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    eozen81 reacted to mayphly in Mayphly's Pinto Journal   
    Taitibee second generation

  2. Like
    eozen81 reacted to mayphly in Mayphly's Pinto Journal   
    It was almost impossible for me to get a descent pic of this little guy. He was moving pretty quick. The growth rate of the pintos in this tank is almost twice as slow as some of my other shrimp. Even slower than some of my other pintos. I have been feeding this tank a varied diet including Doublespeed.

  3. Like
    eozen81 reacted to Duff0712 in My Freakout of the Week   
    Figured I would share what happened to me the last couple days. Nothing major. but it is somewhat shrimp related.
    So with the thought of either setting up a new tank or redoing my current 22G I was looking up a ton of stuff and asking around for what you lovely forum people would do if you were setting up a shrimp tank. One of the things that came up was the mattenfilter so I looked it up and it looked pretty cool! I went ahead and ordered a couple (one for now and one for future shrimp projects, yeah, it's going to happen eventually) and awaited its arrival. 
    When I got the email that it was shipped (YAY) and I checked the shipping status. It said that it was undeliverable as it was. I contacted Stephan from SwissTropicals (not trying to promote them, but I like to give credit where credit is due) and I got a speedy reply that they knew what went wrong and it was already fixed. Sweet! So I went back to waiting.
    The day of delivery my girlfriend and I both had to work, of course, so I would return home to a box of awesome filters. I checked tracking online and it said it was delivered. I figured I would text my girlfriend, since she gets off from work earlier than I, and ask if there was a package for me.
    She replied... ":(. Um so kind of weird story. When I got back the screen door was open and I thought there might be a package, but there wasn't anything by the door. So I'm not saying it was stolen, but I don't know if you left the screen door open?".
    I didn't...
    I have received plenty of packages from amazon, family and a few people on this forum and they are either placed between my main door and screen door or since I live in an apartment complex they will sometimes put them in a lock box and place a key in the mailbox. I was pretty unhappy and worried at that point. The filters aren't super inexpensive (including shipping) and my head was racing at the possibilities of what happened. I mean any lost money sucks.
    I figured the post office would have put it in the lock box since it shouldn't have been a big package and since I carry the only mailbox key I would check when I got home. I checked and there was no key in the mailbox. I looked around and saw no sign of a box anywhere the delivery driver could have put it. I live near a park and a certain crowd usually hangs out there in the evenings, but I figured during broad daylight you'd have to be ballsy to walk up and steal it. Since this has never happened to me before now I asked around on what to do and I was told to contact my post office and ask them where the package was delivered and maybe it was kept for a later delivery.
    I sent my post office an email last night and went to bed. Hoping that I would wake up to good news. I didn't. I woke up around 7:40 (when my girlfriend gets ready for work) and took a look at my phone. Apparently, the email failed to deliver. The only reason it gave was because the post office email couldn't receive it... I used their website, so wtf. Anyways I was tired and cranky so I set an alarm for 9 when they opened so I would just call them. 
    Then at around 8:30 I hear the doorbell ring. First thought. THEY KEPT IT AND ARE DELIVERING IT NOW!!! The doorbell rang again and to make sure they didn't leave, I rushed downstairs and wrapped a blanket around me since I was half-naked (oolala) to have some decency. I looked through my peep hole and saw someone standing there with a box. YES!!!! I opened the door and there was a police officer standing there with a torn open box....
    Here was our conversation.
    Me: "Awwwww $***..."
    Officer: "Are you Duffy?"
    Me: "Yes I am"
    Officer: "Is this your package?"
    Me: "Yeah it is"
    Officer: "I found it torn open in the park nearby. Did you receive anything from it or were you expecting it?"
    Me: "I was expecting it to arrive yesterday, My girlfriend and I both had to work, but when I checked online it said it was delivered. My girlfriend said when she got home the screen door was opened and there wasn't anything there. Normally packages get left between the doors."
    Officer: "I see. What was in the package?"
    Me: "Well there would have been two plastic tubes like PVC in it and..."
    Officer: "You mean like these?"
    He opens the box a little bit and the two Jetlifters were sitting inside of it.
    Me: "Yes! Sweet! That is them!"
    I am thinking awesome! Then noticed that the foam pads weren't in there...
    Officer: "Would there have been anything else?"
    Me: "Yeah, there would have been two large foam pads in there too"
    Officer: "No way, I have two foam pads I found near the box in my car!" 
    Me: "OMG!!! that is AWESOME!!!"
    Officer: "Would that have been everything?"
    Me: "Yeah that would be all that I got. I bet they took the box and when they opened it looked inside and said what the eff is this? Then tossed it."
    I figure they tossed the two pads (thinking they were in there for the items protection, then saw the two Jetlifters inside. Oh i wish I could have seen their face. Clearly they aren't aquarists hahaha.
    Officer: "Yeah they probably thought why the heck am I stealing this? Alrighty, well I will leave these here, get my car and bring those to you"
    Me: "Sounds great. Thank you so much!"
    I ran upstairs and put some clothes on and when I came back down and opened the door the officer had already pulled up and handed me the filters.
    Officer: "These them?"
    Me: "YES!!! Thank you so much!"
    Officer: "What are they for?"
    Me: "they are filter pads for my aquarium"
    Officer: "Bro those are huge! What size tank do you have?"
    I kid you not, he said bro.
    Me: "It is only 36" by 12" but it works like this"
    I showed him how I was going to use it up against one side and where the Jetlifter went and its use for bacteria surface.
    Officer: "Alright, cool. So curious how much were they each?"
    Me: "Well the foam/jetlifter each made a kit and they were $24ea for the size I got. With shipping it came out to be $60"
    He didn't say anything, but gave me this look. Like bro, you spent HOW much on that foam and pvc pipe?
    Officer: "Ok, well... I'll put that down in my report"
    Me: "Ok. Thank you again so much!"
    He talked to me about the park and people that walk through it (which I knew about, but didn't have a problem before) and the options of a PO box or finding another spot to leave packages. I am sad I did not get the officer's name, but I am extremely appreciative of him finding the package, coming to my door and asking me about it. ALL of this and I hadn't even told the police yet that my package was stolen (I was going to wait until I had contacted the post office). He deserves a pay raise.
    So long story short, I am EXTREMELY lucky and got my package back and all of its contents after it had been stolen, opened, and discarded. I will start on my remodel tomorrow and probably make a new journal for it!
    Hope you liked my story haha.
  4. Like
    eozen81 reacted to mayphly in Mayphly's Pinto Journal   
    I was fortunate enough to find several females that all look like this in my pinto project tank. Future red & blue stee maybel??? There are 3 red ones that all have this same dark red spot under their carpace shell. The older they get the darker that red spot is getting.

