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British Reds

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Everything posted by British Reds

  1. Just curious how many of the Europeans here are entering or attending the European shrimp contest next weekend?
  2. These are very to being show grade. You'd maybe even get placed as they are. Gorgeous shrimp!
  3. Better to use Styrofoam boxes and no heats packs. Styrofoam boxes are more consistent, heat packs are unpredictable
  4. Sponge filters are my pet hate!!!!! The design and studies not matter... But the sponge does! The most important thing is the density of the sponge, not the price or style. It's well worth spending an extra couple of $ and getting a sponge filter with the capacity to actually do something. You'd spend $10-15 on a shrimp. Why not spend the same on one sponge that will take care of numerous shrimp!? Buy sera or tetra ONLY!
  5. I have PM'd you with the email address
  6. http://www.wirbelloseandmore.de/?cat=9 He doesn't sell via his website, you need to contact him directly.
  7. Micha Nadal in Germany has OERT, they breed true. Price is 60 euro each
  8. Says MK These were definitely crossed with something. He's obviously trying to make a bit of money on them so covering his tracks to limit competition.
  9. There is no doubt in my mind that they are blind. You can see many differences in characteristics compared to sighted tigers, they use their antennae much more, more sensitive to movement etc etc I will but unsure what yet. I'm not attending this year so I won't send anything too high value, maybe just some SCR.
  10. Jose Kienjet is a female breeder from Holland I know they are blind from my own experiments. You can do a simple test yourself, see how they react to a net compared to other shrimp that can see. There is also something else unique about blind shrimp. I don't want to shoot my mouth off about it yet, just waiting for scientific clarification first. Obvious when you think about it
  11. Royal blue tigers are just OEBT that have been selectively bred to remove stripes. I have noticed that the royal blues you have over there look more like standard black tigers, just the pics maybe?!
  12. This red devil was bred by crossing a normal tiger with a rusty back OEBT. She actually lost all these shrimp to a bacterial infection but said same results can be achieved by f2. The goldeneye trait is 100% recessive, the goldeneye also means that the shrimp is blind.
  13. They are epic! I'm trying to talk him into sending a group to the European Shrimp Contest but he's a little reluctant, he doesn't have huge numbers yet. Still time though......
  14. Any idea how these names come about? Why use different names than Europe?
  15. For those of you on Facebook have a look for 'amie Shrimp' real name Tommy McCann. He's bred the most amazing coloured blue neocaridina your ever likely to see!!!
  16. I only feed in early spring, otherwise they have only leaf litter and Beemax.
  17. In the states you call them shadows if they have a blue tint and dragon if the reds have black patches?
  18. Just curious what Red Bolt sell for in the States?
  19. Surely a cross involving trifasciata to remove white pigment?
  20. I have these in my tanks. They are a hybrid between Tangerine Tiger and King Kong. Looks and characteristics all point to caridina serrata, they are basically a yellow tangerine tiger.
  21. What they like is not always what's best for them, it's like teaching kids to eat vegetables instead of doughnuts If you find a food with quality ingredients its worth persevering, they'll get used to it and start eating it eventually.
  22. These are very well used in Europe!! Although the small size is recommended to aquariums upto 60l i have used the large ones in 20-30l breeding tanks without issues. The more oxygen the better, as long as the water does not become saturated, but i have never had this issue. I can't recommend them highly enough!!
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