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    wyzazz got a reaction from ILikeAsianBooty in Orange Sunkist / CARIDINA PROPINQUA   
    I wouldn't buy anything from Aquatic Arts.  Just my opinion though, YMMV.  
  2. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from EricM in Tap water vs Remineralized   
    When you mix from RO with a reimeralizer there is no question of what is in your water and whether or not it is suitable for shrimp.  If you are using tap, you are at the mercy of your municipal water supply or well.  If something changes, you stand to risk losing your entire tank when you do a water change.  If that is an acceptable risk for you, then there are no issues that I can see.  
  3. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from TigerBarb1017 in Newbie from Canada   
    Welcome to the Spot!  
  4. Like
    wyzazz reacted to BigJake in Aura blue tigers or Aura Tibees   
    Here you go.

  5. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from ILikeAsianBooty in 7.5G Bee Tank   
    It will be!🤫
  6. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimporama in I don't understand card genetics at all...   
    Nice!  Give them a few weeks to color up and you should see what they will actually look like.  
  7. Thanks
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimpfoot in Sudden pH change   
  8. Like
    wyzazz reacted to aotf in I don't understand card genetics at all...   
    ...so here are some pictures!

    These F2 shrimplets are only a couple days old (marsilea crenata leaf and hair grass strand as references in second picture) and are the result of:
    TT x BB => F1
    F1 x BB => F2
    The BB group they came from had some mosura in it, so clearly not "pure" BB.
    I expected maybe some blue or a lot of orange, but certainly not white and red.

    I'm guessing I'm dealing with some kind of low-grade CRS mischling business or the beginnings of a pinto line.
    Hope they survive!

    I've also got some F1 x F1 =>F2 on the way, they should be hatching this week.
  9. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from nicpapa in Soothing Shrimp   
    Yeah, it's pretty quiet around here...   
  10. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from TigerBarb1017 in another dead shrimp Help!   
    Awesome news, hopefully the trend continues!
  11. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from TigerBarb1017 in Tropica Aquarium Soil   
    What are you keeping in it?  How long have you been using it thus far?  
  12. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from TigerBarb1017 in another dead shrimp Help!   
    Here is what I'd do, keep in mind I'm just running off of the little information we've got here since you've just got test strips.  I'd do 10%-20% water changes (slowly) with remineralized RO water every day until you raise your TDS to the 150 mark.  I drip my water back into the tanks with a Tom's Aqualifter Pump or Dosing Pumps.  This will do 2 things:  1.  Lower your Nitrates if they are too high.  2.  Bring your gH up to an acceptable level for the shrimp you are keeping.  
  13. Like
    wyzazz reacted to TigerBarb1017 in Tropica Aquarium Soil   
    I installed the substrate on August 25, 2018 and I have been keeping taiwan bees in there.
  14. Like
    wyzazz reacted to TigerBarb1017 in another dead shrimp Help!   
    Hi wyzazz thank you!   Great plan.  I  remineralized some water last night and let it sit overnight after Maurice mentioned my nitrates may be too high..   I'll do exactly as you described. 👍
  15. Like
    wyzazz reacted to TigerBarb1017 in Tropica Aquarium Soil   
    Hey Shrimp Spot.
     I just wanted to share my experiences with the Tropica Aquarium Soil because there doesn't seem to be a ton of information about it on the web.  I bought this in the past and had it in my basement already so I decided to try it out for the beginning of my shrimp keeping adventures.
    It took about a month to stop leeching ammonia. This soil is very acidic.  I used a 9L bag in a 20 long aquarium and it keeps my pH at 5.5.       Looks great and other than that not much I can say about it at this point.
  16. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimporama in RedRuby/Wines out of PRL colony?   
    What you have aren't PRL then, they were mixed with Taiwan Bees at some point.  
  17. Thanks
    wyzazz got a reaction from mmoner in RedRuby/Wines out of PRL colony?   
    What you have aren't PRL then, they were mixed with Taiwan Bees at some point.  
  18. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from HumanArtRebel1020 in Shrimps eating each other???!   
    Ghost shrimp are fairly aggressive, I'd separate them from the dwarf shrimp.  
  19. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Valek in Baby aura blue tigers   
    Finally got them after looking for awhile 

  20. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Valek in Looking for aura blue tigers   
    I bought from another seller and will be getting them this Friday. 
  21. Like
    wyzazz reacted to madcrafted in Tank Cycling - No Nitrites?   
    The spike in nitrites happen so quickly, most people miss it if not monitoring it daily (who does?). I would test your water out of the tap and see where nitrates are at, from there you can determine how much of that nitrate reading is from the actual cycling process. If you are getting readings around 10-20 ppm of nitrates and your tap water is less than 5 ppm and your not supplying a nitrogen based fertilizer, then it's safe to say ammonia is being converted properly. 
    In the 29 gallon without livestock, are you adding ammonia or food to feed the bacteria? With pure ammonia, you can bring level to around 1 ppm and check it 24 hours later and it should be at undetectable levels once the cycle is complete.
  22. Like
    wyzazz reacted to ILikeAsianBooty in 7.5G Bee Tank   
    Petco DPG sale starts tmr FYI. Now to get 3 10's or divide a 20L in 4 sections.
    Gonna be picking up Spotted head red pinto, CRS(what prl?), and a zebra only tank after the 2m cycle.
  23. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimporama in Water changes???   
    I do 10-15% per week depending on the tank.  Never found a reason to do more than that.  I'd increase your frequency rather than the size of the water change if it we're me.  
    Increase this slowly over time as you see your shrimp get more active.  Just go by feel, only you know your tanks and can see how they will react.
  24. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Shrimp Life in Water changes???   
    I personally have never found a reason to do a 25% water change per week. I prefer doing less like 20%  being the most I would change at 1x. The amount of water change could vary depending on your personal preference, type of shrimp, additional tankmates (higher bioload) etc.
  25. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimp Life in Water changes???   
    No, but doing water changes improperly will.  
    Shrimp don't like quick changes in water parameters, especially most Caridina, so as hardy as shrimp are there some things that can upset them rather quickly.  When you're changing water it's best to do 10-15% water changes, match the parameters as closely as you can (Temp, pH, GH, KH, TDS) & drip the water in.  

    It's also been explained to me by a very successful breeder here in the U.S. another way.  I'm paraphrasing here...   ...Shrimp NEED water changes to stay strong and healthy.  When you first get your shrimp start out slowly changing out 5-8% of your water every week or two.  Your shrimp are weak and not at their best at this point, you need to be careful with them and not change your parameters too quickly because they are so weak during this time.  Gradually up the frequency and the volume of your water changes.  As you do this your shrimp will become stronger & healthier, you can then continue to up the frequency and volume of your water changes (still trying to match the parameters as closely as you can).  Over time your shrimp will become healthier, stronger & more adaptable to changes in water parameters.  More like Viking Shrimp!
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