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Tibee Inc

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Everything posted by Tibee Inc

  1. I think so.. Truly, at the very least you should have some very hardy large offspring from that. Plus, I think if you built up a colony of those they'd sell pretty fast in the hobby. On a different note, there is a member here named Mayphly that has a thread on Aura x Pinto Tibees you should checkout if you haven't already...
  2. Hey fellow Spot members, I started this thread to shed some more light on this incredible Tiger shrimp. Please, share any experiences, questions and tips you have with Stardust here, thx.
  3. Well, start out with any Tiger you fancy. Reds you build up over time and why there're so pricey too. You should have some nice looking Black Fancy Tibee/Tigers in time. They may even have some blue tint in them..
  4. Cross that Super Tiger with a Taiwan Bee like a Red Panda or Pinto.. Saw you have YKK, cross with that too..
  5. If they did X, you'll definitely have some very nice looking Spotted Head/Mosura patterned Fancy Tigers! That's a gorgeous berried female too. Sorry, Tibee & Taitibee Tigers are my absolute FAVS.
  6. ShrimpFarm, very nice, very nice....
  7. Whoops! I meant to add in there Super Tigers....
  8. Daz, those are great prices! That moss in the background looks extremely happy too!
  9. I like your colony. What range pH are you keeping those in?
  10. Mikolas, check out Alpha Pro Breeders. It's been a spell since I've talked to them but I'm fairly sure he's got some.
  11. Happy holidays Mayphly! Where are you @ in stabilizing your patterns & what %age of your hatched show Mosura patterns?
  12. Tibee Inc

    Tibee Inc

  13. From the album: Tibee Inc

    5th generation offspring.
  14. Thanks everybody... Finally, whatever you do keep the green fungus man away!
  15. Hello, if there's another thread for this please Admins rope me into it please. Moving on, folks I've got a Shrimp that has just past 2 years old! So, with that said, I'd like others input on their on Methuselah Shrimp. Personally, I'd like to hear from someone that's got one over 3 years old...
  16. Greetings members! I'm offering up a few of my Tibee/Taitibee hybrids for sale. A majority will be White, some red, and CRS/CBS in appearance seen in the pictures below. Note, all CBS/CRS hybrids looking shrimps offered have Tibee/Taitibee genetic backgrounds and aren't your normal "Run of the Mill" mischling. All come from well kept extremely healthy tanks. **Great for Novice Shrimpers, these were breed to be extremly robust.** Lastly, I'm a private breeder and been in the hobby for many years... Prices CRS/CBS Tibee appearance: $2.00 (Minimum order 15) White/Red Tibee/Taitibee & Pinto hybrids: $5.00 (Minimum order 6) Parameters: TDS 135-50 gH 4-5 & pH 6.4-6.6 Finally, I ship only east of the Mississippi & charge a flat fee of $15.00 USPS Priority. However, I will make rare special exceptions & shipping fees are $35 or more depending on destination. Most importantly, all my shipments are professionally packaged to insure merchandise arrives to you in prime condition.. Any & all who are interested please send me a PM.
  17. I can give you a nice size chunk of Subwassertang free if you want it.; Just PM me & we'll go from there....
  18. Hey, your Poopians correct? Are you still selling shrimp too? Typically, shrimp react bad to toxic environments. Ben2820, did it survive? Reputable, sellers have good sellers remarks over years is what i'd look for.....
  19. Hey, that's a lot of rocks man. How big is the tank? Oh, I failed to mention I'm a minimalist when it comes to my shrimp tanks in your other thread. Anyways, if you wanna use rocks that don't gamble on your parameters then check these out here. https://tanninaquatics.com/collections/all I've used rocks like that in the past w/minimal raise in TDS in many setups. Plus, I'm sure if you ask for rocks that leach minor TDS he'll sort out the best for you.
  20. Thx D, I agree w/you that its pretty much inert but still a great product for shrimp tanks. With that said, I've looked far & wide for solid info it influences pH before posting here.
  21. Does anyone here know if ADA Power Sand is inert? The reason I ask is that I've always mixed it w/buffered soils.
  22. Hey Dao, I wouldn't use any rocks in my shrimp tanks just to keep things simple & successful. The reason I say this is because a swing of just 15 TDS can be lethal to a majority of freshwater inverts....
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