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Tibee Inc

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Everything posted by Tibee Inc

  1. Here's a Backstripe Taitibee from one of my projects... This female is a 5th generation & breeds well. Below is one from my Bumblebee project. The darker head coloration is actually blue, enjoy.
  2. What's up man, glad you posted. Do you have any input on how to bring out the sparkling more on these guys? Also, I see you got snails living with them too. What's your parameters? When I get a chance, I'll post my current parameters.
  3. Wyzazz, here's that girl we were talking about. Going off thread here, but its worth mentioning my Fancy Tigers breed true now & throw some very nice offspring too. Once again, I want to mention that members can find some great shrimp, supplies & knowledgeable people right here on Shrimp Spot. Finally, remember these projects take years to stabilize & accomplish. It never happens in just a few generations....
  4. Ending on a positive note, my Aura Tiger colony has established itself quite well & are breeding well. ;)
  5. Moving on, things have cleared up & the main colony continues to grow. Personally, I think Stardust are a very hardy shrimp & keep easy. With that said, I ran into some more issues trying to Xbreed these guys. So far, it'll take me at minimum a year+ to get any strong variation in the offspring.
  6. Well everybody I apologize...… Since my last posts, I ran into some real bumps with the project see below. :( Actually, these pics make it look good compared to how bad it got. This lasted for atleast 3 months & caused by diatoms.
  7. Hey, beware of catching the bug these cool little shrimp can give you... Parameters: 120-150 TDS (Gh 3-5 degrees) Ph 6.2-6.8 (Temp: 70-75) I don't use heaters. Check out my page here for further details bro. These guys, I've been breeding them for years....
  8. Hey, if they're breeding then I'd leave the heater out of that equation. Totally, I agree w/the others about the temp swing. However, if you can keep it under 10 degrees then no worries.
  9. From the looks of it, that dead 1 pictured above doesn't appear to be diseased. From my experiences w/Tigers, you'll see color fade & broken antenna if they're sick. On feeding them, mine get fed every 3 days. Any more, caused my Tigers problems every time. Likewise, I agree on powder foods causing multiple parameter issues too. Another thing, I'd suggest looking into some Newstone Mironekuton chunks. Find it on Amazon, $20 get's you 2.2 pounds of this wonderful stone. Finally, don't give up on them yet!
  10. Hey, thanks for checking out the thread & I'm working on that. The main hold up is they're still very tiny Ron. On getting some, TGOE has a colony & I totally recommend you reach out to him.
  11. Well Mr. Wyzazz, here ya go. Need more time to get better pictures. Man, I had that girl in there for a long time. Plus, she's a domestic not an import bred by me. In the end, I don't have a 100% answer on why. For me, it looked like they couldn't X but I have no proof of that. At the moment, she's done thrown most of these eggs off already.
  12. Just a small update. About 10 days ago, they hatched. So far, the fry have a distinct blue hue & look to me like a Aura/Stardust X. In 15-20 days, I should know for certian & pictures will be posted here. Some FYI, in this same tank was a female R Fancy Tiger that never berried. Days after she went in my TB tank, berried.....
  13. Just wanted to stitch in a update. Here's some shots of another big girl berried out. A few power pointers I'll throw out that bring repeated success. First, these Tigers really like 73 degrees or less. On TDS, they really do great anywhere from 120-160 without any real issues. However, one thing I've learned is Stardust don't like tanks moves or TDS swings of 12ppm or more. Most of my other shrimp can handle a 15ppm swing (the Plamski Rule) not these guys. However, once they get over moving around everything gets back to hyper-speed with them. Oh, forgot to add-on to my closing thought above on X-ings. At the moment, I got one girl in a tank full of Auras & OEBTs berried out.
  14. Well, the colony is really booming. Not TNT, but more like Nitro. Having thoughts of Xing some with a few Aura & OEBTS.
  15. US Home bred OE Black Fancy Tiger. Sorry its a cell pick but check out them OEs..
  16. Here's a few more Stardust shots! They go nuts for Sirius Shrimp bee pollen food....
  17. Well.. Keep your eye on them & in a month you'll have a bunch of tiny ones all over the place. Yeah, the cell camera doesn't show them to good....
  18. Hey, mine are like crazy tiny right now. I won’t know what they’ll look like for awhile. But, their out & about.. Saw some for sale in the marketplace earlier if you’re looking for more. By the way, hope things turn around for you now.
  19. Hey I can get a gallon of distilled for 88 cents w/tax included. Likewise, I mix right In the jugs & toss them afterwards cause bacteria loves water & reuse promotes growth. For example look at a bath tub; even chlorine & chloramine cant stop that stuff totally... Well, my tank is full of babies & some of my females are fire orange/red inside & out getting ready to breed again. Oh, I crossed one with a pinto too..
  20. Hey, I used Stratum in this tank. On water from any RO unit, remember they don’t filter out all bacteria and viruses. Personally, I only use distilled. All my Stardust came from members here including the 1 you mentioned above. Also, I like the idea of moving a few into another tank. On infections, most mycins or cyclines should rid the problem. Finally, I mix all my water as close to tank parameters as possible literally.... Oh, I filter with purigen and hypersorb but in small amounts. Over polished water kills shrimp too!
  21. Hey! If those guys aren't out you got some serious problems. During the first 2 weeks I got mine they were extremely delicate. However, when they get adjusted to a new home, they're crazy active with/without food. On parameters, were about exactly the same. How do you test your water & with what? How do you filter it too? On activity, mine literally raise all kinds of hell... By the middle of April, should have at least 100+ shrimplets at minimum. One more thing, you'll see electric blues/reds when they're breeding. What I'd also like to know is if you're using active soil & have you tested for NO2/NO3 and Ammonia..
  22. As always, your thread is tight.. Hey guys, all I use is HOBs but then again I don't own a aqua park like TGOE!
  23. Yep, same here.. Got some in the past from Jungleaquashrimp and recommend them to anybody here. By the way, TDS up I've used for years to just raise TDS alone.
  24. Well, I guess I'll start with a little info about mine. I keep mine in their own 10 gallon tank & they're very active all the time pretty much. Below are my current Stardust parameters & what I've been feeding them.. TDS 140-150 Temp 70-74 Gh 3-4 degrees Foods. A lot of homemade stuff from fellow Spot members, Hikari algae wafers and Shrimp Cuisine.. On the homemade food, thumbs up to everybody that sold me some!
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