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Everything posted by fishyd

  1. Howdy and welcome, lots of great info here. I'm just starting out also and everyone here is great
  2. I was under the impression they were a more solid orange as apposed to see-through like pumpkin. Am I wrong with that?
  3. A boil and a scrub will clean it up just fine.
  4. I'll be more than happy to take any extra
  5. Oh, OK. Then I think bostoneric is the best idea, having a length of foam on the backside of the overflow would probably be best Edit: I fail at grammer
  6. Maybe silicone it to a cap to keep shape? And then just have it be a tight fit so shrimp wouldn't slip under it. Picture of what I was trying to say with my awesome artistic ability:
  7. I've never used an overflow myself, but maybe wire mesh? Have it siliconed to the overflow then have a plastic cap on top. Kinda like a snorkel. Does that make sense? I have it pictured in my mind but can't describe it well...
  8. I appreciate the offer, but I'm looking for sakura specifically at the moment.
  9. Howdy all, I'm finally ready to get my colonies going. Looking to start with 10-20 blue dreams and 20-30 orange sakura. Does anyone have any available?
  10. Do you mind sharing a picture of the orange sakura? How many do you have available?
  11. A bunch of baby blue velvets came out of their stump today
  12. fishyd

    diy display stands

    Howdy all. A few weeks ago I finished building a pair of stands that will hold my pair of soon to be shrimp tanks. Wanted to share and see what you all think. This was also my first attempt at any sort of woodworking Built with 2x2 redwood posts with front to back cross supports and MDF shelves. Top and bottom shelf is 3/4" oak plywood. All screwed together with wood glue. 32" tall, 24" wide, 14" deep. I've had tanks on them for 2 weeks now and they're both rock solid. They were originally going to be on each side of my 36g community, but after furnishing that room, that changed. Going around the TV now. Half of me wants to cut the posts at the top shelf so they're not as tall around the TV but other half(wife) says no. Anyway, here they are half built, built, and placed
  13. Just bought a couple regular satellite LED's for $43 each. Almost double currently for the LED+ $80 http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00C7OTF9E?cache=c2fffa4ad506e1f42df844fadf4d9c70π=SY200_QL40&qid=1411609981&sr=8-2#ref=mp_s_a_1_2 Unfortunately, I don't have a spare right now.
  14. Corrected list: 1. Soothing Shrimp 2. Metageologist 3. Greenteam 4. Duff0712 5. USCGJay 6. James Aquatics 7. Poopians 8. MN Shrimping 9. Miwu 10. H4n 11. Featherblue 12.Xtratech 13. Pika 14. ShortGirl 15. Elo500 16. DETAquarium 17. davesays 18. Archie1208 19. swissian 20. high5's 21. Doc4PC2 22. ANBU 23. Bananariot 24. Allicat 25. Featherblue 26. r45t4m4n 27. Dukendabears 28. FishyD 29. Countryboy12484 30. oblongshrimp 31. Merth
  15. 1) Poopians Trick or Treat 2) MN Shrimping. My birthday 3) Allicat leaves changing color 4) Metageologist, dear hunting. 5) FishyD, leaves changing colors
  16. Maybe look around at a plumbing supply store like Grover's? They tend to have a decent selection and it's where I got all the tubing I use. Really cheap too and you can get as much or as little as you need.
  17. Thank you, soothing. I think I will try then and see what happens.
  18. I currently have what was sold as blue jelly in my community and want to add some blue velvet. If I were to do this, what would happen with offspring? I know they're very similar (and confusing) but not sure if offspring would do well. Would they throw off wild type colors or stay true? Pic of a male that came out of the stump:
  19. Back to what this thread is supposed to be... rostick, where about in Meridian are you? I am interested in some blue velvet, local pickup. I live in SW Boise, Cole & Amity area. Shoot me a message if you'd prefer that way.
  20. 1. Soothing Shrimp 2. Metageologist 3. Greenteam 4. Duff0712 5. USCGJay 6. James Aquatics 7. Poopians 8. MN Shrimping 9. Miwu 10. H4n 11. Featherblue 12.Xtratech 13. Pika 14. ShortGirl 15. Elo500 16. DETAquarium 17. davesays 18. Archie1208 19. swissian 20. high5's 21. Doc4PC2 22. ANBU 23. Bananariot 24. Allicat 25. Featherblue 26. r45t4m4n 27. Anbu 28. FishyD
  21. I'm not too worried about it, always next time arrived today also, very fast. thank you.
  22. Have you thought about a small hob? if you keep the water level from dropping too low, it is really quiet and doesn't splash.
  23. Here are some of mine (Wife and I have a few, she's a crazy cat lady in training). 5 cats and 2 tanks running currently (4 next week) Wolfie LeiLei, most recent addition Bisbee the derp kitty and my 70g mixed cichlid tank. changed the scape recently so need to get a new pic..
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