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  1. Like
    wyzazz reacted to rhoagland in Just moved thinking about blue bolts   
    I would say that you won't be able to successfully keep blue bolts or any Taiwan bee shrimp in tap water.  GH8 is pretty high for starters.  Normal range is 4-6 and they would likely have trouble molting. 
    Also GH, KH, and TDS are only general parameters and they are made up of many elements.  The shrimp need proper amounts of minerals and other compounds that may or may not be present in your water.  In my opinion, the only good way to keep them is RO and remineralizer formulated for shrimp. 
    To illustrate my point, you can probably mix table salt, baking soda and Epsom salt to get water with GH4, KH1, TDS 120 but it wouldn't be suitable for shrimp because it doesn't contain much of anything beneficial to them.
  2. Confused
    wyzazz reacted to Thewildtouch in 30+ Blue Diamond Culls Neocaridina Heteropoda   
    Would you be willing to sell 20 ? As much of a color variety as you can? I'm trying to start breeding and I really need some solid colored offspring to get started. 
  3. Haha
    wyzazz reacted to Shrimp Life in 30+ Blue Diamond Culls Neocaridina Heteropoda   
    His post is from 2014, he probably doesn't have these
  4. Like
    wyzazz reacted to JSak in [WTB] Tap water acclimated Caridina cantonensis shrimp   
    Yup! It's understandable especially when you're just getting into the hobby that people won't be able to commit to getting a whole RO/DI system or have enough money to get a huge setup. I'd guess that most of the experienced keepers/breeders became so knowledgeable through learning from their mistakes. Personally, I feel you can learn a lot more from your failures than your successes, and with shrimp I'd expect failures every now and then, so it's important not to get too defeated if something were to happen as long as you learn from it. I've been in the hobby for several years now and I still feel like I'm learning new things.
    Like wyzazz said selling or giving your extra shrimp away would probably be the recommendation from most breeders. I'm not at the point where I have that many shrimp to sell, but I do plan to in the future, more so to sustain my hobby, spread the hobby, and meet other people who're as into shrimp as I am 😆 another option is to see if your local fish store might buy them from you or maybe give you store credit in exchange for them. Selling online seems like it may be difficult at first because you'll need to build up a reputation because naturally people will compare your product and ratings to another seller who's been selling for a while. For the average hobbyist I'd recommend sticking locally if you're just looking to get rid of your excess shrimp through local clubs, fish stores, friends, etc. because it sounds like the shipping process especially can be very tricky to deal with. For example, I don't plan to sell online because the process of shipping seems to have a pretty difficult learning curve so I'm planning to just sell locally. Glad to help! It can be a pretty challenging hobby at first because they're fairly different than fish, but I think that makes it feel even more rewarding when you figure it all out and get colonies of shrimps going at a time. 
  5. Thanks
    wyzazz got a reaction from Saddleback Shrimp in [WTB] Tap water acclimated Caridina cantonensis shrimp   
    I sell them of course!  If you're in the market for Tangerine Tigers let me know, I have a ton of them right now!
  6. Thanks
    wyzazz got a reaction from Saddleback Shrimp in [WTB] Tap water acclimated Caridina cantonensis shrimp   
    Yes, I keep both my Tangerines and my Aura Blues in 200TDS, gH 8-9, kH 4-5 pH 7.2-7.4.  Actually, I keep almost all of my "Tiger" shrimp in Neo Parameters.
  7. Like
    wyzazz reacted to ricksza in PSA - API Freshwater Master Test Kit   
    On Amazon today: API Freshwater Master Test Kits sold by PETCO for $9.99 with free shipping. Need to go to bottom of description to: New (20) from $9.99
  8. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from HumanArtRebel1020 in WTB Black OE Tigers   
  9. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimp Life in HOMEBRED SHRIMP Fancy Red Tigers Bloody Marys   
    I may need to jump on these FRT on Friday!  😍
  10. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Adail in Looking for Royal Blue Tiger and Red Devil Orange Eyes   
    I shot you a PM.
  11. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Shrimp Life in Shadow Panda questions   
    If it originally came as blue, and lost its color, They could be stressed. Caridina with blue (blue bolt, shadow panda) can change color intensity depending on things like temp, stress,  breeding etc. You can put some good quality blue bolts in with them to improve and refine the line.
  12. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Cottaball in Inert Substrate with Caridina   
    I can almost 100% assure you that it doesn't hold stable unless you've got kH in your water, or some sort of buffer holding it down there.  The pH can change drastically in planted tanks from night to day due to CO2 release (and lack thereof) from the plants.  

    Heck, put some of that remineralized water in a bucket without a lid on it and add an airstone.  Check it when you drop it into the bucket, 2 days later, then 6 days later.  I'd be willing to bet that the pH has changed.
  13. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimp Life in Inert Substrate with Caridina   
    In short, No. 
    Active Substrate not only lowers pH but it keeps it stable at a particular pH and prevents swings.  If you have rapid pH swings you will kill your shrimp.  

