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  1. Like
    wyzazz reacted to TokyoEbi in What grade would you classify these CRS as?   
    My thoughts are SS (no entry hinomaru), S (tiger tooth), SS (hinomaru), and SSS (mosura).
    Am I thinking about this right?
    Apologies for the low quality photos, I have better quality ones but not of all the shrimp so I just took these now.

  2. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from TheGlassBox in Shrimp Pimp Daily Feeder   
    I'd like to put in my vote of confidence for the Shrimp Pimp food.  I've been making my own shrimp food for a few years now and have put my own food up against many other commercial foods with mine consistently coming out on top. 
    Jamison sent me some Shrimp Pimp Food for me to compare side-by-side with my own and my shrimp clearly preferred his food.  I was happily surprised with the result and look forward to putting it into my rotation of foods.  
    In short, you won't be disappointed with The Shrimp Pimp Daily Nutrition.  It is truly a quality shrimp food!
  3. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Soothing Shrimp in FREE Stuff for Shrimpers!   
    OKay, I think I'm done listing for now.  I may have some other things, but I'll know when I get these cleared out.
  4. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Jamisondaniel33 in Shrimp 4 sale?   
    And they are beautiful, high-quality shrimp too!  
  5. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from NickAus in Best food for Red Cherry Shrimp   
    If you want to stick with inert substrate you will want to keep Neocaridina or there are a few varieties of Tiger Shrimp that can be kept in Neo parameters.  The Black Sakuras are a Neo so that would work out well!  
    If you decide on Crystals you will want to break down the tank and pick up a buffering substrate and then utilize strictly RO water with a GH only Remineralizer since they require softer, slightly acidic water.  
  6. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Soothing Shrimp in FREE Stuff for Shrimpers!   
    More items added...
  7. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from NickAus in Best food for Red Cherry Shrimp   
    They should be perfectly fine with what you are feeding them now.  Shrimp are scavengers and will eat just about anything, and they seem to be thriving in the environment you've provided for them.  
    Mainly they eat biofilm, the stuff that gathers on surfaces in your tank that contains micro-organisms, algae, etc...   
  8. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from NickAus in Hi from Australia   
    Beautiful Betta!  Welcome to Shrimp Spot!  
  9. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Jamisondaniel33 in Shrimp Pimp Daily Feeder   
    Thank you guys for your continued support I have been getting orders almost every other day and it has been an amazing turnout
  10. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Memphis118 in ADA 60p PRL Shrimp Tank   
    So I finally did the final touches to the tank, and added my Auto Top off unit over from my old salt water tank. My Apex system is now fully updated, and entire tank can be monitored / controlled through my phone / browser. 

  11. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in FREE Stuff for Shrimpers!   
    I can send prayers & shrimp as well when you get to a place in your life where you want to keep them again.  
  12. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Soothing Shrimp in FREE Stuff for Shrimpers!   
    Thanks, guys.  It's been a struggle financially lately, but despite circumstances, I still wanted to give back to the shrimping community.  
    I accept prayers and good Karma wishes as payment. ;-)
  13. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from ILikeAsianBooty in shrimp keep dying help!   
    Correct, it's not needed.
  14. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Memphis118 in Looking for CHOICE BUBBLER or NAG   
    Go to 3:05 mark
    also this:
  15. Like
    wyzazz reacted to aotf in Looking for CHOICE BUBBLER or NAG   
    In theory it could use the Venturi principle to pull air but in practice it doesn't work as well since the outflow slows over time (inlet filter clog, media clog). An air pump ends up being very reliable.
    You are correct, this let's you both guide the flow of water in your tank while also creating very fine bubbles. You don't get the sound or sight of an air stone and the bubbles are actually so small they flow through the water column with the current, whereas with an air stone they sort of just go up. It's a nice way to oxygenate your water.
    EDIT: reread your post and thought I would clarify. It doesn't adjust flow rate, just direction. 
  16. Like
    wyzazz reacted to nicpapa in shrimp Tanks   
    And more 10 shrimp tanks.. snowballs, neo yellows, neo yellow golden backs, blue topaz, other blues, neo  orange , tangerine tiger, crs ,cbs    
  17. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Soothing Shrimp in FREE Stuff for Shrimpers!   
    You betcha. Shrimping is all about helping others!
  18. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Jamisondaniel33 in Shrimp Pimp Daily Feeder   
    @wyzazz @ILikeAsianBooty   Thank you guys so much for your positive comments. It means a lot to me that my clients are enjoying the food that I am sending them! The response that I have received from the public has been amazing ! 
  19. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Memphis118 in ADA 60p PRL Shrimp Tank   
    Updated FTS.... also added a Boss Shrimpy Pops stick in I got from Han from Hans Aquatic, and the shrimp absolutely love it.

