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Everything posted by heatherbee

  1. That's what I consider a red. It's what I have the most of & I've had pinks before. The reds have pink/reddish body/foot and shells vary from golden light yellow to very red caramel.
  2. I mightve heard that about the 70s and 80s and just don't recall. I watch so many nature and documentary shows that I am constantly surprised at what I learn especially about history before my time. Slightly random but I am looking forward to the mourning doves coming back soon. We had large amounts around us last year. I'm a bird watcher among a million other animal related hobbies and they have a unique call!
  3. After watching every episode of river monsters and hearing about bull sharks being over a thousand miles inland up the missisipi I am no longer as brave in the water here lol! I used to be confident nothing was there that could do any damage. It insane all the things that have been introduced on purpose like the carp in the US and cane toads in Australia. I guess we might want to release lions and tigers to deal with those pesky hogs! I think I recall another reason for the issues down around Miami is the international airport and smuggled animals being let loose out of stupidity/fear. I don't even want to Google but I know there's huge parrot populations, iguanas and has been small groups of breeding monkeys. Even in New York there's thousands of quaker parrots flourishing!
  4. I know they've been doing or attempting to do similar things with lionfish and pythons etc so I'm not too surprised. It stinks but if they're hurting or decimating native creatures then I understand. Is definitely a bit odd though with an app and prizes!
  5. Yay! It was meant to be Super excited! !
  6. That is awesome! I want some slime mold haha
  7. I really love watching mine since they are so much larger than the cherries. They do a great job helping keep the tank they're in clean as its a bit close to a window!
  8. Smart snail! I haven't had mine try to get out but I see why yours would be trying!
  9. I don't want to be selfish joining in another roak but my turtle killed all but 2 inch long pieces of my AR rose before I realized and moved it. Have been nursing it to health but it'd still teeny! I've been trying to get some locally for months. So 1. HeatherBee
  10. I've got plenty to spare if you want to talk on pm :).
  11. Please add me to the list wasnt sure if I was number 1 or 2!
  12. That is really neat! I've never seen anything similar before.
  13. Hey that's a good idea! I was just thinking it'd be awesome to see them as big as the amanos. I'm very new to shrimp and am not even positive how long it takes until the cherries are full grown but I've had the amanos for about 7 months and the cherries about 3. The amanos look about 3x bigger to me comparing female to female.
  14. Neat! That container is really smart! My first reptile was a Marbled Gecko The eyes on them look golden & the body pattern is somewhat similar to the gargoyles. I diy'd the cage to save money and carefully sanded off the bark off of the wood because I didn't want it to be rough. I was 14 lol. Lead me to veiled chameleons a couple years after. I don't have any lizards currently but have a mini zoo nonetheless! I also breed meal worms and it is the easiest live food I've ever done!
  15. Thank you! I'll start trying to get the few older ones that aren't perfect to the other tank. Luckily it seems nearly all are going to be ok to be left to breed as the batches of babies following the first one are all looking better and better Ive gotten very lucky with the quality at a local shop so once I had a good group of about 12 going I moved the couple grown males that weren't PFR & that was within the first couple weeks. I didn't realize the huge difference in grades until I had my first few. I sort of accidentally fell into this after loving my Amanos and wanting some shrimp that could breed in freshwater. It's sad to see those beautiful amano eggs just go to waste. I wish the cherries got to Amano size though. That'd be neat!
  16. Well they flew around the tank for about 3 days and have stopped now. Hadn't spotted a newly berried female but my tank has a lot of hiding spots so I probably just hadn't seen her yet. I would still love to know what age/size they start breeding though!
  17. Pretty! As far as size mine are maybe a tad bigger than dimes and it's been about a year since I got the first few....happened to be from petsmart because they had an abundance of them from them coming along with other things and breeding. I know I've seen reference to mini ramshorns and giant ramshorn online but there is a lot of conflicting info on what species exactly.
  18. How long has it been set up? There's a natural cycle that occurs and it takes time to become stable before it's safe to add any critters (as far as the ammonia and nitrite). Is the water out of the tap 8.4 also?
  19. I have a tank of mostly painted fire red cherries that was mixed with sakuras. I took out the non fire males to increase my chances of getting pfr babies and I've got 4-5 batches of babies. I plan to remove the lesser quality to my other tank once they're grown a bit as it has some fish that will eat them if they're too small. Right now I've only got one berried and a ton with saddles the past week or so that I've been impatiently waiting on. Today I noticed the males racing and this includes a ton of little males too. I'm unsure of exact age but the ones I'm questioning are say 1/2-1".... what age/size are they able to do the deed? There's a lot of them I will be moving but I thought I had a good bit more time! So does anyone know what age or size I should be moving them? If I could guess the oldest babies are 4-6 weeks. I couldn't find my answer anywhere online!
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