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About christinenha

  • Birthday 12/11/1989

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    Sacramento, California
  • Interests
    Shrimp.... and League of Legends.
  • Inverts You Keep
    Neon Yellows
    Royal Blue Tigers
    Shadow Pandas
    Blue Bolts
    Red Wine

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  1. I no longer use Mosura TDS+. I just upped the GH to 8-9, which has put me at about 230 TDS, and they are breeding like crazy. They bred best at GH 10 for me, actually, but I feared the GH getting too high so I dropped it a bit. =) Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk Edit: Hadn't realized this post was back when I was using SS GH+. I switched to liquid remineralizer which put my GH at about 6-7 for a TDS of 170. So I increased it, and they've been good since. =)
  2. Hey guys, Awhile back, someone posted a picture of one of these tiny ramshorns and asked what they were. There was a big debate as many people claimed they were just baby ramshorns (the typical ones that grow to be about half an inch long) or pond snails, but they are not the normal ramshorns (different shell position) and definitely are not pond snails. I have them in several of my tanks and chimed in that they are a ramshorn species as they have the typical spiral shape and foot of a ramshorn but they are not the normal freshwater ramshorns we see because they only grow to about 3-4mm max. I posted a picture of the two from my tanks for comparison (mini ramshorn on left and regular baby ramshorn on right). However, I am unable to find ANY scientific information about them online. There is a post about them on another forum with a guess to what genus they belonged to and a repost of that same forum post on another website but no conclusive information. Does anyone know what the scientific name for them is? I was able to find a saltwater species that is similar (Skeneopsis planorbis), but I doubt they are the same species. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  3. The gist of conversations I've had over the last few months with several people (some very recently): Person: I just got my shrimp a week ago, and they are dying. Me: How long have you had your tank set up? Person: [Answer ranging from one week to one month.] Me: Okay. How did you cycle your tank and what do you have in it? Person: I have this and that in the tank, and I left the filter on for [a week-a month] so I don't know what's going on. Me: Okay, but how did you cycle it? Person: I put bacteria in and left the filter on. [some didn't add bacteria and just had the filter on.] Me: Did you add some source of ammonia? Person: Yes. I put in the bacteria. Me: No, did you put in ammonia with the bacteria? Like fish food or a piece of shrimp or fish or ammonium chloride? Person: No. I just put in bacteria. Me: Test your water and let me know how your test goes. Person: I have an ammonia spike.... How do I have an ammonia spike? The filter's been on. [some people don't have test kits, so their response is, "I don't have a test kit. I don't know."] Me: Well, let me tell you a little bit about cycling. =) I was the exact same way when I first started. I had no idea what cycling was or how important it was and thought that if you put the bacteria in and just let the filter run, everything would be a-okay. Well, everything's not a-okay if you've got shrimp dying left and right from ammonia poisoning. So I'll just leave this here... =) **Please note that this is a tutorial on how to cycle a tank from scratch. It goes much faster if you use an already seeded filter/substrate, but many people starting out do not have this available. Also, some people prefer a fish-in cycle. I am not one of those people. =)
  4. Love it! Simple set-ups work really great for shrimp. All you need is some plants and leaves, and they're pretty much in their happy place. ^^
  5. You'll also want to feed them a source of protein. Frozen bloodworms work great, but you can also go with a high protein food like SL-Aqua MORE Meat. I feed these once or twice a month.
  6. If you're keeping neos, you want your pH to be closer to 7 and TDS closer to 200. Mixing RO with your tap will lower both ph and tds, which will not be ideal for them. You already have most shrimp essentials: a cycled tank (hopefully!), driftwood, moss, hiding places, etc. One shrimp essential you' will want to get is leaf litter - lots of leaf litter. Indian Almond Leaves (aka Catappa) are almost a must, and you can get those relatively cheap anywhere (I recommend discobee.com, buypetshrimp.com, or hanaquatics.com). Other leaves you can use are mulberry, oak, amaranth, and banana. These can be picked off pesticide-free trees if you have one nearby and dried (in a dry, warm/hot place, but not directly in the sun) before putting into your tank. (I boil mine prior to putting in the tank just in case.) Alternatively, you can buy these on the websites listed above.
