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ravensgate last won the day on February 1 2017

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About ravensgate

  • Birthday 05/30/1977

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  • Location
    Middle Tennessee
  • Interests
    Shrimp, horses, art
  • Inverts You Keep
    Shrimp: Taiwans, Tibees, OEBT, Amanos, Green Babaulti, neos, CRS/CBS/Goldens

    Snails: ramshorns and nerites

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  1. Selling a few fancy tigers from one of my breeding tanks. Sizes will range from 1/4" and up. Mostly peewees and juvies. This tank is pretty consistent breeding wise with 95% showing up with white on the back. $4 each, limited quantities available. Shipping Priority is $12 for styro lined box and breather bag. I only ship on Saturdays so please keep that in mind when ordering. Please message me here or email me at kalnight@aol.com
  2. Of course, you don't have to buy shrimp to buy the plants:) Just let me know.
  3. This will probably be the last batch I sell til next year. These are all peewees/juvies so they are SMALL (1/4" or bigger) I will try to get some bigger ones but no guarantees. I have up to 15 available at $4 each, shipping Priority will be $12 for styrolined box and breather bag. Please message me here or at kalnight@aol.com Photo shown is of parent stock in this tank (might be some babies in the pics). Markings/pattern are consistent in this group with all have some form of white across the back. Also selling a large amount of hornwort and guppy grass mixed in. Easily a full quart size bag if not possibly a gallon. $15 ppd Priority. May have shrimp/snails
  4. Those spiky things are Turkish hazel. Thank you for the kind words on my colony:)
  5. TIBEE SHRIMP for sale (first 3 pics) This tank has been going for 3 years, at least 6-7 generations in. Some will look a little plain (like CRS/CBS) and some have wicked patterns, I will grab a good mix. Photo is of stock in the tank. Only selling peewees and juvies right now so these will be small, I may have some subadults to let go but not many. $3.50 each Parameters pH 6.6 TDS 190 GH 6 KH 0 FANCY TIGER Tibee Shrimp (last 3 pics) _ SOLD OUT FOR NOW - check back next month Throwing consistent patterns about 85% of the time with white just across the backs, selling peewees and juvies (1/4" or larger). $4 each Parameters pH 6.6 - 6.8 TDS 160 GH 6 KH 0 Please message if interested. PAYPAL ONLY. Most shipping is on Saturdays but I can often ship during the week, just let me know. Shipping Priority in a styro lined box with breather bags. $12 shipping
  6. Two different reasons to feed leaves - biofilm / food - Many dried leaves are often used as a place for biofilm to grow and as the leaves soften and the shrimp eat the biofilm the leaves also get eaten. This can happen over days/weeks/months. I have some tanks that have had the same IAL leaf in there for two months and just barely nibbled on but the shrimp feed on the biofilm at all times. IAL, Oak, Teak, bamboo, banana and Guava leaves are examples of leaves used for biofilm Leaves that are treated more as food by shrimp and are eaten typically within 48-72 hours are your fruit tree leaves such as peach, cherry, raspberry, mulberry, etc. Of course kale and spinach are good veggie leaves for them. Stinging nettle, kale and spinach are used for their high calcium content. Kale is higher than spinach and if I remember my research correctly stinging nettle is higher than either of them. These type of veggie leaves can aid in molting. I feed fresh leaves of mulberry, stinging nettle, kale and spinach. These seem to be tank favorites for my crew. They also loves dried green walnut leaves which I keep in the tanks for their antibacterial qualities.
  7. I posted an ad in the Marketplace, $4 on the fancy tigers each (may only have about 6-8 available right now) and $3.50 ea on the tibees. $12 Priority shipping My paypal is kalnight@aol.com (make out for goods/services - no friends/family payments please). Just let me know, I'm shipping some out tomorrow and can certainly add yours to the shipping group:)
  8. Fancy tigers most likely sold out, possibly 5-10 left available. Plenty of tibees left though
  9. Fancy tigers for sale -$4 ea - limited quantities - patterns may vary but mostly have white on the back and color on the head and bellies. First come, first serve. Peewees and juvies - ONLY 5 peewees left - I have lots of berried mommas in the tank though so more will be available in the coming months http://www.tristanbaker.net/eBay/may4.jpg http://www.tristanbaker.net/eBay/fancy1.jpg Tibees - I've had this tank for over 3 years so this is several generations in. The tank started with super tiger X wild bee tibees, psuedo tibess (TT crosses), C grade/Super Red CRS females, CBS mischlings and OEBTs. All sort of patterns have been popping up in the last year. ONLY TIBEES available, no OEBTs, no Taiwans, no C grade/Super CRS. $3.50 ea - peewees, juvies, some subadults http://www.tristanbaker.net/eBay/net2.jpg Paypal only, shipping is $12 Priority in styro lined box. Please email me at kalnight@aol.com as I often do not get notifications to messages on the site. In the case of DOAs photo must be taken of shrimp still in the bag within 2 hours of delivery. Shipping non refundable. Parameters for these are 6.8 pH GH 5-6 KH 0-1 TDS 150-200 Temp (currently 74 in these tanks, they run about 68 in the winter and up to 76 or so in the summer)
  10. I have LOTS of tibees for sale as well as fancy tigers. The fancy tigers I have look like low grade pintos, mostly white backs, color on the head and belly. Just the white isn't as defined as it is on pintos. I do NOT sell them as pinto culls, they are just fancy tigers (tibees). First pic is of the fancies. The other pics are from my tibee tanks, just shows the parent stock, I typically only sell peewees/juvies, occasional sub adults.
  11. Active substrate will not buffer properly until the tank is cycled. So unless you're tank is cycled your pH will bounce until the cycle is complete.
  12. No, no tiger in mine at all. Mine are all CRS, never been mixed with anything. I can tell you environment plays a big part in the amount of white.
  13. Some of my super reds...slowly building the colony back up of C grades and super reds, had a mishap using No Planaria that wiped out a lot of my breeding group (over 20 adults, no telling how many juvies and babies...sigh). I have some C grade culls for sale right now, culls meaning they have too much white to keep in my C grade tank. My Cull tank is producing more C grades than anything and their isn't a C grade in that tank! Got a couple of Super red babies I've spotted, just gotta get them to adulthood to move back into the main tank.
  14. Not really a journal per se, just some pics from this morning. I have 3 tanks currently, about to start another (I've fought the urge too long and now giving in). I have a 20 gallon that is my C grade CRS tank, breeding is amped up right now so most of my females are under cover, hard to get pics. Then I have a 'closet tank' which is a ten gallon tibee tank that houses CRS, Mischlings, OEBT, tibees, psuedotibees, and a golden or two. Then I have a baby tank which is a 3 gallon tank I put 'projects' in. The little oddball berried red/white female with the red back/white belly is one of my oddballs that I have pop up quite often. I had 5 in the baby tank but they all looked like males...no saddles and no curved bellies so I decided to throw in some culls out of my C grade tank that had too much white and BOOM, 3 of the supposed males were suddenly berried females. I've been doing this a while, can tell the different easily in male/female but these were definitely difficult to read. Strange. So here are some pics from all three tanks today. Enjoy!
  15. I have tons but mix in the tank is C grade CRS, CBS, Mischlings, PSuedo tibees, tibees (super tiger X regular bee shrimp, 4th generation).
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