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Everything posted by fishyd

  1. You're not the only one. I'm still very new but I've taken a liking to neo's more than anything else. Excited to see what Randy finds over there.
  2. The blue velvet are munching on an omega one shrimp pellet. Use those to feed the cories, panda garra, and velvets in my community. Pumpkins get CSF. Omni pro on the solo (she lifted it out of the dish). Group pic is the bee mix one, they were all over that as soon as it hit the bottom
  3. Found my camera a couple days ago so started snapping some pics when I could. Here's a few of the better shots. A treat for 2:
  4. If no one else, you can try through wetspot. My LFS does their wholesale with them and they're good fish. http://www.wetspottropicalfish.com/ Celestial Pearl Danio Danio margaritatus .5" $6.00 6 for $30.00
  5. if it works, why not? and if it's a seal that leaks, those are easy to fix. Joey has a couple vids showing how to reseal a tank. I'd only toss it if the glass cracks.
  6. It won't break if you fill it up. It's still the basic, standard rectangle aquarium just like all the others. Same glass just smaller
  7. Looking at it, maybe it's designed to be that the outflow be above the water surface? So that it would act like a hob? Just a thought.
  8. I'm in IT also, and bowl a lot...
  9. Have one in both shrimp tanks and my community. Cory cats love pushing the ball around for the little morsols that get stuck under it
  10. One of the larger pumpkins I got from you (cell pic). She (I think) is a bit darker than the picture shows. Very nice and healthy.
  11. The only picture I got that wasn't horrible, one of the larger pumpkins. Going to try for more this weekend with a real camera.
  12. Agreed. Got my shipment of pumpkins in yesterday. Within 30 minutes of being in the tank, they were swimming around like they own the place. And their color is amazing! Excellent little shrimp
  13. That's exactly how I am. When I try to help others in other forums, I give my opinion based on experiences I've had and state this is my opinion. Most people take it as that but then there's always someone that jumps on a pedestal because it's not the right way. Driftwood: the 2 stumps are mopani I found at petsmart and the branches are manzanita. I'll definitely share when I get them in the tank. DET, just watch the video that Brian posted of the carbon rili's. Didn't know you had a channel either. Good looking shrimp and watching your vids soon.
  14. Hey all, just wanted to share the pair of shrimp tanks I finally have ready. First batch of shrimp are coming in today (pumpkins from sbarbee) and other color will be blue dreams. Blue and orange for the (Boise State) Broncos! Might as well have some team spirit while learning For my first tanks, I wanted to try and keep it simple. In some ways I have, in others ways, not so much. But here they are: Just want to add a quick thank you to everyone here, especially soothing. I've already learned tons about shrimp keeping, but so much more to learn. I'm sure I'll succeed thanks to you all.
  15. As the title says, how long can can lights safely stay off on a planted tank before the plants get harmed? Reason being is that I am going out of town Sunday morning and coming back on Tuesday afternoon. There's no one available that can come in and feed the fish so was thinking about just unplugging the light so that the fish will hibernate through the couple days. But I don't want to kill the plants in the process. No CO2 and I was going to wait on flourish until I get back. Or should I go ahead and leave the lights on and the fish get a 2 night fast?
  16. Yea... Unfortunately I've had it since it came out. Played through a few times though, still a blast. Its a great game
  17. Any of your sapphire shrimp available?
  18. So the red moon was your doing? burn the witch!
  19. Welcome to the forums, you've found a great little place here
  20. The blue velvets in my community tank love the anubias, there's always a few grazing on the leaves. They also like climbing the hornwort I have. Just the other night, saw one hanging upside down munching away
  21. My apologies, should have elaborated a little more but that is one way. What I meant is by either using the full filter in the already established tank (if there's room). Or maybe, if the current filter uses 2 sponges, replace one of them with the sponge that will be in the new tank.
  22. If you have established tanks, what about seeding the sponge in there?
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