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    wyzazz got a reaction from Cottaball in Mixing Caridina Shrimp for Maximum Colors   
    If you're looking for the widest range of colors without hybridization I'd suggest Taiwan Bee's.  That covers Blue Bolts, Pinto's, BKK, RKK, Wine Red, Shadow Panda's, etc...
  2. Like
    wyzazz reacted to AquaticShrimpNoob in AquaticShrimpNoob's Journal   
    Hi Everyone,
    It's been at most 2 months now since I gave an update. There were few changes in the shrimp tank and few addition. One major change was that I upgraded my filtration system. I have been having problems with my filtration system before. I have to engineer my filtration system this time to run my pump and chiller efficiently and get sufficient filtration and flow in my tank. It was a success. At the same time, I was able to make it so that I save so much space. 
    I removed my Riccia Fluitans. To be honest, my shrimps like this plant. But I had to remove it. It is a fast growing plant. You have to trim it every month at most. It is a messy process. It is a good plant. I just want to decrease my time cleaning my tank during maintenance. I removed my large cholla wood with monte carlo growing on it. It has been great. But the cholla wood is visibly thinning out. It is obviously deteriorating. I replaced it with driftwood instead. I got lucky that I found porous driftwood at one of my LFS. It looks like it used to be home for termites. I placed some of my Anubias Nana and my Anubias Coffeefolia. I hope that they start to attach to the wood by the end of the month. I rearranged my hanging plants so that front half of my tank is visible to me and the back half looks perfect space for baby to adult shrimps and snails. The front part has growing Monte Carlo and Marsilea Crenata. It's not good looking yet but I know it will be soon.
    I may have to sell some portions of Distichphyllum Maibarae. I have two sets that are growing pretty well. At first, I thought that they will grow slow like Hookeriaceae Moss. Well, they are not fast growing like Riccia Fluitans. But they are definitely faster than Hookeriaceae Moss. I will also be getting Pagoda snails this week. Since I have sufficient water flow and oxygen/air injection, I think that they will thrive in my tank. I will give an update in the next month or so. 
    Good News!!! It seems like I have enough Caridina Rubropunctata and Caridina Babaulti sp. Zebra Stripped to sell. But I will hold on this since we are in summer peak. I will sell some starting the beginning of fall season.

  3. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Shrimp Life in HOMEBRED SHRIMP AND MOSS PACKAGE   
    Homebred Shrimp & Moss!
    All Shrimp are bred by me and are unsexed 0.8-1.2cm (perfect size for shipping & acclimation)
    SOLD  Blue Bolt Mosura 6 for $50
    SOLD Red Pinto Mixed Patterns 6 for $40
    Red Bolt 8 for $40
    SOLD  Red Wine Mosura/Hino mix 8 for $50
    Black & Red Pinto Culls (lacking proper pattern/ missing stripe etc) 10 for $40
    Orange Neocaridina 10 for $35
    Moss Package 4 TYPES! NL, Spiky, Christmas, Anchor. 2x2" flat each type/loose $22. (For moss only orders, shipping is $4)
    SHIPPING $12 USPS Priority Mail
  4. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Cottaball in Rules of Thumb When Selling Shrimps   
    Packing is important, your boxes need to be well insulated to keep the temp fluctuations to a minimum.  I also like to line mine with polystyrene foam to insulate and provide some crush resistance.  Breather bags, an appropriate amount of water, purigen and something for the shrimp to hang on to during transit.  

    Shipping is usually done via USPS Priority Mail.  They will give you 7x7x6 boxes for free, you simply need to tape them together and add your label.  

    Speaking of labels, you can print labels directly from Paypal, or use USPS Click N Ship.  

    As for pricing, charge what you think is fair for the shrimp and shipping.  You're a hobbyist so your pricing is going to be far less than what you'll see at a retail shop, but quality will likely be much higher.  

    Communication is important!  -  Clearly communicate with your customers and let them know when you're shipping, what your DOA Policy is, what their tracking number is, what type of shrimp are being shipped.  

    Let me know if you want a test subject when you're ready to ship, I'm more than willing to help with packaging (you've received shrimp from me before so you know how I package) or willing to be your first shipment.  This way I can provide constructive feedback if needed.  
  5. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Shrimp Life in MOSS FOR SALE!   
    This moss is a really cool one! You will get a portion that is 3x3" flat/loose
    Grown in low tech shrimp tanks (No co2, no ferts)
    USPS First Class $5
    For other mosses check out www.shrimplife.net

  6. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from uuaaayyy in How long does your active substrate last?   
    So my assumption is that you're using Tap Water?  You won't want to utilize that with Active Substrate.  Pick up RO or Distilled Water, or better yet an RO unit, then you can remineralize to your desired gH.  
    Here is what will happen if you use Active Substrate with your water (I'm assuming your kH is pretty high).  
    1.  You will exhaust the buffering properties of the soil very quickly and end up with inert substrate.  
    2.  When you do water changes, your pH will fluctuate.  Say that your pH in the tank is 6.7.  You remove 10% of the water and add tap water.  Your pH will swing up rapidly in to the low 7s' and the substrate will try to pull it back down to that 6.7.  This will happen at every water change until the substrate finally exhausts.  When it does your pH will swing rapidly up to that 8.8pH you mentioned above.  

    Most, if not all of the shrimp won't survive that.  

