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Valek last won the day on October 12 2018

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    Tangerine tigers
    Aura TiBees

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  1. All neos will interbreed. You can get yourself some Tangerine tigers, they are as hardy as neos.
  2. Everyone seems to prefer the 7x7x6 box. When using a breather bag get all the air out. Some use rubber bands others knot. Some double bag others don't. Always use your tank water Just make sure the bag doesn't leak.
  3. Not really, just like any other neo
  4. Do you know your TDS? That GH seems unreasonable high specially with that KH and PH
  5. Thanks, I know how aura blue tigers look like. I was just wondering what else could they be.
  6. As my "aura blue tigers" keep growing they are starting to look like aura tibees. What do you guys think?
  7. I'm wondering if that's the case.
  8. Lots of bad reviews. They've been known to sell sick shrimps
  9. Interesting, that's the only one with that coloration out of the bunch. The rest are light blue. The breeder I got them from tells me the colony is about 3-4 years old. Never crossbred with anything else.
  10. It's just a baby. Different coloration
  11. Finally got them after looking for awhile
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