  5. Like
    eozen81 reacted to mayphly in Mayphly's Pinto Journal   
    This is the mother of the baby pinto. She is first generation taitibee. She's not the greatest looking female in the tank but she makes beautiful babies! I'll be moving any pinto canditates into their own tanks and whatever I need to cull from that tank will go back into my taitibee cull tank.

  6. Like
    eozen81 reacted to mayphly in Mayphly's Pinto Journal   
    It's been almost a year and I think I have my first official pinto. It looks blue now and I wish and pray that it will stay blue. But, I doubt it. More than likely it'll turn black. This little guy was born today and is from the second generation.

  7. Like
    eozen81 reacted to mayphly in Mayphly's Pinto Journal   
    This gal's got some sexy legs

  8. Like
    eozen81 reacted to mayphly in Mayphly's Pinto Journal   
    I was fortunate enough to find 3 berried yellows all within a few days of each other.
    I guess that leaf they're on never stood a chance!

  9. Like
    eozen81 reacted to shrimpybuisness in Shrimp In Foreign Countries   
    Hi guys so I just got back from a 3 week trip traveling to different countries (Korea, Philippines, Guam, and Hong Kong) I was excited to visit the Goldfish Market in Hong Kong (its like a part of the city dedicated to pets).
    Me and my family stopped by the Goldfish Market and it was so amazing they had so many different fish and they were so CHEAP, here's an example there was a bag of 10 Oto's for $40 Hong Kong Dollars which is around $5 U.S.
    Of course I couldn't buy anything to bring back home so I just looked. Then I looked across the street and saw SHRIMP (a shrimp sign) 《Picture 1》!!!
    I went in and saw so many cool planted tanks some with "waterfalls" and then I saw shrimp...lots of shrimp so many Tigers, Pintos,PRL, and Neos. I only got to take some quick pics of the Neos before being caught. Apparently your not allowed to take any pictures at any store idk why... you can see the neos I took a picture to be for being caught. 《Pictures 2-4 》
    Then I went upstairs to another store and I saw HUUUUGEEE Arawanas and some Expensive Crystal Reds. I believe their names were like crimson something but they were $1980 HongKong Dollars ($275 US). This owner was very strict about pictures so I only to a picture of the sign outside ;(.
    《Picture 5》

  10. Like
    eozen81 reacted to Steve R. in Taiwan Shrimp Tank (84 Liters)   
    They are beautiful. Keep us updated about their development.
  11. Like
    eozen81 got a reaction from Edwardnah in Taiwan Shrimp Tank (84 Liters)   
    Hi guys,

    Cheers from Istanbul/Turkey

    After I got successful about my Cardinal tank (you can see the journal link from my signature) I decided to take my chances with Taiwan Bee shrimps. It was long research period that I spent to make sure building the tank with the best conditions as much as possible I could.

