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    wyzazz got a reaction from EricM in Need info+suggestions: My tap with Fluval Stratum   
    I think it's a bad idea to use any active substrate with tap water that contains kH.  What is going to happen is that your tap will exhaust the buffering substrate eventually.  Here's the kicker...   ...you don't know when this is going to happen!  Once the active substrate is exhausted your pH will swing up fairly rapidly.  This generally causes pH shock in the tank and can not only kill off your shrimp but some of your beneficial bacteria as well, causing an ammonia spike and a mini-cycle in the tank.  
    If the substrate is already exhausted, then you're fine.  
    My preference would be for you to find an inert black substrate (Blasting Sand, Eco Complete, etc...) or utilize RO water with a gH only (shrimp specific) remineralizer.  Neo's like Bloody Mary's don't require a lower pH, but many are fine in those Caridina-type parameters.  And survive and even thrive just fine after a couple of generations of adjustment.  
  2. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from KarenVasquez in Has anyone used Panacur?   
    Yes, I've used it before.  No it did not kill my shrimp.  
    .1G per 10gal, dissolve in water first.  Add to tanks for getting rid of planaria and hydra.  
    After 2-3 days do a 20% water change.  After water change treat again if needed, this can take 2-3 times.  
  3. Like
    wyzazz reacted to madcrafted in Fluval Shrimp Stratum Substrate Review   
    I'm guessing you are a rep for Fluval, correct? 2 posts and already promoting probably the worst substrate for keeping CRS or any other caridina species for that matter...  that is if you care about fry survival rates. Adults will survive and breed but 2-3 weeks after mother releases them, they just mysteriously die in this substrate. This is from my own observations. But don't take my word for it, many others have experienced the same, dating all the way back to 2011. As for other shrimp species, like neocaridinas and amano shrimp, black diamond blasting sand works perfectly fine, no need for an active substrate in these cases. As far as plants are concerned, Fluval Stratum lacks the necessary macro nutrients for many species to flourish (how else could it not produce ammonia and provide plants with necessary nitrates?) It does seem to provide a sufficient amount of micro nutrients to sustain plants for several months but that's about it. You'll still be forced to dose micro nutrients to keep up with plant demands after these few months pass. I'm not really sure where Fluval Stratum fits into the market. There's simply better substrate choices for equal or less the cost of Fluval, and yes, they are pretty much volcanic ash based as well, just harvested from better or "richer" resources apparently. 
    If you are indeed a rep for Fluval, I hope this post gets shared with the right people at the Fluval headquarters. lol
  4. Like
    wyzazz reacted to EricM in Fluval Shrimp Stratum Substrate Review   
    whats really funny is the con about making the water soft.  lol
  5. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from TheGlassBox in Parasite? on shrimp   
    Scutariella, a Salt Dip with Aquarium or Kosher salt will do the trick.   
    Dosage: 1 teaspoon to 1 cup of clean tank water (not tap water).
    Duration: 30sec to 1 minute. You might need to repeat this a couple of times until the parasite disappears, so it's recommended to keep the infected shrimp in a breeder or hospital tank (could be another cup of tank water).
  6. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from HumanArtRebel1020 in 7.5G Bee Tank   
    Looks good!  You don't have to spend that much money if you don't mind sponge/matten filters and 10gal tanks!  I've got maybe $600 into my entire setup.  
    The soil won't go bad as long as you keep it dry, I'd place the existing bag in a zip-lock to keep it away from accidental moisture and then you can utilize the rest of it when you need to.  