    You could look in to Sulawesi Shrimp, they may be a fit for your tap as it is.  They require warmer temps and dine almost exclusively on Algae and Biofilm.  
  7. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from HumanArtRebel1020 in How long does your active substrate last?   
    That really depends on the soil you choose and the source water you utilize.  You will want water with no kH (that pushes the pH up) so most of us use RO remineralized with a gH only salt.  Some are lucky enough (Washington comes to mind) to have almost no kH in their water from the tap.  
  8. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimporama in How long does your active substrate last?   
    That really depends on the soil you choose and the source water you utilize.  You will want water with no kH (that pushes the pH up) so most of us use RO remineralized with a gH only salt.  Some are lucky enough (Washington comes to mind) to have almost no kH in their water from the tap.  
  9. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from shrimptopiashop.com in First Ever offering of Sunset Tigers!   
    Awesome, thanks!
  10. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from shrimptopiashop.com in First Ever offering of Sunset Tigers!   
    $76  --  I've been waiting for this!!!
  11. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from shrimptopiashop.com in 10+1 Painted Fire Red Neos. Top Grade.   
  12. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from shrimptopiashop.com in 10+1 Painted Fire Red Neos. Top Grade.   
    Let me know how you'd like to complete this.  Thanks!
  13. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimp Life in 10+1 Painted Fire Red Neos. Top Grade.   
    Do you have more pics of the colony?  What kH are they in?  
  14. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from shrimptopiashop.com in 10+1 Painted Fire Red Neos. Top Grade.   
    Do you have more pics of the colony?  What kH are they in?  
  15. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Critter Doc in How many snails is too many?!?   
    Caught them shoving the shrimp out of the way in the food dish tonight, so I'm removing them.  Dropped the bigger ones into my micro crab tank.  How effective is the lettuce trick with the babies?  And what do I do with all of them once they've been relocated?  Anybody in the Atlanta area want a ton of blue ramshorns? ?
  16. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Revaria in How many snails is too many?!?   
    I would say too many snails is when the snails start to bully the shrimp away from the food and it would be good to start culling the snail population as they will go nuts after a certain point especially if you have a planted tank. 
  17. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Shrimp Life in How many snails is too many?!?   
    I'd move them because they start to lay eggs all over the place and its harder to control once you have alot of adult snails breeding
  18. Like
    wyzazz reacted to chappy6107 in How many snails is too many?!?   
    they will limit themselves to what the available food is.  So if you feed x amount typically, they will breed to a level to eat that amount of food.  Then if you change/lower the amount of food, you now have too many snails and some may die of starvation.  You can always remove some by putting a lettuce leaf in the tank over night and the next morning removing it along with however many snails are feeding on the lettuce.
  19. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Hawaiian Opae in Super Tigers. Great line   
    Tom Quinn
    🔴Item(s): 10+1 Super Tigers from pictured colony homebred.
    🔴Closing Time: 5/17/2019 3:30 pm PST
    🔴Gender and Size: Mix juvies random scoop 
    🔴Water Parameters: TDS 140-160, PH 7.0-7.2 Temp 70-72
    🔴Starting Bid: 35
    🔴Minimum Bid Increment: 1.00
    🔴Shipping: 15.00 USPS Priority-USA only no Alaska or Hawaii. Insulated box in breather bags/with moss. 
    🔴DOA Policy: +1 is to cover DOA. DOA will only be valid if you send clear picture of the dead shrimp inside the bag next to my shipping label within 1 hour of their arrival. Package should be received on first delivery attempt. Shipping will not be refunded. Shrimp past 1, will be refunded. Not responsible for delay or damage by USPS. 
    🔴Payment: PayPal (If there is a bid during the final 5 minutes of the auction, the bidding time is extended for an additional 5 minutes from time of last bid.

  20. Like
    wyzazz reacted to shouu in Super Tigers. Great line   
    Last auction won from Tom Quinn.👍
  21. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimporama in justme's shrimp story   
    Beautiful tanks (and shrimp) my friend!  We all suffer setbacks in shrimp keeping but don't let that discourage you, and there is plenty of help to be found here with lots of experienced members.  
    P.S.  Belgian Beer is pretty decent too.  Cantillon makes some really nice stuff!  
  22. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from HumanArtRebel1020 in Plants wtb   
    Awesome!  Let me know if any of the above appeals to you.
  23. Thanks
    wyzazz got a reaction from HumanArtRebel1020 in Homebred Blue Dreams for sale!!!!   
    Yep, Ramshorn.  They come in different colors too!  

  24. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Hawaiian Opae in Super Tigers   
    Tom Quinn
    🔴Item(s): 10+1 Super Tigers from pictured colony homebred.
    🔴Closing Time: 5/10/2019 6:00 pm PST
    🔴Gender and Size: Mix juvies random scoop 
    🔴Water Parameters: TDS 140-160, PH 7.0-7.2 Temp 70-72
    🔴Starting Bid: $35
    🔴Minimum Bid Increment: $1.00
    🔴Shipping: $15.00 USPS Priority-USA only no Alaska or Hawaii. Insulated box in breather bags/with moss. 
    🔴DOA Policy: +1 is to cover DOA. DOA will only be valid if you send clear picture of the dead shrimp inside the bag next to my shipping label within 1 hour of their arrival. Package should be received on first delivery attempt. Shipping will not be refunded. Shrimp past 1, will be refunded. Not responsible for delay or damage by USPS. 
    🔴Payment: PayPal (If there is a bid during the final 5 minutes of the auction, the bidding time is extended for an additional 5 minutes from the time of the last bid.)


  25. Like
    wyzazz reacted to ricksza in Foam tank divider question   
    I made a divider for my 10 gallon tank using a 2" square 40ppi foam with glass above it. The foam allows water flow between the sides and the glass prevents escapes.

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