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Everything posted by fishyd

  1. fishyd

    My pets

  2. From the album: My pets

    Cichlid tank
  3. From the album: My pets

    Bisbee the derp kitty
  4. From the album: My pets

  5. From the album: My pets

  6. fishyd


    How is it? Been a lot of hype but haven't seen much for actual gameplay opinions yet.
  7. Do you have more that you can show? A larger clump in the tank
  8. So... I just connected the dots. Should've looked through here first. Just placed an order through amazon with ya and didn't even realize it. Anyway, sorry, detour complete. Next time you do one, I'll be interested.
  9. That's an excellent start for the article. Very nice and extremely well written
  10. Another method that I've seen and used with my community tank is getting a weekly pill case. The things that have all the days for separating out pills, whatever they're called... Did the snack size sandwich bags for my cichlids cause they're pigs, but for small amounts of food, that works extremely well. especially when friends and family feed them and aren't all that aqua-savvy.
  11. Here's one (and a lurker) blue velvet in my community tank. He grabbed the pellet and carried it back to their hiding spot.
  12. Minimum $25 order to ship, and panda loaches are listed at $20 each. Never really looked at them before so not sure if that's overpriced or not. They do have good fish though, my LFS does wholesale with them.
  13. If you're not apposed to a site, wet spot has them listed. They're based in Portland, OR. Not sure what shipping would be though, they don't list it on the site.
  14. I'm not that big a fan of some of the Facebook aquatic support people. Some of them have no problem jumping on a pedestal and berating others for something that isn't the norm. I'm a member though mostly for the pictures that come through and try to avoid confrontation.
  15. I think an article sticky would be great, to help out us that are just starting out. Also, does someone have a video about how to package and ship? For some of us (like me), words only do so much and being able to see helps a lot more.
  16. The inlets themselves are very small and I was planning on getting it wrapped in mesh (with Han's help) and moss.
  17. For the pair of shrimp tanks I'm starting up, I'm trying out the aquatop IFS10 filters. They're like a canister filter that sits in the tank. ( http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006FL9APO/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ) The little boxes that are in them comes with carbon, but I'd like to swap that out for something else, like the Fluval biomax but smaller. Anyone have ideas or suggestions? Maybe get some more foam and cut it to fit in the boxes? I do have a pair of sponge filters in case these don't work out, but hoping they do. Thanks all
  18. I've been researching shrimp off and on for a couple months now and never once saw a link or a post for here. Couple days ago, in asking questions on AA about shrimp, one member messeged me saying to get in touch with soothing on TPT. Did that and soothing said to come here. So here I am! Been a member for all of a few hours and I'm loving it so far.
  19. Which is why I already love this place. So much information and everyone is really nice to each other. I'm even more excited now and can't wait to be able to get my colonies going with the help of everyone here.
  20. Has anyone tried the aquatop IFS filters? I'm starting up a couple tanks and trying those first. Have a pair of sponges just in case they don't work, but i'm curious.
  21. Howdy all, new shrimpkeeper here. Soothing Shrimp sent me this way from planted tank (and i was sent to him from AA). I currently have some low grade blue velvets in my community tank, but got really interested in having a shrimp only tank after getting them and watching how they act. So last month, I picked up a couple 15gal tanks. One I'm planning on being blue velvets and the other will be orange sakura (go bsu! :-P ) Anyway, looks like there's a lot of information and a lot of great people around. Gonna be fun
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