  7. Like
    wyzazz reacted to HumanArtRebel1020 in Whats in my cherry shrimp tank?   
    Just looked it up its a red water mite
  8. Thanks
    wyzazz got a reaction from madcrafted in DIY Air manifolds?   
    Looking good!
  9. Like
    wyzazz reacted to HumanArtRebel1020 in The Tank of Death   
    Bad bacteria. Want baby guppies to cycle ? It looks like its cycling here on out. You can always buy the beneficial bacteria in a a bottle as well although im not so sure how well it works with no experience using it.
  10. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from HumanArtRebel1020 in The Tank of Death   
    I'm not a fan of bleach, but I'd completely reset the tank and try again.  This time remove all substrate, rocks, wood and pitch it in the trash.  Let the tank cycle fully and season for a bit.  The brown diatom algae on your glass leads me to believe that this tank hasn't seasoned and leveled-out completely.  Every tank needs to find its own balance, they are a self-contained ecosystem and sometimes it takes longer on one tank than another.  
  11. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from HumanArtRebel1020 in Giving up with oebt   
    You don't want one like that.  😱   He's dead.   I've got a waiting list I can put you on if you'd like.
  12. Haha
    wyzazz got a reaction from HumanArtRebel1020 in Orange Eye Blue Tigers and Royal Blue Tigers   
    Boy , do I need more coffee this morning! 
    You're welcome!  
  13. Like
    wyzazz reacted to EricM in The Tank of Death   
    BigJake.  sorry to see such hardships.  
    Start a new thread and detail every step of the way, maybe somebody can catch something.
  14. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from TheGlassBox in Shipping shrimp in hot Florida weather   
    Good packaging is a very important factor in whether your shrimp will arrive alive or not.  And when it's really hot out "Hold for Pickup" is a great option. 
    All that being said, you can't account for boxes being crushed or shrimp sitting hot in a truck our outside somewhere for an extended period of time.  Sometimes sh!t happens!  As long as the seller has a DOA policy, you should be good to go.  
  15. Like
    wyzazz reacted to Valek in Shipping shrimp in hot Florida weather   
    Just got my TT shrimp, the seller did an excellent job packing them. Temp is in the mid 90's and the water in the bag was nice an cool.

  16. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from JSak in Orange Eye Blue Tigers and Royal Blue Tigers   
    There isn't really aren't any Con's unless you want to keep the two separate.  You will get a mix of both in the tank (and even some blonde's) as time goes on.  
  17. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Shrimporama in Corner matten vs sponge filters   
    Agreed for all of the above-stated reasons!  And there is no reason you can't have both!!!  You could quickly start up your new tank by adding one of the existing sponge filters to the new 20L with the Matten Filter in it.  And replacing one of the sponges in your existing tank with a new one!
  18. Thanks
    wyzazz got a reaction from Kizzle in Can you mix Royal Blue Tiger OE With Black Tiger OE?   
    I replied to you via PM, but I'll put the same info here for others.  OERBT/BTOE/OEBT are all the same shrimp essentially, they are just different grades or variants.  My Royal Blue (OERBT) colony occasionally produces BTOE, OEBT or even Blonde Tigers.  I cull these out into their own tanks to keep these shrimp breeding true.  You won't get any wild variations by mixing the two.  BTOE are really just a darker version of Royal Blues.  Attached is a chart that Ryan Curtis made up, that should help with grading/color variations of Blue Tigers.  
    Hopefully this helps!  

  19. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Cottaball in Mixing Caridina Shrimp for Maximum Colors   
    If you're looking for the widest range of colors without hybridization I'd suggest Taiwan Bee's.  That covers Blue Bolts, Pinto's, BKK, RKK, Wine Red, Shadow Panda's, etc...
  20. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from ILikeAsianBooty in Salty bee vs salty shrimp?   
    I saw that, I just try to refrain from recommending things I haven't tried yet.  
    Please do!
  21. Like
    wyzazz reacted to MNCarpenter in Hygger air pump   
    I ended up going with the hygger.  It didn't have any bad reviews and i got a 10 back of airline threaded fittings.  They are made by uxcell and Less than a buck each.  Ill post a review when the stuff shows up.  Thanks to everyone for their input 
  22. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from shrimp1989 in Male or female? OEBT are so hard to tell...   
    Some of them go rusty, I wouldn't worry.
  23. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from Tibee Inc in Giving up with oebt   
    The little crazy/twisty straws from the dollar store, they become bendable and shapable again when you put them into boiling water.
  24. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from shrimp1989 in Male or female? OEBT are so hard to tell...   
    I get back from vacation late next week & can find you a male.  Let me know your thoughts.  I've got plants and snails, and various other shrimp that might make shipping worth it for a couple of male shrimp.  
  25. Like
    wyzazz got a reaction from shrimp1989 in Male or female? OEBT are so hard to tell...   
    They look Female to me, the older/bigger they get the easier it is to tell.  As Juvies, it's almost impossible to tell when they are really dark.  
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