  7. Oh. Heres the video i completed this morning! https://youtu.be/Iijh_HlB_0A I do a little clip of everyone in the video, but if you're looking at the picture, then from left to right, it's... James He (front), Tim Lam (front), Steve Barbee (back), Steve McKune (back), Karl Anderson (front), Erik Lucas (back), Sean Litrakis (front), Xzavier Harris (back), Chris Ho (front), yours truly (front), and Adam Schmidt (back). Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
  8. Yep! Will post an update on them soon! ^^And yes, those little white balls are SeaChem Purigen. They soak up waste in the water. =) Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
  9. Everyone went home with at least 2-3 goodies! AT LEAST! I went home with a giant sponge filter (from Steve Barbee), several bags of barley (from Sean Litrakis), 2 beautiful plants (from Sean Litrakis), downoi (from Xzavier Harris), guava leaves (from Tim Lam), Tantora Mulberry Leaves (from Erik Lucas), and Snowflakes (from Joe's Aqua Sales). I also got a free Blue Jelly TB from Joe's Aqua Sales. And a berried blue bolt at a pretty reasonable price. And last, but not least, 8 PRL from Sean Litrakis for an amazing deal. =D
  10. Thanks for the support! ^^ The shrimp channels I follow are: LupDiesel DETAquarium amber martinez All Things Shrimp Hmoob Thor Alex Wick Carlos Sayula Reptile Nexus Trang Ling Hope I didn't miss anyone!
  11. Don't worry. I will be having more coming up soon. Just waiting for my shrimp to get busy! =P
  12. There are many ways to set up a shrimp tank, but this way has been successful for my last 3 tanks, so I'm just going to leave this here for those who need it. =) https://youtu.be/wKEnihM2oe4
  13. THE GIVEAWAY IS A GO! I REPEAT! THE GIVEAWAY IS A GO! I’ve just hit 1,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel! Yay! You guys are awesome!! I want to do a giveaway to show my appreciation for your support, so enter for a chance to win an awesome shrimp starter pack for those looking to get their first shrimp or wanting to add to their collection! *FOLLOW THE LINKS BELOW TO ENTER.* Link to YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/4Y1pbkiS7Sg Link to Facebook Page Post: https://www.facebook.com/ShrimpThings Requirements: 1. Leave a COMMENT on the following YouTube video and/or the Facebook Page post with a number between 1-1000. - THIS COMMENT MUST BE DIRECTLY ON THE VIDEO PAGE AND/OR SHRIMP THINGS' FACEBOOK POST. COMMENTS POSTED ELSEWHERE (SHARED LINKS, PRIVATE MESSAGES, ETC.) WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED VALID ENTRIES. - You must be subscribed to my YouTube Channel to submit an entry on the YouTube video. - You must like my Facebook page to submit an entry to the Facebook post. - You can post on both as long as they are not the same number as the one you picked previously or the same number as someone else. - Maximum limit of two entries per person. (ONE on YouTube video and ONE on Facebook Page.) 2. Provide a brief statement about how/why you got into fish/shrimp keeping. 3. Winner pays shipping. Payment must be made within 14 days of drawing, or a new winner will be drawn. - US Residents ONLY. *If all of the above requirements are not met, your entry will not be valid. Entries must be submitted by 11:59 P.M. on May 9, 2015, and I will do the drawing using a random number generator on May 10, 2015. The person with the winning number will receive a PM from me for shipping info, and the winner and runner-ups will be announced on my channel and Facebook page. Good luck! Christine’s Giveaway Goodies: - SL-Aqua Snowflake Sample - SL-Aqua MORE White Sample - SL-Aqua MORE Veggies Sample - SL-Aqua MORE Meat Sample - MK-Breed Black Diamond Sample - MK-Breed Red Diamond Sample - MK-Breed White Crystal Sample - MK-Breed Cheeseburger Sample - MK-Breed Shrimp Baby Food Sample - MK-Breed Blood Diamond Sample - MK-Breed Blue Diamond Sample - MK-Breed Golden Powder