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    wyzazz got a reaction from Memphis118 in Question about water changes   
    Do it gradually, smaller moves/fewer/slower changes are always better for shrimp health.
  2. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimple minded in Question about water changes   
    Great advice @ClownPlanted !  I use a Tom's Aqualifter and more recently a 4 head dosing pump (Jebao DP-4) to do my water changes and that seems to work well for me.  
  3. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimporama in Increasing shrimplet survival rate   
    That's correct, everyone has their own opinions.  AFAIK, a higher temperature just increases metabolism, and thusly decreases life-span.  There is also a correlation to a higher rate of bacterial infection as the temperatures rise, but overall I think if you keep a clean tank you are fine at those temps.  

    In any case, good luck and keep us posted!!!
  4. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Shrimporama in Increasing shrimplet survival rate   
    I am a big fan of leaf litter! It provides hiding spots, biofilm and health benefits. I bought the shrimp pack and pleco pack from Tannin aquatics, a member here, I love the natural look and my shrimpies love it. I also bought mulberry powder from wyzazz  and my shrimpies love it. Water parameters stability is the key. I am not sure but is temperature too high? I keep my tanks at or below 70. Just a thought. It's very easy to overdose the powdered foods, if shrimp are busy and you have biofilm you may not have to feed daily, even with babies.
  5. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Memphis118 in Question about water changes   
    Great advice @ClownPlanted !  I use a Tom's Aqualifter and more recently a 4 head dosing pump (Jebao DP-4) to do my water changes and that seems to work well for me.  
  6. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from chappy6107 in Question about water changes   
    Do it gradually, smaller moves/fewer/slower changes are always better for shrimp health.
  7. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from sfsam in Opinions   
    It's just a color variation, I get a few of these once in a while and I put them in my cull tank.  They grow up fine and live long happy lives.  They even have "normal" colored babies.  
  8. Thanks
    wyzazz got a reaction from Hamid in Shrimp not interested in food?   
    Correct!  If you're dosing Biozyme and Bacter AE (basically powdered biofilm) then they've probably got more than enough to eat.  Shrimp typically prefer biofilm to everything else!  
    Your tank parameters as listed look good, assuming your Ammonia and Nitrite are at 0.  
    If you hold back feeding for a few days, heck depending on the amount of biofilm you may need to go a week or more, then add the prepared foods then they will likely flock to it.  Or feed something "high-value" to the shrimp.  Boil a mulberry leaf and drop it in there, or a squash/zucchini bloom.  Mine always go crazy for those!
  9. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimporama in Shrimp not interested in food?   
    Correct!  If you're dosing Biozyme and Bacter AE (basically powdered biofilm) then they've probably got more than enough to eat.  Shrimp typically prefer biofilm to everything else!  
    Your tank parameters as listed look good, assuming your Ammonia and Nitrite are at 0.  
    If you hold back feeding for a few days, heck depending on the amount of biofilm you may need to go a week or more, then add the prepared foods then they will likely flock to it.  Or feed something "high-value" to the shrimp.  Boil a mulberry leaf and drop it in there, or a squash/zucchini bloom.  Mine always go crazy for those!
  10. Thanks
    wyzazz reacted to Wygglz in First Ever offering of Sunset Tigers!   
    Congrats Wyzazz!
  11. Like
    wyzazz reacted to sparky4056 in First Ever offering of Sunset Tigers!   
    It just had to be you didn't it. 
  12. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from ConnorT in Help! Want to start a shrimp tank   
    Start with Cherries, as mentioned above.  Look locally (Craigslist, Facebook) or here on Shrimpspot to purchase shrimp, in my experience the shrimp you get from other hobbyists are not only cheaper but tend to be pretty hardy.  There are a lot of us on here that sell cherries and other shrimp.  
    I keep snails in all my shrimp tanks as well as plants/moss, driftwood & leaf litter.  The snails eat leftover food and help to keep the bio-load up, the leaves and driftwood provide a long term food source and grow biofilm, this is the primary food for shrimp.  Plants are great for the overall health of your tanks, they remove nitrates and provide shelter and a grazing area for shrimp as well.  
    All Neocaridina will interbreed with each other, and all Caridinia will interbreed with each other.  There are some Caridina (Orange Eyed Blue Tigers/OEBT, there may be more that I am not aware of) that can live in Neocaridina water parameters without any issues.  This is the best way to keep a mixed tank IMHO.  
  13. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Jamisondaniel33 in Shrimp Pimp Daily Feeder   
    Below is a list of the beneficial ingredients that can be found in my shrimp food product and the reason behind it, as well as some nutritional facts.
    Chorella Algae- Placed in my food because of the sheer amount of nutrients that it contains. This allows the shrimp to remain active and enhances their color. Also, this algae serves as a great chelating agent. This means that it binds to unwanted toxins in the intestines and clears them out of the body of the shrimp. Chorella contains over four vitamins, eight beneficial minerals and trace elements, three unsaturated fatty acids, and a surplus of amino acids. 
    Glucosamine- an amino sugar that serves as a beneficial substance for the formation of the shrimp’s exoskeleton. 
    Fennel- Contains an abundance of essential oils including vitamin C, thymol, and trigonelline.
    Organic pure bee pollen- contains up to 30% protein as well as calcium, potassium, and an abundance of various enzymes that help with shrimp growth.
    Lecithin- Shrimp make this phospholipid into acetylcholine which is amazing for the nervous system.
    Mulberry Leaves- High in vitamins and minerals, and provide a great source of electrolytes.
    Peas- Great source of fiber to clear the intestinal track of shrimp.
    I hope that you find my product useful, I would appreciate any feedback in how I can tweak it. Thanks for taking the time to test out my product, it is very appreciated. All of my ingredients are organic and I am making fresh batches of food daily. This means my product is fresh compared to the foods that are mass produced and sit on shelves for long periods of time. PM me if you are interested in my product. The price for this product is $5.99 if you continue to order my product I will lower the price, I'm a college student who is trying to make high grade shrimp food affordable so that more individuals can enjoy this fun hobby as much as I do. Thanks for you time. 
    Jamison Daniel
    CEO of The Shrimp Pimp

