). This was at night and by the time I woke up all 3 of my otocinclus were dead :/. At that point I was very angry because I've had them for about a year so they were clearly thriving. It took me over an hour and I wrecked my planted tank but I managed to get the other neons all out and I took them back to the store. The only other things I have are my PFR shrimp, one AD Frog, snails and a BN pleco. The next morning after I wrecked thru the tank I found a small shrimp dead but thought I could have hit it because it was a serious battle getting those fish out around my heavily planted tank and driftwood. Everything's been looking okay the last few days but this AM I found one more shrimp dead- it looks fine on the outside. I don't want to medicate unnecessarily and end up killing things but I'm still worried that I should add something? Maybe salt, melafix or some other support type thing? This is an unknown area of mine as I've not had any sickness in my shrimp tanks before- only with fish years ago.
  7. Nice gift! I just love the little nano square tanks set up with a big slope and split substrate type so there's a little path. I have to squelch my plant collectoritis (aquatic, emersed, terrestrial, succulents, bromeliad/tillandsia...everything!) all the time because of space lol. Im very much considering going vertical and adding sturdy shelving next to my bed in our bedroom-living room where my 4 tanks are now though since that's my only option. Ludwigia is one plant I've been able to really have a lot of weed like growth with- I have 4 types now including the "red". I wonder if it's the lower ph or temp as I'm assuming you're referring to CRS/lower ph tanks? It might like my higher ph/higher temps but I'm not sure! Looking forward to seeing what you do as your previous tank is awesome!
  8. I do most all my deep cleaning and maintenance on Mondays here with my "mini zoo" of various critters in tanks/enclosures. I don't have anything too crazy to record as far as any breeding but....I'd LOVE to have one of the continuous testing monitor things with probes that monitors and records different parameters and temp etc with time graphs on the app. I'm a sucker for nifty technology & those things are sweet looking!
  9. Yeah I did. Laid on baking sheet after turning off the oven when I was done with dinner & it had to of been warm a couple hours. I do the same thing with the spirulina in a thin layer and break into teeny chips for occasional feeding of aquatic creatures. I will try again with a little added something after I Google. I didn't even try to see an ingredient list I just figured it was spirulina since mine go nuts for it- the ottos too! I would order them from Han though if making an order otherwise!
  10. 1. Deluxe shrimps (awesome Roak!!! Thank you) 2.fishprinceofca 3. 240ric 4 avonsurfernc 5. shrimpaholich 6. Mr. F 7. Sarah 8. Eloodaku 9. Serenityfate 10. Tyler44 11. NeMox69x 12. corbie 13. ManedWolf 14. Hersheyb 15. francisf 16. SeñorShrimpster 17.MHSY 18. svetilda 19. Adrand 20. ShrimpP 21. MrShrimpo 22. landhouse 23. 35ppt (woo, hoo, friday!) 24. macrobrachium 25. d0pey (thank you) 26. maverickbr77 27. taewonee 28. ahboram 29. Heatherbee
  11. Ive seen them and being a frugal/diy type I tried once so far too make them. I tried using pure spirulina powder wet with distilled water to coat a bamboo skewer stick buy even after drying it thoroughly it just instantly dissolved once placed in water. I have some powdered clays and calcium etc that I will probably try mixing it with next time to see if I can harden it. They are so inexpensive though it's a cool product and I like that it's easy to get in and out.
  12. I'm just now seeing this- awesome photos & labels! I've searched for side by side comparisons but have only seen a couple with only 2 or 3 types so your photos are very helpful!
  13. I'm betting that's ppm which would be almost 9dkh. Have you tested nitrite?
  14. I have a bit of an obsession with mosses and have a lot of terrestrial moss planters but haven't gotten but a couple aquatic types. I'm very frugal when it comes to buying plants online and haven't wanted to put out the cash just yet but have been looking at the fissidens geppi & nobilis because I absolutely love the larger types
  15. Not really. Some people push it and do little doses but not worth it to even try imo.
  16. I've been lucky so far but have been anxious with my first Cardinals for about 2 weeks now after having ghost, amanos & pfr cherries with no deaths. I got 5 ottos about 2 weeks ago as well and have been head counting them like crazy sort of expecting the worst from reading about so many dying everywhere. All is seemingly well with all. I know dip tests aren't the best but I go through a lot just checking each tank once or twice a day to make sure everything's saavy. I had my first large tank at age 16 (spent all my first jobs pay getting it) and everything died in less than 36 hours after getting a 2$ stupid black skirt tetra from petco(no quarantine). I had a black ghost knife fish that was about 10", a 18" pleco, glass catfish and full grown angels in there among other things. I still don't know what did it- I barely had time to react. I can relate!
  17. We want one!! Lol I'm kidding mostly but we are suckers for what we call "the moosh" referring to the breeds that have smooshed/boxy faces with lots of extra skin. I probably sound like a lunatic We have 2 Boston terriers and would love a frenchie or english bulldog later but love the American too esp white!
  18. Ramshorn snails go to the surface and put a pocket of air in their shells and their bodies absorb oxygen that way from what I've read. I see one on the surface now and then both eating and seeming to glide slowly
  19. thongs & aquatics... Makes perfect sense!
  20. I got some this week and they are perfect just like any photos you see. Very deep blue! I'm sure he'll pop on but I came across his YouTube channel and he has a recent update on his shrimp that shows them if you want to take a look in the meantime https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jbcn5o8ZMyc
  21. Holy wow! What size tank? I thought I had a lot!
  22. This might not be an angle you're willing to consider but sharing anyways. From my experience there's always a big population boom anytime you drop many species of snails into a new tank and it will likely calm down. I would suggest just manually removing versus any chemical type thing. I realize they're small now so it is probably hard to identify but a lot of snails are beneficial and not harmful. Have you spotted any eggs or evidence of?
  23. I'm pretty sure ludwigia can all be grown emersed but hopefully somebody else will chime in on possibilities.
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