Sample - MK-Breed Z-Silver Powder Sample - Shirakura Ebi Dama Soft Sample - Shirakura Ebi Dama Sample - Shirakura Chi Ebi Sample - Borneo Wild Shrimp Color Sample - Borneo Wild Grow Sample - Borneo Wild Minerax Sample - Borneo Wild Enlive Sample - Borneo Wild Bebi Sample - Borneo Wild Bee Balls (20) - Borneo Wild Barley Sample - Shrimp King Baby Sample - GlasGarten Shrimp Dinner Sample - GlasGarten Bacter AE Sample - Han Aquatics Nettle Sample - Han Aquatics Red Pepper Sample - Boss Aquaria Baby Powder Sample - Boss Aquaria Shrimp Crack Sample - Spirulina Powder Sample - Chlorella Powder Sample - Large 3-hole Lava Rock (1) - Lava Rock Rubble (7) - Salty Shrimp GH+ (90 Grams) – NEW, UNOPENED (1) - Sochting Mini Oxydator – NEW, UNOPENED (1) - Penn-Plax Net Breeder (1) - Glass Cube Feeding Dish (1) - Moss Ledges (1) - Java Moss (1 Portion) - 3-D Extendable Shrimp Net (1) - Indian Almond Leaves (2) - Tantora Amaranth Leaves (2) - Alder Cones (10) - Airline Tubing (1) - Control Valve (1) - Check Valve (1) BuyPetShrimp.com Giveaway Goodies: - Beech Leaves (3) - Guava Leaves (3) - Mulberry Leaves (3) - Walnut Leaves (5) - Oak Leaves (5) - Banana Leaves (2) - Bamboo Leaves (10 grams) - Cholla Wood (4) - Alder Cones (20) - Cattapa Bark (1) - Cinnamon Bark (1) - Turkish Hazel (1) - Shrimp Nature Baby Bio Sample (2 grams) - Shrimp Nature Baby Shrimp Sample (2 grams) - Shrimp Nature Brown Sample (2 grams) - Shrimp Nature Orange Sample (2 grams) - Shrimp Nature Green Sample (2 grams) - Shrimp Nature Yellow Sample (2 grams) - Shrimp Nature Red Sample (2 grams) - Shrimp Nature White Sample (2 grams) - Yummy Candies! Runner-Up Package: - SL-Aqua Snowflake Sample - SL-Aqua MORE White Sample - SL-Aqua MORE Veggies Sample - SL-Aqua MORE Meat Sample - MK-Breed Black Diamond Sample - MK-Breed Red Diamond Sample - MK-Breed White Crystal Sample - MK-Breed Cheeseburger Sample - MK-Breed Shrimp Baby Food Sample - MK-Breed Blood Diamond Sample - MK-Breed Blue Diamond Sample - MK-Breed Golden Powder Sample - MK-Breed Z-Silver Powder Sample - Shirakura Ebi Dama Soft Sample - Shirakura Ebi Dama Sample - Shirakura Chi Ebi Sample - Borneo Wild Shrimp Colo Sample r - Borneo Wild Grow Sample - Borneo Wild Minerax Sample - Borneo Wild Enlive Sample - Borneo Wild Bebi Sample - Borneo Wild Bee Balls (20) - Borneo Wild Barley Sample - Shrimp King Baby Sample - GlasGarten Shrimp Dinner Sample - GlasGarten Bacter AE Sample - Han Aquatics Nettle Sample - Han Aquatics Red Pepper Sample - Boss Aquaria Baby Powder Sample - Boss Aquaria Shrimp Crack Sample - Spirulina Powder Sample - Chlorella Powder Sample - Glass Cube Feeding Dish (1) - Indian Almond Leaves (1) - Tantora Amaranth Leaves (2) - Alder Cones (5)
  14. Hrmm... It's probably best if I post a new thread since this post may not be seen so far down the list... How do I delete or close this thread?? -.-
  15. THE GIVEAWAY IS A GO! I REPEAT! THE GIVEAWAY IS A GO! I’ve just hit 1,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel! Yay! You guys are awesome!! I want to do a giveaway to show my appreciation for your support, so enter for a chance to win an awesome shrimp starter pack for those looking to get their first shrimp or wanting to add to their collection! *FOLLOW THE LINKS BELOW TO ENTER.* Link to YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/4Y1pbkiS7Sg Link to Facebook Page Post:https://www.facebook.com/ShrimpThings/posts/435260676644912 Requirements: 1. Leave a COMMENT on the following YouTube video and/or the Facebook Page post with a number between 1-1000. - THIS COMMENT MUST BE DIRECTLY ON THE VIDEO PAGE AND/OR SHRIMP THINGS' FACEBOOK POST. COMMENTS POSTED ELSEWHERE (SHARED LINKS, PRIVATE MESSAGES, ETC.) WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED VALID ENTRIES. - You must be subscribed to my YouTube Channel to submit an entry on the YouTube video. - You must like my Facebook page to submit an entry to the Facebook post. - You can post on both as long as they are not the same number as the one you picked previously or the same number as someone else. - Maximum limit of two entries per person. (ONE on YouTube video and ONE on Facebook Page.) 2. Provide a brief statement about how/why you got into fish/shrimp keeping. 