  14. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimp Life in Newbie needed help and advice :   
    As Shrimp Life eluded to, it doesn't look like you've cycled your aquarium.  I'd start by giving this a quick read, and maybe watching a few youtube videos on how to cycle an aquarium.  Some fish can survive an aquarium cycle, most shrimp cannot.  

  15. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimp Life in Is this a saddled shrimp?   
    Saddled Female.
  16. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimp Life in Taiwan bee shrimplet survival   
    Where did you get the Taiwan Bees from?  What were the previous Breeder's parameters?  What temp do you keep your tank at?  Any shots (close up and further away) of the tank?  How are you adding water back for water changes?  I drip mine in at about 1gph with no issues and only change 10% a week.

    Shrimplet survival can vary based on a ton of variables.  I personally only use Bacter AE to soak leaves in, as without sufficient oxygen exchange/surface agitation it can sometimes suck all of the oxygen from a tank.  I prefer Magic Powder/Aqualex Enzyme, and a DIY Powdered Food that I make to feed shrimplets, I've found that feeding a more complete powdered food has increased my shrimplet survival quite a bit.  
  17. Thanks
    wyzazz got a reaction from Dropkick in Sexing for scrubs.   
    My assessment based on your pics, top to bottom.  I know some of these are pics of the same shrimp.  
    M F
    M F
    F M
  18. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Shrimp Life in Sexing for scrubs.   
    To sex them, will need clear photos showing the side view of the shrimp  No heater is needed for Neocaridina, careful with using active substrate for Neos.
  19. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimp Life in Seeding a New Filter   
    You don't have to, but they are very beneficial IMHO.  You could do MTS, mine hide in the substrate mostly.  Nerites won't breed in freshwater but will lay eggs all over.  
  20. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Shrimpapalooza in Golden Stardust   
    One of my golden backed orange sakura girls has golden stardust!
    Or at least I hope its golden stardust, maybe some of those relfective spots migrating down from that gold stripe, and not a sign of something bad haha... But she looks nice.
    Sorry for the dirty focus, but by the time I realized my macro lens was dirty ans cleaned it she'd run away...

  21. Thanks
    wyzazz got a reaction from b-rock in CRS 2.50 a piece. Red wine 5.50 a piece. Orange eye red ghost are 5 a piece.   
    They are beautiful shrimp too, very hardy!
  22. Thanks
    wyzazz got a reaction from HumanArtRebel1020 in BEST pump for multiple sponge filters ?!   
    No real need in a shrimp tank, but if you need it for a period of time you could always add a bag of purigen hanging in the output of the sponge filter.  Or you could look at utilizing Quanvee Sponge Filters.  
  23. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Cottaball in Rules of Thumb When Selling Shrimps   
    Packing is important, your boxes need to be well insulated to keep the temp fluctuations to a minimum.  I also like to line mine with polystyrene foam to insulate and provide some crush resistance.  Breather bags, an appropriate amount of water, purigen and something for the shrimp to hang on to during transit.  

    Shipping is usually done via USPS Priority Mail.  They will give you 7x7x6 boxes for free, you simply need to tape them together and add your label.  

    Speaking of labels, you can print labels directly from Paypal, or use USPS Click N Ship.  

    As for pricing, charge what you think is fair for the shrimp and shipping.  You're a hobbyist so your pricing is going to be far less than what you'll see at a retail shop, but quality will likely be much higher.  

    Communication is important!  -  Clearly communicate with your customers and let them know when you're shipping, what your DOA Policy is, what their tracking number is, what type of shrimp are being shipped.  

    Let me know if you want a test subject when you're ready to ship, I'm more than willing to help with packaging (you've received shrimp from me before so you know how I package) or willing to be your first shipment.  This way I can provide constructive feedback if needed.  
  24. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Cottaball in Tiger shrimp (red/black crystal shrimp)   
    So you're getting pretty much pure water (devoid of minerals) from your tap.   The same thing many of us aim for by using an RO System.  

    From here, you will want to add minerals back to your water to support aquatic life as aotf mentioned above.

    I use Salty Shrimp gH+ (for Caridina Parameters) and Salty Shrimp gH/kH+ (for Neo Parameters) to remineralize my RO water and make it suitable for shrimp.  With Caridina Parameters, you need something to keep the pH stable, so active/buffering substrate is used.  For Neo Parameters the kH keeps the pH stable, so you use an inert substrate.  
  25. Thanks
    wyzazz got a reaction from HumanArtRebel1020 in Canister filter setup   
    I like to use a large sponge as a pre-filter on my canisters.  That or on my 150 that uses a Fluval FX5 Canister, I have a corner HMF as a pre-filter.  
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