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Nikolaus777 last won the day on May 16 2021

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About Nikolaus777

  • Birthday December 24

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    Austin TX
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    Blue Bolt, Yellow, PRL,& Pinto

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  1. What water did you use when you filled the tank? Just top off that same type of water.
  2. Very cool photos. I think all it takes is one shrimp to have tiger genes and eventually after breeding one will show up. Tiger Jeans by Calvin Klein, lol
  3. As long as the plants put off enough oxygen the shrimp will live. They may not thrive but they will survive.
  4. Probably a Blue Dream or a Blue Rili mix
  5. I would try different food. BorneoWild Color work well for me in the past.
  6. It's really a matter of time. I've done some walls that took a year to grow in. Is it thick behind the front mesh? I've found that if you have room, you can lay it down flat on the bottom of the tank so it gets direct light.
  7. Hello Bubby and welcome my friend. Yes, you can use sand, but if it light colored, shrimp poo shows up quick. Most of us use buffered substrate. It all depends on what type of shrimp you are keeping. If the epoxy paint is safe for fish then its most likely safe for shrimp. What type of shrimp are you keeping?
  8. Usually an Amano is longer than a cherry. I can't tell by the photos, but what's the length? Did you buy it for a certain reason? Like adding a shrimp to a community or to be a cleaner?
  9. Use a carbon filter to clean up the water. Start doing water changes as soon as you can. Pray.
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