3. Winner pays shipping. Payment must be made within 14 days of drawing, or a new winner will be drawn. - US Residents ONLY. *If all of the above requirements are not met, your entry will not be valid. Entries must be submitted by 11:59 P.M. on May 9, 2015, and I will do the drawing using a random number generator on May 10, 2015. The person with the winning number will receive a PM from me for shipping info, and the winner and runner-ups will be announced on my channel and Facebook page. Good luck! Christine’s Giveaway Goodies: - SL-Aqua Snowflake Sample - SL-Aqua MORE White Sample - SL-Aqua MORE Veggies Sample - SL-Aqua MORE Meat Sample - MK-Breed Black Diamond Sample - MK-Breed Red Diamond Sample - MK-Breed White Crystal Sample - MK-Breed Cheeseburger Sample - MK-Breed Shrimp Baby Food Sample - MK-Breed Blood Diamond Sample - MK-Breed Blue Diamond Sample - MK-Breed Golden Powder Sample - MK-Breed Z-Silver Powder Sample - Shirakura Ebi Dama Soft Sample - Shirakura Ebi Dama Sample - Shirakura Chi Ebi Sample - Borneo Wild Shrimp Color Sample - Borneo Wild Grow Sample - Borneo Wild Minerax Sample - Borneo Wild Enlive Sample - Borneo Wild Bebi Sample - Borneo Wild Bee Balls (20) - Borneo Wild Barley Sample - Shrimp King Baby Sample - GlasGarten Shrimp Dinner Sample - GlasGarten Bacter AE Sample - Han Aquatics Nettle Sample - Han Aquatics Red Pepper Sample - Boss Aquaria Baby Powder Sample - Boss Aquaria Shrimp Crack Sample - Spirulina Powder Sample - Chlorella Powder Sample - Large 3-hole Lava Rock (1) - Lava Rock Rubble (7) - Salty Shrimp GH+ (90 Grams) – NEW, UNOPENED (1) - Sochting Mini Oxydator – NEW, UNOPENED (1) - Penn-Plax Net Breeder (1) - Glass Cube Feeding Dish (1) - Moss Ledges (1) - Java Moss (1 Portion) - 3-D Extendable Shrimp Net (1) - Indian Almond Leaves (2) - Tantora Amaranth Leaves (2) - Alder Cones (10) - Airline Tubing (1) - Control Valve (1) - Check Valve (1) BuyPetShrimp.com Giveaway Goodies: - Beech Leaves (3) - Guava Leaves (3) - Mulberry Leaves (3) - Walnut Leaves (5) - Oak Leaves (5) - Banana Leaves (2) - Bamboo Leaves (10 grams) - Cholla Wood (4) - Alder Cones (20) - Cattapa Bark (1) - Cinnamon Bark (1) - Turkish Hazel (1) - Shrimp Nature Baby Bio Sample (2 grams) - Shrimp Nature Baby Shrimp Sample (2 grams) - Shrimp Nature Brown Sample (2 grams) - Shrimp Nature Orange Sample (2 grams) - Shrimp Nature Green Sample (2 grams) - Shrimp Nature Yellow Sample (2 grams) - Shrimp Nature Red Sample (2 grams) - Shrimp Nature White Sample (2 grams) - Yummy Candies! Runner-Up Package: - SL-Aqua Snowflake Sample - SL-Aqua MORE White Sample - SL-Aqua MORE Veggies Sample - SL-Aqua MORE Meat Sample - MK-Breed Black Diamond Sample - MK-Breed Red Diamond Sample - MK-Breed White Crystal Sample - MK-Breed Cheeseburger Sample - MK-Breed Shrimp Baby Food Sample - MK-Breed Blood Diamond Sample - MK-Breed Blue Diamond Sample - MK-Breed Golden Powder Sample - MK-Breed Z-Silver Powder Sample - Shirakura Ebi Dama Soft Sample - Shirakura Ebi Dama Sample - Shirakura Chi Ebi Sample - Borneo Wild Shrimp Colo Sample r - Borneo Wild Grow Sample - Borneo Wild Minerax Sample - Borneo Wild Enlive Sample - Borneo Wild Bebi Sample - Borneo Wild Bee Balls (20) - Borneo Wild Barley Sample - Shrimp King Baby Sample - GlasGarten Shrimp Dinner Sample - GlasGarten Bacter AE Sample - Han Aquatics Nettle Sample - Han Aquatics Red Pepper Sample - Boss Aquaria Baby Powder Sample - Boss Aquaria Shrimp Crack Sample - Spirulina Powder Sample - Chlorella Powder Sample - Glass Cube Feeding Dish (1) - Indian Almond Leaves (1) - Tantora Amaranth Leaves (2) - Alder Cones (5)
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