  20. Like
    wyzazz reacted to chappy6107 in shrimp keep dying help!   
    It is possible your tank did not cycle long enough, but my bet is what ever wrong is in your water.  Tap is notorious for constantly changing and containing stuff that does not agree with our shrimps.
  21. Like
    wyzazz reacted to aotf in Bacterial infection?   
    Good to see that you've lowered the temperature on the tank (to what?). That might help the spread of the infection but this shrimp may already be toast. My experience is that if you can tell that there's something wrong with a shrimp, they are not going to recover 90+% of the time.

    Have you quarantined this shrimp yet? Get him out of there!

    If it is a bacterial infection, large water changes over the next couple days are you friend. You want that bacterial stuff gone. If it's not, you might be unnecessarily stressing out your shrimp. Decisions decisions.
  22. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimporama in Back in the hobby, New to shrimp   
    I agree with @aotf on all of the above.  If you really want to keep shrimp I'd suggest getting the tank setup and cycled, then letting it mature for a bit to build up biofilm on the surfaces.  Biofilm is the primary food source of our little shrimpy friends (Well Neocaridina & Caridina anyway) and they prefer this over all other foods. 
    You can keep fish with your shrimp, but you will need to expect predation and understand that this will keep your colony numbers down.  IMHO there is no truly "Shrimp-Safe" fish.  
    If you're using Akadama you will likely be looking at keeping Caridina, this means Crystal Reds/Blacks, Taiwan Bees, Some Tiger Shrimp, etc...   ...while you're waiting for your tank to mature a bit start looking at all the different kinds of shrimp you can keep.  There are a ton of different color patterns and types, looking here in The Marketplace and online at some of the different Vendors online will give you a good idea of what is out there. 
    If you're using RO water you'll need to remineralize (I use Salty Shrimp GH or GH/KH+ depending on the shrimp I'm keeping) to provide all the minerals shrimp need to survive and thrive.  
    Above and beyond that...   ...Welcome to Shrimpspot!  Please feel free to ask any and all questions pertaining to shrimp keeping, it may seem overwhelming at first but this site and its members are a great resource!  
  23. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Revaria in Easy Green from Aquarium Co-Op   
    From what I know about easy green, it is a very concentrated form of nutrients for plants. Its marketed as a complete food source for plants towards people who know whats going on in their tanks and just want to do a some less maintenance. The high concentration is what increases the TDS super high as any additive to water would increase the overall TDS, cory made another video regarding that as well, thats why remineralized RODI water is considered the best water to use for shrimp because you can guarantee that the TDS in that water is measuring the amount of minerals and not potassium, nitrates etc.  I haven't used easy green cause I prefer the dry fert dosing  method as it is much cheaper in the long run, but if dosed right easy green should not kill your shrimp as it provides everything for plants except for nitrates. Cory mentioned today that easy green does contain nitrates, but I still believe that if dosed properly it should not kill your shrimp as it was designed as a easy way to dose fertilizers to keep your plants healthy, but keep in mind that high levels of nitrates which are not taken up by plants will have bad long term effects on shrimp. 
  24. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Shrimple minded in Easy Green from Aquarium Co-Op   
    Wyazz, I can't be sure, but the numbers could be well within reason.  Looking at their dosing, 1 pump in 1 cup of RO would be essentially 160x the recommended dose.  A single pump in 10 gallons would be much less.  
    Additionally, most shrimpers generally dose ferts as significantly lower levels than "recommmended" amounts.  You could conceivably dose at 10%-20%-30% levels and still see the results you're after.  At these level the TDS increases would be in the low single digits and somewhat be absorbed by your plants, and then further reduced by your water changes.
    Lastly, I see recommendations for this product give weekly dosing.  Using the reduced amounts discussed above, you could dose this product 2x per week in lower amounts to smooth out the concentration "curve" of the ferts in your tank.
  25. Like
    wyzazz reacted to ClownPlanted in Easy Green from Aquarium Co-Op   
    Yeah that's about right.  For me though I would start with the lower dosing of just one pump per 10 gallons especially since I assume you have low/medium light plants and low tech.  2 pumps at most.  I do 2 pumps per 10 gallon tank twice a week and my mosses absolutely boom and all plants stay really healthy.  
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