    Size: 70x35x32h (84 liters)
    Filter System:
    - HMF Filter
    - Sunsun Hw 603 B Mini Cannister Filter
    - Undergravel Filter (PoweredWith Air Pump)
    Lighting: Daylight, blue and white LED
    Water chemistry: RO water + GH+ Mineral
    Substrate: ADA Amazonia Normal type (1 package aka 9 liters)
    Others: Mangrove, Mini Java Fern, Indian almond and some other seasonal leaves, Borneo Wild Bee Ball

    1st days setup: 05/10/2014
    pH 5.3 
    TDS: 220 microsiemens
    GH: 6-7
    kH: 1
    Temp: 21.5 C
    - Since I had used HMF Filter (because it makes maximum bio area) I had to use high density sponge to make sure shrimplets will not pass through the sponge. Here below you can see the sponge I used:

    - For the substrate:
    Bottom 0: I had used Borneo Wild Minerax and Enlive at the bottom
    Bottom 1:Undergravel filter
    Bottom 2: A thin mosquito net to make sure shrimplets will not go to the bottom
    Bottom 3: Sera Siporax Bio Ring
    Bottom 4: ADA Amazonia Normal

    The tank is now only 2 days old and in cycling period. I want it to cycle around 6-8 weeks but not sure If I should do water changes on a weekly basis to make sure ammonia to down or put a guppy into it and no water changes for 2 months or something, what do you propose?
    The other set up pictures are below. I will keep you guys posted about the progress.

  12. Like
    eozen81 got a reaction from Steve R. in Taiwan Shrimp Tank (84 Liters)   
    Here is a short video of the shrimplets of my Blue Shadow Mosura female which I shared 92nd message here. Sorry for bad quality as I don't have a macro lens and they are still little 

  13. Like
    eozen81 got a reaction from High5's in Taiwan Shrimp Tank (84 Liters)   
    Here is a short video of the shrimplets of my Blue Shadow Mosura female which I shared 92nd message here. Sorry for bad quality as I don't have a macro lens and they are still little 

  14. Like
    eozen81 got a reaction from Shrimpie in Taiwan Shrimp Tank (84 Liters)   
    Here is a short video of the shrimplets of my Blue Shadow Mosura female which I shared 92nd message here. Sorry for bad quality as I don't have a macro lens and they are still little 

  15. Like
    eozen81 got a reaction from Faralon in Taiwan Shrimp Tank (84 Liters)   
    Here is a short video of the shrimplets of my Blue Shadow Mosura female which I shared 92nd message here. Sorry for bad quality as I don't have a macro lens and they are still little 

  16. Like
    eozen81 reacted to DETAquarium in YouTube Shrimpers?   
    Thank you to all that follow me, I truly appreciate it, you are why I continue to post videos!
    Here is a small list of my favorites, most mentioned above:
    LupDiesel Christine Ha Fancy Shrimp Brian's Fish Tanks Szopens Shrimps Fabio Silva ShrimpScaping Zilahy Tibor Eozen81 Amber Martinez Go check them out!
  17. Like
    eozen81 got a reaction from igoritto in Sulawesi Dream (Cardinal and Poso Snails)   
    Hi huys,
    I am from istanbul, Turkey and wanted to introduce my Sulawesi Tank in which I have got my Cardinal shrimps and poso rabbit snails. I have been getting babies from my cardinals. It's been approx 4 months after setting up this tank and I had bought 10 Cardinal babies at first. I believe 6 or 7 of them survived and after 2 months I saw my first Cardinal babies. And I can see that my babies are growing up without no issue (fingers crossed).
    At the first weeks I had welcomed them, they were so hiding behind rocks and wood but after they got berried and babies hatched they got more and more courageous and showed up and I also removed some rocks from my tank to make sure they don't get used to hiding. I also see lots of time my cardinals on my poso snails which I believe Poso snails is something relief for cardinals. That's why I recommend everyone to have also poso snails if they wanna keep cardinals. 
    My water is 350 microsiemens, pH 7.5 and temp 27 C. I have been using Sulawesi Mineral 7.5 for my RO water. %10 Water Change weekly. As the numbers of my cardinals are getting higher I started to prepare a new tank which is 75 liters (cycling now)

