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JayMarshal last won the day on October 28 2019

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About JayMarshal

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Best thing to do while waiting for a shrimp tank to cycle? Start up another tank ^^b
  2. Looking forward to all the great interviews Randy ^^b Been reading the thread for over an hour....your all some hardcore shrimpers!!! I love it Here's my guess B D E B E 33 years? Thanks for taking the time Randy, good stuff
  3. Great link! I've been looking into purchasing a pH pen, very helpful article. What kind of pH pen do you have Jadenlea?
  4. Could be using a strip to test GH maybe.. What kit do you all use to test for GH and KH? Am wondering how everybody is getting their GH and KH values. I'm using Nutrafin GH/KH test kit to get those.
  5. Agreed. The quality of Tantora gets the benefit of the doubt from me as I've been using their products for some time now. But there's definitely more bang for the buck with sl blue wizard. After a few months of testing the sl by itself, I'm going to incorporate the other tantora liquids into the dosing regime for sl blue wizard remineralized tanks. Will be changing most of my tanks over with this ^^b
  6. I've been testing a lot of products and have industry equally or comparable products to compare against. It's really interesting to me to find differences or none at all, from brand to brand. My fav example is the difference between the quality of SL Aqua snowflake, and Zebulon brand... One does look like snow on the substrate, the other looks like mushy slightly dirted snow.
  7. I've got a tank I am using this liquid in that has been cycled with no shrimp. Did a full change out of water and will be adding shrimp next week. No other remineralizers, just BW and RO to keep the testing pure. Best way to test a product I think.
  8. Here's what I came up with when I did the math for dosing using the squirting style bottle the SL Aqua Blue Wizard utilizes. Target of 5 dGH. I used an API test tube and measured the distance from the bottom to the 5 ml line and did the math, marked the 2ml line with a red sharpie and used that to fill and pour into and gallon of distilled. 3 full presses squirted out right and 2ml. After trying this several times, to see if the squirts were consistent. It did vary slightly but very close to the line. After mixing the liquid with the gallon of distilled, the measurements were: TDS 150 ppm GH 4.5 I'm very happy with the accuracy of the directions. It takes a minute to convert the size and measurements down to a gallon but after I looked it over alluded tested it out, I wasn't surpised. I was surprised with the accuracy of the squirting consistency, very good stuff. Will last a long time
  9. Really like this design, we're you able to find a ugf that fits nice and snug without bowing up anywhere?I think I'm going to try this setup as well. Any tips or suggestions on the build? Thanks ^^b
  10. Thanks Shrimpie ! Didn't expect to see all this today. Will post pics of these shrimplets when they are ready for their close up
  11. Berries Very happy with this mama. First time berried Super Princess Bee ^^b CRS Golden Bee
  12. Here's a pic off fb, Silane shrimp posted this picture of his blue dennerle.
  13. Nice, that one looks much better than those dark brown ones. The legs are full too.
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