  14. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Jamisondaniel33 in Shrimp Pimp Daily Feeder   
    First I make the ingredients into a powder, and then I roll it into a dough. I use bee pollen as a binding agent and the algae helps as well. After the product is in a ball I roll it out onto parchment paper, cut it into a variety of sizes, and then dehydrate it. All the ingredients I use are organic, and I try to locally source as many things as I can. My shrimp go crazy during feeding time, they absolutely love this stuff, and it's really healthy for them as well. Sense I've been using this in my tanks my production rates have gone up and the shrimp seem way more energetic and happy. Also they tend to molt more often which is great. 

  15. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Jamisondaniel33 in Shrimp Pimp Daily Feeder   
    Sounds great! Thank you all for all of the support you guys have given me on my product I hope everyone that ordered it enjoys it! 
  16. Like
    wyzazz reacted to aotf in I Messed Up Again Vol. 3 - Rock Edition   
    I covered half a rock with a thin layer of epoxy. I did my best to rough it up with a toothbrush but it is noticeably shinier and smoother than the untreated portion. The upside? It actually looks better both dry and wet, providing more contrast and making the colors of the rock more visible. My only concern is that mosses are going to have a hard time adhering to the rocks.

    I'm strongly leaning towards covering all my rocks since I'd have to replace them anyway. The next test will be to see what happens to kH with more epoxied seiryu in the tank. I'm thinking that if I can cover 95-98% of the rock surfaces with epoxy, kH creep should be negligible to manageable.


  17. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimporama in Whats your favorite   
    Hmmmm, I'm sure that didn't sound the way you planned it!  
  18. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Kajun_Kong in Algae?   
    You can spray or dip the cholla wood, then add it back to the tank.  Or even use an old toothbrush to manually scrub the algae off of it.  The moss/fissidens is a bit more tricky.  I would pull a small bit to test with the h2o2 treatment first, this way you don't accidentally nuke it if you decide to do a dip.  
    You can also try  shortening your light cycle.  I run mine 4 on - 4 off - 4 on.  Algae has a harder time adjusting to a break in your lighting cycle than most plants will.
  19. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Kajun_Kong in Algae?   
    Haha, that's funny!  Just an old nickname from the Marine Corps.  
  20. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimple minded in Whats your favorite   
    Hmmmm, I'm sure that didn't sound the way you planned it!  
  21. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Crackhead Johny in Whats your favorite   
    I missed out on 5 wangs for 15$ 2 years ago and still regret it. 
  22. Like
    wyzazz reacted to chappy6107 in Whats your favorite   
    I just laughed out loud reading @Crackhead Johny 's line.  Its the little things in life.
  23. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from chappy6107 in Whats your favorite   
    Hmmmm, I'm sure that didn't sound the way you planned it!  
  24. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from matuva in Help! Want to start a shrimp tank   
    Here is another pic of some that I sent out a week or so ago.  

  25. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from chappy6107 in Sinking Food Help   
    Shot you a PM that should help with powdered foods.  If you're making food chips, I find that sticking everything in a blender to mix with water helps.  Mix it a bit more watery than you think you need to and put it in a shallow pan or spread it out on foil/parchment paper/wax paper to dry.  Having it really watery helps the air bubbles come to the surface.  
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