    45 liters tank
    HMF Filter with air pump and heater behind
    Here are pics and videos


  18. Like
    eozen81 reacted to mayphly in Setting Up A Tank With An HMF Filter   
    I recently installed Hamburg Mattenfilters (HMF) into six 10 gallon tanks using 45ppi foam along with jetlifter tubes from Swiss Tropicals.
    The foam blocks came pre cut 12 x 10 3/4" and the jetlifter tubes came pre assembled.
    I like them them so much I thought I'd share with you how I installed them.
    Step 1.
    I dry fitted the foam blocks inside of the tank and made sure it fit to my liking. My plan was to add bio-rings along with the heater and jetlifter tube behind the foam. Once I fit my foam I removed it and cut a hole in the top where I wanted my jetlifter tube to exit. I used the jetlifter tube to cut the hole aprox 1" from the top in the center of the foam. You can twist the JL tube into the foam to cut it. You'll end up with a nice perfect fit.

    Step 2.
    I installed my tubing on to the JL (jetlifter) tube and placed the JL into the foam. Then I inserted the foam back into the tank. Make sure you have enough tubing attached to the JL to reach your air pump. Next I placed my tank up on it's end and slid my bio-rings in. If I tried to just drop my bio-rings in they would kick the bottom of the foam out. I also placed my heater in behind the foam at this point.

    Step 3.
    I added my bacteria to the bottom of the tank before adding my substrate. I decided to use Mosura Old Sea Mud, Bacter AE and SL- Magic Powder.  I also sprinkled some of the powders behind the filter over my bio-rings. The bacteria will help cycle the tank.
    ** At the time of writing this I did use Bacter AE on the bottom of my tank with no ill effects to any of my shrimps. Since then it has been recommended not to do this.**

    Step 4.
    I rinsed my substrate to remove any debris before adding it to my tank. There was a lot of wood shavings in my gravel along with some purple, pink and blue rocks. I decided to go with natural colored gravel. Once rinsed I added my substrate in front of the filter. I suppose if you wanted to you could even add some behind the filter but I chose not to.

    Step 5.
    Fill the tank with water. Connect your airline tubing from the JL to your air pump and let it run. Now your ready to cycle your tank.

  19. Like
    eozen81 got a reaction from DETAquarium in YouTube Shrimpers?   
    Nice thread. Here are the channels that I follow.
    LupDiesel Christine Ha DETAquarium Fancy Shrimp amber martinez Szopens Shrimps All Things Shrimp Fábio Silva ShrimpScaping Jan Schneider JustBee PRLShrimps Plamen Rusinov recai akkurt Sharnbrook Shrimp Shrimp Corner Uk Shrimp Dream shrimplowkick Shrimpnerd Patrick Jr. SoShrimp Truong Pham
  20. Like
    eozen81 reacted to ANBU in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    My Blue Bolt Tank!

  21. Like
    eozen81 reacted to mayphly in Mayphly's Pinto Journal   
    I finally got around to seperating my taitibees. I seperated them into three groups. Yellows(snowflake/steele), reds, and random patterns(culls). The parents I left in the main tank to continue breeding.



  22. Like
    eozen81 got a reaction from sewoeno in YouTube Shrimpers?   
    Nice thread. Here are the channels that I follow.
    LupDiesel Christine Ha DETAquarium Fancy Shrimp amber martinez Szopens Shrimps All Things Shrimp Fábio Silva ShrimpScaping Jan Schneider JustBee PRLShrimps Plamen Rusinov recai akkurt Sharnbrook Shrimp Shrimp Corner Uk Shrimp Dream shrimplowkick Shrimpnerd Patrick Jr. SoShrimp Truong Pham
  23. Like
    eozen81 got a reaction from Faralon in YouTube Shrimpers?   
    Nice thread. Here are the channels that I follow.
    LupDiesel Christine Ha DETAquarium Fancy Shrimp amber martinez Szopens Shrimps All Things Shrimp Fábio Silva ShrimpScaping Jan Schneider JustBee PRLShrimps Plamen Rusinov recai akkurt Sharnbrook Shrimp Shrimp Corner Uk Shrimp Dream shrimplowkick Shrimpnerd Patrick Jr. SoShrimp Truong Pham
  24. Like
    eozen81 got a reaction from JamesHe in Shrimple shrimping   
    Wow, tank looks amazing my friend. I only noticed you might think to get a filter guard for baby shrimps protection.
  25. Like
    eozen81 reacted to Faralon in YouTube Shrimpers?   
    Who do you follow on YouTube for Shrimp videos?
    I currently follow:
    Christine Ha
    Who else is out there?
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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