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Posts posted by fishyd

  1. Afternoon all, got a question that I have no idea about: is it in anyway possible for a single assassin snail to have babies?


    I have had my 2 shrimp tanks up and running since september/october of last year. All the plants I received were from members here, none of the tanks they came from had assassins. I got the 2 snails I have from my LFS, only 2 were in the bag and I just plucked them out and dropped them into the tank so no water or hitchhikers were included. One went into one tank, the other into the second. Just the other day, I saw a baby assassin snail in one of the tanks and found another after doing a thorough search. The original snail is doing fine other than a small piece of his body is missing on a side. The other tank still has just the one.


    I've done some looking after finding the babies and have asked in a couple other places, but everyone is stumped. Every place I've looked says that they need to mate for babies. Has anyone ever seen or heard of this before? I'm at a complete loss.

  2. Don't lose hope, if you have a few plants and some moss, the babies love to hide in there. First berried shrimps I had (3 at once) all Lost their eggs at the same time. Thought they dropped since I couldn't find any babies at all. 2 weeks later, there were shrimplets all over the place. So I'd say be patient and wait. If they hatched, they'll be out and about soon :)

  3. 1. Thegardenofeder

    2. Triton

    3. Technophile

    4. Nick_R

    5. mayphly

    6. Dendrobatez

    7. JasonB

    8. jerrich

    9. Vinn

    10. chibikaie

    11. Adrand

    12. NoLeftShoe

    13. kell73k

    14. RyeGuy411

    15. Steve R.

    16. r45t4m4n

    17. discusfan

    18. fishyd

  4. How often do you feed and how much? I feed my fish once a day and only what they eat in about 3 minutes. Skip a day or two a week also for fasting days.

    Might be good to skip a day or two for yours to let them clear out.

  5. I'm in IT also, and bowl a lot...

    Guess I should share some more... I'm a network analyst focusing on infrastructure currently and security. Last job I was working with VMware and virtualization.

    Main hobby outside of computer games is bowling (have it in my mind to try going pro at some point). Fishkeeping is 3rd, started with mixed cichlids almost 5 years ago. Last year I changed to African cichlids after some issues. Also started a community tank last year and this year, starting shrimp.

    So there's my short story.

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