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Jadenlea last won the day on October 10 2017

Jadenlea had the most liked content!

About Jadenlea

  • Birthday 02/19/1970

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Beautiful New Hampshire
  • Inverts You Keep
    Carbon rili
    Crystal Shrimp/Mischling
    Mystery snail
    1 Lonely Vampire shirmp named Vlad

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  1. Looking for Orange Rili. Prefer home bred to imported just because I have a fear of the green fungus of death!
  2. This makes me so sad. This hobby needs you
  3. If it was not xmas time I would be a buyer.
  4. LOL What I got from your latest video ...... "Wow nice car"
  5. Just read the cycling method with it. Interesting. Seems like less work but much longer time period then using Dr Tims and preseeded filters.
  6. Ive not heard of the Aqua magic powder. I will have to look that one up. Hannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
  7. Oh My gosh! I just spent the last 2 hours reading this journal and watching almost every single video. I got up to sept 15th . Ill finish tomorrow. I just want to say I loved the whole thing. I loved the videos and you got better and better at doing them as time went on. It did not go unnoticed that as time went on you started adding humor, clips, sound effects that made me laugh. I hope you will keep going with this journal! Also, I love your kitty.
  8. Seriously Aotf. Mayphly is my shrimp hero
  9. He still has a area in the vendor section down below.
  10. If noone here has any, Joe's Aqua has them at a good price. i know he was a member here ...not sure if he still is
  11. WAIT... STOP THE PRESSES! Purple King Kong????????? What have I missed since I have been away?? I have always wanted purple shrimp.
  12. Hi all. I havnt logged into the site for a long time. Life got super busy. I still have 4 tanks where the shrimp are living but not necessarily excelling. Now that I have the bug again, I thought it would be fun to hear everyones favorite or most successful regimines. By that I mean, feeding, what types of food, what types of supplements, how often, ect. These 4 tanks are all about 2 years old so they are well seasoned I still have all the popular products sitting around. Shrimp daddy system , Recovers MK supplements, the beta glucan, the bt 9, sea mud, MK blue and MK Mud. I am sure I am forgetting some. I can't decide which things I want to use! 2 tanks are staying as is. One is a tank with mostly mischlings and a few TB... most of the TB died off or just reverted back to mischlings over time. The other tank has blue dreams. I am going to add some type of tiger with them. The other 2 tanks are going to be redone. One high ph, one low. GO!!!! Tell me your favorites! Hopefully all my old friends are still around. Mayphly, Shrimpscales, Soothing, Han. (Han I see lots of neat new stuff on your site!)
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