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Tibee Inc

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Everything posted by Tibee Inc

  1. Hey bro, just look around the forum... There's more than enough info here that should lead you into the right direction. Truthfully, some of the best in the biz has at some point & time left some knowledge here for new shrimp keepers. By the way, good luck... Oh, not giving advice but I'd take a minimalist approach & have a shrimp only tank. Other than that, its all about parameters....😎
  2. Had a little spare time to take a few more pictures of these hyper active Tigers....
  3. Still have plenty for $ale feel free to PM me anytime. Also, there's updated pictures of the Stardust on my thread in Genetics & Selective Breeding.
  4. How's your hatch making out? Do you have any more pictures of them? Mine are growing fast & checksum out! 😎
  5. Yeah, in a way I have. Sometimes, I'd get YKK in my project Xs & I'd breed the females.. Here's a few of my Xs's offspring; I call them Bumble Bee Tigers & their my 5th Generation... A shot w/Black Tibee & Bumble Bees mixed From the 4th generation on they breed true. Once in a while, I get a Mischling pattern like above. 😪 However, the chance of getting one is now sitting around 1-3% of a hatch.
  6. Hello all, just wanted to update the thread. Here's a few shots below of the colony in a mob feeding frenzy. Its the last bit of homemade food I bought off fellow SSpot member Minusinfinity. Once again thanks Minusinfinity. 😎 Current parameters: TDS 141, Temp 71 & Gh 5.
  7. Hmm, never tried that... If you haven't done it already; Checkout The Garden of Eden's threads. I'm sure he'd give you some insight into breeding cool patterns.
  8. Forgot to add that if you can successfully back-X those & get more of the blue genes. Take those, X them w/a nice RKK & you'll like the offspring for sure.
  9. Here's a few pics for you.... All I got to say is keep on breeding them!
  10. Forgot to add that write your parameters on the tank as a JIC. If you keep them right shrimp will live for quite awhile. Right now, I have a female TangTai w/Aura genes that's 15 months old. What's really cool is she just berried out real nice again & kept the entire clutch! Other than that, take your offspring & X'em back with Mom. Those offspring should have a more reticulated Tiger pattern on them.
  11. Just an idea, take some cell pics for reference & write your parameters on the tank..
  12. My Fancy Tiger/Yellow Jackets/Black Tibee are at least 5 gens & have the appearances shown below. They do have Tangtai genes that are from 2 generations back. The offspring were breed with Male black Pinto before being interbreed. They do have Aura genes too. Once in a while, they'll throw a YKK, it's mostly now the patterns seen below. Some yellow jackets have backlines while others have a stacked tiger pattern. Some Black Tibees are in the mix to & all have TB genes. See the blue in the male above.... Here's a shot of the Fancy Tigers in the mix too. There's Mom for a bunch of them above. Actually, the darker coloration in the head is blue but the photo doesn't pick it up.
  13. Hey, given her coloration. Sometimes you'll be able to see the eggs forming behind the head before traveling down the body to the tail. BTW, overtime, you'll get to see them berry before their fertilized & you'll enjoy seeing that.
  14. Man, I missed this post but very very cool TGOE!
  15. Hey guys, I'm working on my 2nd generation of a cross like this. Congrats on your cross too!
  16. Updated 3-24, help, I need to find these guys a home!
  17. 😪 My pockets are empty.. Que pasa 9thDragon, that OE RKK is top shelf. Hope you guys sell out!
  18. Stardust & Fancy Tigers/Yellow Jackets for sale plus USPS shipping within USA. Both are 4$ a piece with a minimum purchase of 12. My Fancy Tigers being offered are mostly yellow or have a darker coloration w/various Tiger striping. You'll be amazed with what you'll get taking my Yellow Jackets & Xing them with a TBs. Details. I'm offering both Stardust & Fancy Tiger/Yellow Jacket shrimp for 4$ a piece & you can mix/match & shipping costs. For pictures just checkout my thread in Genetics and Selective Breeding. My Parameters. Temp 66-72 TDS: 120-145 gH: 3-5 degrees pH: 6.2 to 6.6 Other Important Information. •All shrimp sold are healthy & will be starved prior to shipment. •Following the parameters listed will boost survival, reduce stress & shorten the acclimation process. •Packaging will be more than appropriate for the time of year. •Any issues, questions contact me by PM here as soon as possible, thanks.
  19. Hey, sorry Wyzazz for falling off the thread but had a number of issues come up. Anyways, below are my current parameters & they're breeding out of control. TDS 138 Kh 0.3 Salifert pH 6.2 API Gh 4 API Temp 68-72
  20. Hey, those 2 elements alone provide more than enough heat for my indoor tanks. None have a heater & my shrimp appear to do better with that. In my setups, the magnetic impeller driven water filter generates the heat waste...
  21. What's up Jay, I've used them all without any issue. These days I go for what gives me the best value.
  22. Happy holidays all; Here's a couple photos of a male breeder from the Black Taitibee colony... Colony Traits. Large size, well developed shell & sheen. Solid leg, body & tail coloration.
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